
  • 网络investment principle
  1. 对未来的工程建设做出必要的指导,使项目的决策更具科学性、客观性、合理性,更符合企业以经济效益为中心的投资原则。

    All of this is necessary for conducting the future project , to ensure that project decision-making more scientific , objective and rationality , conforms to the enterprise economic benefits as the center of investment principle .

  2. 在分析体育产业投资基金投资原则的基础上,探讨体育产业市场的投资方式。

    Based on the analysis of the investment principle of sports industrial investment fund , the present paper has probed into the methods of investment in the sports industrial market .

  3. 罗祖儒资产管理机构是联合国“负责任的投资原则”(unprinciplesforresponsibleinvestment)签署人之一,一直关注政府关于可再生能源的公告。

    The asset manager , a signatory to the UN principles for responsible investment , has been keeping an eye on government announcements on renewable energy .

  4. 相比之下,日本养老基金、大学及其它公共机构的兴趣仍不高,尽管其中很多机构已经开始关注联合国的负责任的投资原则(unprinciplesforresponsibleinvestment)。

    In contrast , interest among pension funds , universities and other public bodies in Japan has remained small , although many are paying attention to the UN principles for responsible investment .

  5. 最好的投资原则之一就是“当没人买时买入”,但如果你看了CNBC或财经电视,你可能永远不会接受这种观点。

    One of the greatest axioms of investing is " buy when nobody is buying " but if you happen to watch CNBC or financial TV you 'd never get that advice .

  6. 第三章阐述我国养老保险基金的投资原则与投资策略。

    The third chapter introduce about the investment of our pension .

  7. 万科为什么要采用新的投资原则?

    Why did Vanke adopt new rules for investments ?

  8. 非约束性投资原则〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

    Non-binding investment principles [ Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation ]

  9. 这一次,投资原则看上去相对有欠规范。

    Discipline looks more ragged this time around .

  10. 一个常提到的投资原则是投入的资金不应超过能力范围。

    Leverage-An old investment maxim is to not invest more than you can afford to lose .

  11. 战略投资原则主要是企业原则、经营原则、财务原则和市场原则。

    Strategic investment principles refer to the principles of enterprise , management , financial operation and market .

  12. 麦克理维的发言人表示:欧盟内部市场规定是基于投资原则的。

    The internal market rules are based on rules of investment , Mr McCreevy 's spokesman said .

  13. 这可能并不完美,但它维护了开放投资原则,并提供了几条教训。

    This may not be perfect , but it upholds the principles of open investment and offers several lessons .

  14. 三是水电站的投资原则,水电站的投资原则是为了减少投资风险和增加收益。

    Third , this article describes the investment principles of hydropower stations , hydropower station investment principles in order to reduce investment risk and increase revenue .

  15. 引入了国外的机构投资者谨慎投资原则的概念,对我国证券投资基金的谨慎投资行为进行了实证研究;

    This paper introduces the concept of prudent investment rule of institutional investors abroad , and studies empirically on the prudent investment behavior of securities investment funds in China .

  16. 巨灾补偿基金不仅要满足一般的投资原则,而且要结合自身的特殊性来实现流动性、安全性和收益性之间的平衡。

    Catastrophe Compensation Fund should not only meet the general investment principles , but also with its own particularities to achieve the balance among mobility , security and profitability .

  17. 再次,讨论了社会责任投资原则对环境保护责任的影响,讨论了赤道原则在国际项目融资中的作用以及法律问题。

    Thirdly , it discussed the impact of socially responsible on environment protection . Then , it also discussed the effect of the Equator principles on international project financing and legal issues .

  18. 第二章是研究基础,论述了养老基金的性质和投资原则、相关理论基础以及国内外研究综述。

    Chapter Two is the foundation of theory , which mainly describes the nature of pension fund , the principle of its investment , related theories and researches from home and broad .

  19. 他还强调,市场上存在各种档次的开放式架构,其中一些理财机构在任何一个资产类别或投资原则之下,都仅提供少数几种外部基金供客户选择。

    He also insists that there are varying levels of open architecture with some wealth managers just offering a tiny handful of external fund options in any one asset class or investment discipline .

  20. 因而,借助随机过程中的首达时间方法来研究实物期权评价方法中阈值的可达性问题是具有实际意义的,也是验证理论上的投资原则在实际投资决策中的有效性。

    It was significative practically to research the passage problem of critical value by the fist passage time approach ( FPT ) and to verify the validity of the investment rule in the practical investing decision .

  21. 中国外汇储备作为负责任的长期投资者,始终坚持分散化投资原则,欧洲市场过去、现在和将来都是外汇储备最主要的投资市场之一。

    Safe is a responsible long-term investor and , under the principle of maintaining diversified investments , Europe has been and will continue to be one of the major markets for investing China 's exchange reserves .

  22. 本文讨论了国家经济信息系统县级网络的投资原则、效益分析方法及投资优化的数学模型,并给出了若干分析和计算的实例。

    This paper discussed the investment principles and benefit analysis as well as the mathematical models of investment optimization for county nets of Economic Information Systems of China . Some examples of analysis and computation were given .

  23. 负债率:一个常提到的投资原则是投入的资金不应超过能力范围。防洪费用按照政府投入同受益者合理承担相结合的原则筹集。

    Leverage - An old investment maxim is not to invest more than you can afford to lose . Flood control funds shall be raised according to the principle of combining government input with rational payment by beneficiaries .

  24. 施皮尔后来写了一本书,介绍他从巴菲特那里学到的东西——无论是个人层面的哲理,还是因遵循巴菲特价值投资原则而得到的收获。他将自己的一部分职业成功归功于那顿午餐。

    Mr Spier has since written a book on what he has learnt from Mr Buffett , both personally and through following his value investment principles , and he puts some of his professional success down to the lunch .

  25. 解决这些冲突应当遵循股东平等原则、禁止权利滥用原则与激励小股东投资原则,尤其是后两个原则对根本不分配利润的行为有重要的适用价值。

    Resolve these conflicts should follow the principle of shareholder equality , prohibition of abuse of rights principle and the principle of small shareholders investment incentives , especially after the two principles do not distribute profits behavior has important practical value .

  26. 当然这个如果是个很大的假设,但研究人员的发现意味着,如果严格遵守同样投资原则的话,随着时间的推移,投资成绩是可以达到巴菲特的历史水平的。

    That 's a pretty big ' if , ' of course , but the researchers ' findings imply that a strict adherence to the same investment principles could , over time , do as well as Mr. Buffett has done historically .

  27. 关于生态公益林建设,指出了要按照公共财政投入为主,多渠道融资为辅的投资原则,确立公共财政在林业生态建设中的主渠道地位和作用。

    About ecology-oriented forest construction , the text points out that it should obey the principle " the public finance input for main fact , if multi-channel financing complement ", ensure that main channel status and function of public finance in the ecological construction .

  28. 风险资本的分期投资原则与高新技术创业企业的成长过程相适应,因此适合资本市场政策法律环境的高新技术创业企业融资通用模式,应该是符合其生命周期特点的分阶段融资模式。

    The venture capital investment in stages is in line with life-cycle stage of high-tech start-ups . The common mode of high-tech start-ups financing , which adapts to the capital market policies and the legal environment of our country , should be in line with its life-cycle characteristics .

  29. RH真空处理的自动控制系统设计遵循了先进、可靠、实用的原则,节约投资的原则;

    Design of automatic control system follow pioneer and credibility and usableness , Also It keep to save investment .

  30. 股份制企业投资决策原则分析

    An Analysis of Joint-stock Enterprises ' Principles of Investment Decision