
qíng jǐng jiào xué
  • situational language learning
  1. PBL结合情景教学法在心肺复苏教学中的应用

    The application of scene teaching method with PBL in teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation

  2. 旅游专业情景教学及效果评价

    On Situational Teaching and Effect Evaluation in the Major of Tourism

  3. 情景教学法&警务英语教学的有效途径

    Situational Language Teaching & an Effective Approach to Policing English Teaching

  4. 大学英语教学改革视野中的情景教学特色分析

    An Analysis of the Situation Teaching Characteristics in New College English

  5. 情景教学在国际商务谈判课程中的应用

    Application of Situated Teaching Approach in the International Business Negotiation Class

  6. 情景教学法建立在建构主义学习理论基础之上;

    Situational teaching method is based on the theory of constructivism .

  7. 运用情景教学法提高英语交际能力

    Using the Way of Scene Teaching to Improve English Communication Ability

  8. 基于建构主义的情景教学的探讨与认识

    Discussing on Program of Teaching in Particular Situations Based on Structurism

  9. 模因论与情景教学法对英语教学的启示

    Enlightenment from Memetics and Situational Teaching Method on Teaching of English

  10. 大学英语教学改革&突出情景教学

    College English Teaching Reform & to Highlight the Scenario Teaching

  11. 情景教学在双语教学中的应用及效果

    Effects of scene teaching in bilingual teaching of undergraduate students

  12. 多媒体辅助下的初中英语情景教学研究

    Research on Multimedia-assisted English Situational Teaching for Junior High School

  13. 高校地理情景教学法的理论与实践

    Theories and Practices of Situational Teaching in University Geography Education

  14. 职高英语情景教学的尝试

    A Try at Situational Teaching of English in Vocational Schools

  15. 情景教学在分娩期妇女保健中的作用

    The Value of Situational Teaching in Parturient Women 's Health Care Teaching

  16. 本文对这节情景教学课的设计思路和实践步骤做了详细的介绍。

    This article elaborated the thread of design and process of practice .

  17. 论情景教学法在高职旅游英语中的应用

    Comments on the Application of Situational Teaching Method in Tourism English Teaching

  18. 情景教学在社区急救培训中的应用体会

    Applicational of Situational Teaching in Training for Community First Aid

  19. 浅谈初中英语的情景教学

    A Brief Introduction of Situational Teaching in Junior English

  20. 情景教学对我国中学生英语交际能力培养的研究

    Research about Situational Teaching Cultivating Middle School Students in Communication Ability in English

  21. 浅谈情景教学法在视听说教学中的实践运用

    Situational Approach in the Practice of Audio-visual Teaching Methods

  22. 第一部分是对情景教学的概念界定和发展历程。

    The first part is in the situation teaching concepts and development process .

  23. 基础会计情景教学法探索

    An Exploration of Situational Teaching Approach in Basic Accounting

  24. 浅谈中学英语的情景教学参与式方法&发展西部教育的一个重要途径

    The Situational Approach in English Teaching in Middle Schools

  25. 高等数学情景教学模式的实验与研究

    On Situational Context Teaching Mode in the Advanced Mathematics

  26. 最后论文探讨了情景教学评估方法。

    It finally discusses how to evaluate situational teaching .

  27. 运用情景教学法提高政治教学质量

    Improving Teaching Quality of Politics via Situational Teaching Method

  28. 强化实践教学并实施情景教学等。

    Strengthen practicality teaching and implement scene teaching .

  29. 情景教学法与提出问题能力教学模式研究

    Study on the teaching model of situational education and ability for putting forward questions

  30. 论新课程背景下的初级英语情景教学

    On junior English " situational teaching " under the circumstances of the new course