
  • 网络Seamless docking;No-slot joint
  1. 人们(尤其是作为目标人群的主流上网本用户)是否做好了转换的准备了呢?ChromeOS本身可以带来舒适、无缝对接的转换体验吗?

    And more importantly , is the technology itself ready to make the change a comfortable and seamless experience ?

  2. 在这种大背景下,Internet与校园网实现了无缝对接,不仅为学校教学提供了取之不尽的教学资源,而且使得教育行业无可避免地受到了互联网的深刻影响。

    In this context , Internet and campus network achieve a seamless , which provide an inexhaustible supply of teaching resources for school teaching and makes the education sector affected by impact of the Internet inevitably .

  3. 所采集数据通过USB接口一键导出,实现与内业软件和数据库的无缝对接。

    The data collected is exported through the USB interface by a click of one button , realizing seamless connection with indoor software and database . 3 .

  4. 利用开源的轻量级加解密包BouncyCastle,实现了服务中心与移动端的无缝对接。

    It is seamless between mobile terminals and services center by using the lightweight open source package for encryption which is named by Bouncy Castle .

  5. 具有鲜明特色的澳大利亚职业技术和继续教育学院(TAFE)与大学之间的学分转换体制是无缝对接机制的有效实现方式。

    The credit transfer system between TAFE and universities in Australia may serve as an effective way to achieve seamless articulation .

  6. iCloud云端服务,计算机不再是管理内容的核心设备,而是让我们的所有设备实现同步无缝对接。

    iCloud , which demoted the computer from its central role in managing our content and let all of our devices sync seamlessly .

  7. 这些都要通过适应和发展,实现与可再生能源的无缝对接。

    These need to adapt and grow to seamlessly integrate renewable power .

  8. 教学与就业实现无缝对接刑法学教学探讨

    The Discussion of Achieving the Seamless Connection Between Education and Employment in Criminal Law Teaching

  9. 这里,建筑与环境实现了无缝对接,为空间提供了无线可能性;

    Here , architecture seamlessly integrates into the environment to enable endless possibilities to happen ;

  10. 用户的注册信息将在两个网站之间无缝对接,免去了反复注册的麻烦。

    Subscribers'registration information on either site will be shared on the other without repeated registration .

  11. 浅议如何实现高职高专教育向应用型本科教育的无缝对接

    Discussion on Seamless Interfacing from Institution of Higher Vocational Education to the Application-type Undergraduate Education

  12. 让政府招商、企业招商项目与中外投资者无缝对接。

    Let the government investment , business investment projects and domestic and foreign investors connection completely .

  13. 设计了单向走丝机构,实现了环形线电极的无缝对接。

    The unidirectional wire drive device was designed , and the seamless ring wire electrode was achieved .

  14. 既制造超级人工智能,又让其拥有能让我们的思想和超级人工智能无缝对接的完整的神经科学系统要简单很多。

    building superintelligent AI and having the completed neuroscience that allows us to seamlessly integrate our minds with it .

  15. 欧盟官方最权威、被英国教育部认证的国际预科课程,与英国大学无缝对接;

    Our curriculum is approved by leading UK examination board , EDI , and therefore recognised by UK universities .

  16. 培养与企业零距离无缝对接口腔医学技术应用型人才模式研究与实践

    Study and practice : models of practice teaching of zero distance and seamless connection for training applied talents of stomatology technology

  17. 其次,通过其与司法调解程序从程序上与实体上的无缝对接,进一步完善其衔接机制。

    Secondly , get further improve the convergence mechanism , through its seamless connection with the judicial mediation from the procedure and physical .

  18. 安徽省是我国中部地区的重要省份,贯通南北,与长三角无缝对接,区位、交通、资源和产业基础等方面优势明显。

    Anhui Province , which has obvious advantages in location , transportation , resources and basic industries , is very important in central China .

  19. 最后对文章收尾,展望未来电子商务、金融融资平台与供应链融资的无缝对接和发展前景。

    Finally , the article ending , seamless look to the future and prospects ofe-commerce , finance and supply chain financing platform for financing .

  20. 本文以学生视角,就大学生与国家企事业单位实现无缝对接进行了分析和探讨。

    From the perspective of college students , the article is analyzing and discussing the smooth employment of the graduates by enterprises and administrative departments .

  21. 因为每个人都处理着大量与别人不同的信息,这使新旧员工之间的“无缝对接”变得异常艰难。

    Because of the increasing amount of information processing done by individuals and the uniqueness of each , getting replacements up to speed is more costly .

  22. 理论教学和实践教学模块的设定,都要有利于人才的培养,实现与就业的无缝对接。

    Both the theory and practice teaching should favor the cultivation of the talented persons so as to complete the butt joint of the teaching and obtaining employment seamless .

  23. 采取电波入户、热线电话、手机短信、电话上网等方式,实现提供信息和需要信息的无缝对接。

    Electric wave reaching household , hot-line service , short information of cell phone , getting on the Internet by telephone , We may achieve meeting with information giving and needing .

  24. 百色需要突出特色,通过优势产业,实现与东部转移产业无缝对接;

    It is necessary for Baise to give prominence to its characteristics , and through its industries with local advantages , to realize its seamless abutment on the eastern industry transfer .

  25. 如何缩小这些语义鸿沟,实现人机智能对话,实现用户和多媒体信息之间的无缝对接,是近年来无数学者为之致力的一个热点。

    In recent years , many scholars have devoted to realize the people to machine intellectual dialogue and the seamless docking between customers and multi-media by narrowing the " semantic gap " .

  26. 水动力研究:针对研究海域辐射沙洲特殊复杂的地形条件,首次提出平面无缝对接、垂向平滑处理的地形处理技术;

    Hydrodynamic study : A new bathymetry processing technique including horizontally no-seam connection and vertically smooth processing was presented for complex bathymetry condition such as the beaming shoal in the study area ;

  27. 面对波澜壮阔的全球化趋势,原生型专业化产业区能否实现与全球价值链无缝对接,获得可持续发展,是一个值得研究的重要问题。

    Facing with globalization like the surge forward in billowy waves , it is a worthy studying problem that original industrial district connects seamlessly with global value chains and gains the sustainable development .

  28. 只是印加人是怎样实现石块之间的无缝对接,又或者说,他们是怎样运输并举起如此沉重的石块的,种种问题至今尚不得知。

    Just how the Incas managed such expert placements , or , for that matter , how they managed to transport and lift the heavy hunks of stone , is still not fully known .

  29. 我们所做的并不是让新闻评论降格,“他说,”如果双方能相互领悟对方的价值观,品牌和评论必定能找到合适的方式实现无缝对接。

    Our job isn 't to bastardise editorial ," she says . " If both parties are sensitive to the others values , then brands and editorial can find a way to work seamlessly together .

  30. 多层次资本市场是资本市场功能完备性的重要标志,三板市场在我国多层次资本市场体系中起着连接主板和各地产权交易所,构筑层次分明、无缝对接的资本市场体系的重要作用。

    In the building of our country 's multi-layer capital market system , the Third Board Market rises to link the Main Board Market and equity-exchange markets , give play to construct the layer-clear , connection-tight capital market system .