
  • 网络barrier-free path;wheelchair access;Wheelchair Accessible;barrier-free passage
  1. 请按此浏览各诊所的无障碍通道设施。

    Please click here for the availability of barrier free access facilities in dental clinics .

  2. 随着社会文明的进步,所谓残疾人无障碍通道已成为衡量现代化城市文明程度的重要标志,因此国外发达国家越来越重视残疾人对公交系统的特殊要求。

    With the development of society , handicapped has no barrier have been the symbol of society development .

  3. 为推动各政府部门合力提升政府处所的无障碍通道和设施,政府引入了无障碍统筹经理和无障碍主任的制度。

    To facilitate Government-wide collaborated efforts in enhancing the accessibility of Government premises and facilities , the Government has established an Access Coordinator and Access Officer Scheme .

  4. 院内建筑面积3600平方米,公寓楼有床位100张,房间有空调,有符合规定的无障碍通道。

    Construction area is3600 square meters in the institute , there are100 berths in the apartment , there are air conditioners in the room , the obstacle passway does not accord with and stipulate .