
  1. 一个好的城市CBD,无论是地块功能上还是投资密度上,都应是城市生长肌理的有机演变。

    CBD in a well-planning city should be an evolving result of urbanism , no matter it is on land function or investment density .

  2. 投资密度以密西西比河为界,东西对比格局强烈;

    There is also an contrast pattern from density aspect between east of Mississippi River and west of Mississippi River ;

  3. 土地:按项目投资密度、产业类别、地理位置等条件享受优惠土地价格。

    Land : The preferential price of land is applicable in terms of the investment density , industrial category and geographical location .

  4. 而其他因素,如外商直接投资、就业密度、人力资本,对工资水平也有一定的影响。

    Other factors , such as foreign direct investment , employment density and human capital , also have effects on wage .