
qì mó
  • gas film;air film
气膜[qì mó]
  1. 这些公式较全面地反映了气膜阻尼的特性。

    These formulas reveal the feature of air film damping more comprehensively .

  2. 滑座轴承由滑座、旋转磁片、及二者间的超薄气膜所组成。

    A slider bearing is consisted of a slider , a rotating disk , and an ultra thin air film between them .

  3. 天然气膜基吸收法脱除H2S过程模拟

    Simulation of membrane base absorption for removing h_2s in natural gas

  4. 最后以3D模型讨论了叶片的扭曲对转子通道内流场的改变,以及吹风比对扭曲转子上的气膜冷却效率影响。

    And then it was concluded by discussing the effects of using twisted blade on the flow features in the rotor passage and film cooling performance on the rotor under three blowing ratios .

  5. Ludwig风洞内气膜冷却研究的实验和测量技术

    Experimental Techniques Applicable to Film-Cooling in Ludwig Tube Wind Tunnel

  6. 参数f、燃气侧气膜冷却效率ηf和层板内部换热效率η(?)是层板优化设计的重要依据。

    The parameter f , adiabatic effectiveness of film , cooling at gas side and the internal heat transfer efficiency of the configuration were important parameters in optimization of the design .

  7. 对缝槽气膜冷却在不同吹风比情况下的气膜冷却效率采用CO2传热传质类比方法进行了试验研究。

    The experimental investigation on slot film cooling effectiveness was conducted with different blowing rates of the sample gas & CO 2 , by using Heat-Mass Transfer Analogy method .

  8. 采用解析法和Newmark算法分别研究了低速气膜密封的稳态响应。

    The steady-state response of low speed gas film seal is researched by analytic method and Newmark method respectively .

  9. 通过求解三维层流N-S方程,得到了端面气膜稳态压力场及速度场分布,分析了气体在端面间隙内的流动形式。

    The three-dimentional laminar Navier-Stokes equations were solved for getting the gas film pressure and velocity distributions in the steady state , and the flow styles in the clearance were analyzed .

  10. 鼓膜穿孔对真耳&耦合腔差(RECD)的影响多孔气膜冷却纵向耦合涡的数值模拟

    The Effects of Tympanic Membrane Perforation on Real-Ear to Coupler Difference ; Numerical Simulation in Lengthways Coupled-vortex of Multiple Holes

  11. 介绍FLUENT软件在空气轴承流场模拟领域的应用,用FLUENT对气体轴承气膜的压力场、刚度和质量流量进行仿真。

    As a commercial CFD software with good universality the FLUENT code used extensively . The chief characters of FLUENT software and its application in the research of air bearing field were introduced , the pressure field , rigidity and mass flow rate were simulated by FLUENT .

  12. 通过求解瞬态雷诺方程,得到任意时刻的气膜力;建立了气体轴承&转子系统的力学模型,利用Runge-Kutta法进行耦合求解。

    Subsequently , the gas film force is obtained by solving the transient Reynolds equation . A dynamic model of the rotor system supported by self-acting gas journal bearings was established , meanwhile the Runge-Kutta method was used to solve the equation coupling .

  13. 其中缝隙式气膜冷却和波纹板式气膜冷却冷却结构的冷却效果比较好BSR波形极性与海底反射相反,它大致代表含水合物层的底界;

    There were better benefits through cooling by slot and wiggle strip film cooling . BSR is the bottom of the gas hydrates zone , and the polarity of the wiggle of BSR and seafloor are reverse .

  14. 保持TRT原转子结构以及密封N2系统,将原碳环密封变为气膜密封,迷宫密封变为蜂窝密封,且蜂窝带采用Hastelloy-X材料。

    Keeping the original rotor structure and sealing system unchanged , gas film face seal and honeycomb seal which is made of Hastelloy-X take the place of the original carbon ring seal and labyrinth seal .

  15. 获得了不凝性气体浓度及其分布不均匀性对液膜厚度l、气膜厚度、气液界面温度i和局部换热量Qx等参数的影响规律;

    The profiles of gas-vapor boundary layer thickness , condensate film thickness , interface temperature and local heat transfer flux are calculated and the mode of the effect of nonhomogeneity of noncondensable gas on heat transfer that was neglected in the previous studies is originally revealed in the calculation .

  16. 提出了通过平行圆板间放射状间隙流模型结合Hele-Shaw流动模型对导轨气膜压力分布进行快速求解的方法,大大提高了计算效率。

    A fast-solving method , based on the combined model of the radial flow and the Hele-Shaw flow between two parallel disks , is proposed to calculate the pressure distribution , improving the efficiency greatly .

  17. 由于浮动间隙已远小于空气分子平均自由程(室温下约65nm)而有使气膜浮动技术有失效的危险。

    But some researches show that it has the probability of failure since the head-disk gap is less than the mean free path of air ( 65nm at room condition ) .

  18. 为了能够准确地对透平叶栅气膜冷却效率进行数值预测,本文采用了FNM形式的结构化网格,对一个平面叶栅中的气膜冷却流场进行了数值模拟。

    In order to predict the film cooling effectiveness accurately , this paper introduced a kind of FNM form structural mesh , and simulated the film cooling flow inside a linear cascade using this kind of mesh .

  19. 计算结果表明,迷宫复合冷却结构沿轴向的壁温梯度较全气膜冷却结构更加平缓,外侧壁最高温度较全气膜冷却结构低大约200K左右。

    The calculation results show that the wall temperature gradient along the axis of the maze composite cooling structure is smoother than that of the film cooling structure and that the highest temperature at the outside wall is approximately 200 K lower than that of a film cooling structure .

  20. 旋转状态下温度比对气膜与主流掺混区域的影响

    Effect of temperature ratio on the film cooling with the rotation

  21. 燃烧室主燃孔下游气膜绝热温比研究

    Adiabatic film cooling effectiveness downstream of primary jet in combustion chamber

  22. 非定常尾迹对气膜冷却影响的研究

    A Research on the Effects of Unsteady Wakes on Film Cooling

  23. 气膜冷却对涡轮叶片表面压力分布的影响

    Effects of film cooling on surface pressure distribution on turbine blades

  24. 气膜软接触连铸工艺润滑理论模型的研究

    Lubrication Theory Model of the Gas Film Soft-contact Continuous Casting Technology

  25. 离散孔板气膜冷却对流换热系数的计算

    Calculation of Heat Transfer Coefficients of Discrete Hole Board Film Cooling

  26. 带三角形突片气膜冷却结构换热特性的数值研究

    Numerical investigation on heat transfer of film cooling with delta-shaped tabs

  27. 气膜冷却平板换热系数的实验研究

    Experimental investigations on the coefficients of heat transfer of film cooling

  28. 冲击-气膜复合式结构冷却效果数值研究

    Numerical simulation on cooling effectiveness of combined impingement and film cooling

  29. 气膜孔径向角角度对冷却效率的影响

    Numerical Simulation for Influence of Radial Angle on Gas-film Cooling Effectiveness

  30. 气膜冷却孔几何结构对流量系数的影响

    Influence of geometrical construction of film cooling hole on discharge coefficient