
  • 网络Radio Engineering;radioengineering;WIRELESS ENGINEERING
  1. 过去的三年来,我都在不断提高自己在无线电工程方面的知识和技能。

    I have worked for the past three years improving my radio engineering knowledge and skills .

  2. 没有电话漏接,通话质量也很好&我猜想这应该归功于无线电工程和网络。

    There were hardly any dropped calls and the call quality was pretty solid – I am guessing that it is thanks to both the radio engineering and the network .

  3. 闭路监控、有限电视及无线电通讯工程;

    The closed circuit supervision , limited television and radio communication engineering ;

  4. 高速无线电寻呼工程设计暂行规定

    Temporary regulation for design of high speed radio paging engineering

  5. 为便于在项目中应用软件无线电,首先回顾了一些相关问题,如软件无线电功能模型,硬件平台结构等,这对于深入理解软件无线电,进行工程设计都很有好处。

    To streamline the application , at first some relevant issues are reviewed such as functional model of SDR and hardware platform architecture , which can help us get a good understanding into SDR and facilitate conceiving and developing projects .