
fánɡ hónɡ cuò shī
  • flood control measures
  1. Herath说,防洪措施可能极端昂贵,因此研究出如何让损失最小化的方法是很重要的,特别是当洪水比预料的更严重的时候。

    Flood control measures can be extremely expensive , said Herath , so it is important to work out how to minimise losses , especially if floods turn out worse than expected .

  2. 针对问题得出今后珠江流域防洪措施的建议。

    Aimed at the problems this paper proposes flood control measures for the Pearl River Valley .

  3. 气象监测站建议当地有关部门采取相应的防洪措施。

    Meteorological Stations suggest that local departments take appropriate flood precautions .

  4. 广州市现有防洪措施的防洪标准与可靠性;

    The standard and reliability of the flood control measure .

  5. 发电厂厂址防洪措施的优化分析

    Optimizing Analysis of Flood Prevention Measures of a Certain Power Plant Area

  6. 论中国城市洪灾成因及防洪措施

    On city flood cause in China and reduction measures

  7. 推行非工程的防洪措施;

    Adopting non engineering measures in flood protection ;

  8. 洪水保险是一项重要的非工程防洪措施。

    Flood insurance is one of the important non engineering measures to control flood .

  9. 广州市主要河流洪水发生的规律及存在问题与防洪措施;

    The flood occurred law on major rivers and flood problems and flood control measure .

  10. 从广西1994年特大洪灾谈非工程防洪措施

    On the non-engineering measures of flood prevention based upon the flood disaster in Guangxi in 1994

  11. 关于非工程防洪措施

    About non-construction flood control measures

  12. 目前在印度采取的主要防洪措施有:进行堤坝溃决风险分析、发布洪水预警、制作洪水风险图或洪灾风险图等。

    Dam break analysis including failure of flood embankments , flood forecasting , flood risk mapping / flood hazard mapping are some of the measures practiced in India .

  13. 作为一项投资少、工期短而又十分有效的非土建工程性防洪措施,水情自动测报系统的建设是非常必要的。

    Because of its low cost , short construction period and high efficiency , the automatic monitoring and forecasting system of flood regimen is very useful in flood prevention .

  14. 在可能发生强烈地震和严重洪水灾害的地区,必须在规划中采取相应的抗震、防洪措施。

    In areas where strong earthquakes and serious floods are likely to occur , measures for earthquake mitigation and flood prevention must be specified in the plan for a city .

  15. 美国的防洪减灾措施及其启示

    Experience of flood proofing measures in the United States

  16. 江汉平原堤防存在的问题与防洪减灾措施

    Problems of the embankment and measures against flood disasters in the Jianghan Plain

  17. 水库作为重要的防洪工程措施,在洪水资源化方面发挥了重要的作用。

    Reservoirs as an important flood control structural measure play an important role in flood resources utilization .

  18. 认为国家在大力发展防洪工程措施的同时,应着重加强包括防汛指挥信息服务子系统在内的防洪非工程措施建设。

    Along with vigorously developing engineering measures , we should enhance flood-control non-engineering measures , including flood-control information-service subsystem .

  19. 作为主要防洪工程措施之一,水库对保证国民经济稳定增长,保障人民生命财产安全和社会的安定发挥了重要作用。

    As one of the main structural flood control measures , reservoir plays an important role in national economic development and social stability .

  20. 主要的研究内容有:防洪工程措施、治涝工程措施、非工程措施的规划研究;

    The main content of this study is measures of flood prevention project , measures of flood harnessing project , programme of non-project measures .

  21. 由于各种防洪工程措施的标准和防洪能力目前仍显得很有限,非工程措施的研究是十分必要的。

    Because of limited standards and capability of engineering measures in flood control , it is quite necessary to do research on non-engineering measures .

  22. 水系系统的组织完善和防洪技术措施的实施,在很大程度上发挥着科学的以水之利以避水之患的作用,促进了徽州传统聚落的稳定发展。

    The well-organized artificial water system and flood control measures in large part to play an scientific role , promote the stable development of Huizhou traditional villages .

  23. 对洪泛区与洪水灾害的关系进行了阐述,对工程防洪减灾措施和非工程借施进行了定义和划分,讨论了美国及其它国家在非工程措施方面的做法。

    The paper describes the relationship between floodplains and flood hazards , defines engineering and non - engineering flood control measures , and discusses the non - engineering measures prevailing abroad .

  24. 在加强历城区防洪工程措施建设的同时,进一步加强非工程措施的建设,详细叙述历城区防洪体系建设方案。

    To strengthen the construction of Licheng District flood control engineering measures , to further strengthen the building of non engineering measures , described in detail the construction of flood control system scheme of Licheng District basin .

  25. 长期以来,防洪工程措施一直占据主导地位,随着社会的发展,人们逐渐意识到,非工程防洪措施的开展是十分重要和必要的。

    Long-term since , flood control engineering measures have been the dominant , along with the development of society , people came to realize that the development of non-engineering measurers against floods is very important and necessary .

  26. 讨论洪水预报、警报系统与防洪工程措施结合时,不同洪水预见期、预报精度、人们对警报的反应等情况下洪泛区内的洪灾损失计算。

    This paper discusses the flood hazard loss estimation in flood area combining flood forecast - warning system with flood control structural measure , under the condition of different flood forecast period and forecast precision and people 's response to warning .

  27. 在调查、总结分析漂塘矿区上部开采的水情和洪灾的基础上,根据深部矿体的开采条件,对深部水情进行了分析研究,提出了深部开采防洪排水措施。

    On the basis of investigating and analysing the flood during the mining upper the ore district , the flood during the deep mining is analysed according to the mining conditions of the deep orebodies , and some methods of flood protection and drain are put forword .

  28. 为了减轻洪涝灾害的损失,流域内的各级政府先后投入了大量的人力、财力和物力,用于流域治理和防洪减灾措施的研究,并取得了一些初步成果。

    To ease the loss caused by flood or waterlog , the departments of all levels spent a great quantity of human resources , financial resources and material resources in the research of basin 's treatment and the measures of flood control and disaster reduction , and got some achievement .

  29. 黄河防洪非工程措施建设

    Discussion on Non-engineering Measure in Yellow River 's Flood Prevention

  30. 提高小型病险水库防洪能力的措施研究

    Measures for enhancing flood control function of small diseased reservoirs