
  1. cfa考试于1953年在美国设立,旨在向证券行业专业人士传授核心投资原理。

    The CFA exam was created in 1953 in the us to teach core investment principles to securities industry professionals .

  2. 寻找那些能够引起你所在行业专业人士注意的社团,这样你就可以拓展你的交际圈。

    Look for committees that attract professionals in your industry so that you can make contacts .

  3. 工业购买者和其它行业专业人士很大一部分,主要通过在线方式来搜索产品,服务,供货商,并能很舒适地通过在线资源获取数据。

    Industrial buyers and other professionals have largely migrated online to search for products , suppliers and services and are comfortable using online sources to access content .

  4. 许多教职人员都欣然接受了数字科技,这些技术使他们能够请来行业专业人士,做课堂实时案例研究中的演讲嘉宾,扮演模拟咨询项目中的客户,或充当实验室和工厂的虚拟向导。

    Many faculty members are embracing digital technologies that enable them to include industry professionals as guest lecturers in the classroom , real-time case study discussions , as clients in immersive consulting projects , or as virtual tour-guides at labs and factories .

  5. 对于该行业的专业人士来说将是最好的事了。

    It will be best event for the professionals linked to this industry .

  6. 如果说有一种活动能够将全世界各个行业的专业人士联合起来,那就是会议。

    If there is one activity that unites professionals from different occupations all over the world , it is meetings .

  7. 坦白地说,我只是想和这个行业的专业人士们相处,从而尽可能多地获取知识。

    In all honesty , I just want to be around professionals in the industry and gain as much knowledge as I can .

  8. 难道说,本应是学术兴趣和独立思维孵化器的大学正逐渐被转变成仅仅为某一特定行业提供专业人士的工厂吗?

    Is college , which is supposed to be an incubator for academic interests and independent thinking , being transformed into a factory solely for producing professionals for a certain trade ?

  9. 从事艺术行业的专业人士作为审美主体的典型代表,人们普遍认为他们与普通人之间在审美上存在显著差异。

    The professionals in the arts field as a typical representative of the aesthetic subject , it is generally agreed that there was significant difference in the aesthetic between them and ordinary people .

  10. 中国有100家左右通过信托公司(它们本身是受到监管的)设立的阳光私募基金;但还有数目不详的基金经理经营着典型的推荐型业务,他们中的许多人都是金融行业的专业人士。

    Roughly 100 or so are sunshine private funds that are created through trust companies ( which themselves are regulated ); but there are also unknown numbers of fund managers , many of whom are finance industry professionals , running a classic two guys in a garage operation .

  11. 美国录音学院推迟格莱美奖颁奖礼的决定一天之前,SAG-AFTRA联合工会和美国制片人工会发出“暂停现场制作活动”建议。SAG-AFTRA联合工会是代表演员和行业内其他专业人士的工会。

    The Recording Academy 's decision to shift the event to later in the year occurred one day after SAG-AFTRA - the union representing actors and other industry professionals - and the Producers ' Guild recommended a " temporary hold on in-person production . "

  12. 我们特聘深圳大学人才评测专家和酒店服务行业的资深专业人士把脉高级人才。

    We invite experts from Shenzhen University and professors from hotel industry to judge senior talented people .

  13. 你将会得到有用的信息,并能结交到在你的行业领域出名的专业人士。

    You 'll get useful information and leads by networking with those who are active in your field of expertise .

  14. 当应用和基础架构可以通过云端交付时,系统集成商、行业伙伴和IT专业人士又将何去何从?

    When applications and infrastructure are delivered over the cloud , where do the business models of system integrators , ecosystem partners , and IT professionals go ?

  15. 类似地,调查还揭示了“专家网络”中存在舞弊行为的证据,专家网络让对冲基金和其他投资者接触到那些深入了解行业和公司的专业人士。

    Similarly , the inquiry has turned up evidence of abuses inside " expert networks " that offer hedge funds and other investors access to professionals with insights into industries and companies .

  16. 尽管预计最紧缺的人才应该是化工、制药及金融服务等行业的高技能专业人士,但中国出口相关企业也面临着严重的劳工短缺。

    While the talent shortage is expected to be most acute for highly skilled professionals in sectors such as chemicals , pharmaceuticals and financial services , Chinese export-related companies face a severe shortage of factory workers .