
  1. 一切罪人。俱得离苦。皆发无上菩提心。

    All the sinners break wholly away the torments together , who have all developed the Supreme Bodhi-Citta .

  2. 所以,假如你的心能够从这个双元性整个出来的话,这个就是无上菩提。

    If your mind can be free of all dualities and completely unattached , then that itself is Bodhi .

  3. 放弃了短暂的生命,我获得了长久的生命,我让所有的众生都羡慕无上菩提。

    Casting away a short life , I have gained a long one , and I cause all beings to aspire to unsurpassed Bodhi .

  4. 同时,它可以告诉人们:无上的菩提是把一个普通人慢慢地提到修行的层次上。

    It can remind people of what Bodhi truly is and teach the Path that takes one to that destination .