
  • 网络Two-factor authentication;Double Authentication
  1. 针对这种双重认证问题,该协议中水印的产生和嵌入过程都是在加密域进行,加密过程采用同态公钥密码体制,并通过嵌入的唯一的水印信息将广告、本次交易以及水印绑定在一起。

    To avoid the problem of double authentication , generation and embedding of watermark are based on the homomorphic public key cryptosystems in the proposed protocol .

  2. 双重认证adhoc网络安全路由协议设计

    Design of two-tier authentication secure Ad hoc routing protocol

  3. 一种改进的双重认证访问控制方案

    An Improved Doubled - scheme of Authentication and Access Control

  4. 手写签字及数字签名双重认证系统的实现

    Dual Images Implementation of Handwriting & Digital Signature Verification System

  5. 双重认证智能门禁系统的研究与设计

    Development and Design of the Entrance Guard System based on Dual Authentication

  6. 迄今推行双重认证的进度令人满意。

    So far the implementation of two-factor authentication has been progressing satisfactorily .

  7. 一种基于单向函数的双重认证存取控制方案

    An authentication-doubled access control scheme based on one-way function

  8. 基于语义内容的双重认证视频水印方案

    A Semantic-content-based Twofold Authentication Watermarking Scheme for MPEG Video

  9. 双重认证的变换域图像半脆弱数字水印算法

    Dual Authentication Semi-Fragile Watermarking of Images in Transform Domain

  10. 基于双重认证的安全电子邮件系统模型

    Model of Secure Email System Based on Double Authentications

  11. 只有10%的成年人能识别出一个双重认证的例子。

    Just 10 % of adults can identify one example of two-factor authentication .

  12. 阐述了一种基于图像组语义内容(边缘和运动对象)的监视视频录像的双重认证方案。

    Then , a new twofold authentication scheme based on semantic content is illustrated .

  13. 双重认证是指采用两种不同元素来核实用户身分。

    It uses two elements to verify a users identity : the benefits of using two-factor authentication .

  14. 你应该对所有远程进入公司网络的供应商和员工采用双重认证方式。

    You should require 2FA of all vendors or employees who log on to your networks remotely .

  15. 强大的密码很好,但安全专家也建议采用双重认证来保护账户安全。

    Strong passwords are good , but security experts also recommend using two-factor authentication for account security .

  16. 双重认证加强网上银行的保安措施,并保障银行客户免受网上银行诈骗活动影响。

    Two-factor authentication strengthens the security controls of Internet banking and protects bank customers from Internet banking frauds .

  17. 本文基于复合问题针对信息保密系统提出了一种双重认证的存取控制方案。

    Based on compound problem , this paper proposed an authentication-doubled access control scheme for information protection system .

  18. 他们还应该考虑双重认证,用不断变化的代码将口令与安全键码结合起来。

    They should also consider two-part authentication , which can combine passwords with a security key with a changing code .

  19. 由下月起,所有提供高风险零售网上银行交易的银行都可以让客户申请双重认证。

    All banks offering high-risk retail Internet banking transactions will allow customers to apply for two-factor authentication from next month .

  20. 这个测试就像是一个双重认证过程,两种信号的组合需要正向匹配。

    The test works like a dual authentication process , with the combination of both signals required to assign a positive match .

  21. 请修改你的简单密码,采用双重认证(2FA)的方式。双重认证的一个典型例子就是用银行卡从自动取款机上取钱——它需要双重认证:你的银行卡和你的密码。

    Replace your single passwords with two-factor authentication or " 2FA . " A good example of 2FA is withdrawing money from an ATM - it requires two authentications - your bankcard and your password .

  22. 基于策略的内网终端访问控制思想,其中双重认证机制、终端策略授权和部署技术,对丰富内网安全的控制手段,具有重要实践意义。

    The program and its modules achieve Policy-based network access control terminal thinking , of which two-factor authentication mechanisms , technologies of terminal authorization and Strategy deployment have important practical significances for enriching the means of security control of the network .

  23. 报告还建议,把关键系统,比如店内支付系统,与企业的网络隔离,让“双重认证”程序成为常态,“双重认证”指的是除了通常需要的登录密码外,员工必须另外输入第二个、一次性的密码。

    The report also suggests segregating crucial systems like in-store payment systems from the corporate network and making " two factor authentication " - a process by which employees must enter a second , one-time password in addition to their usual credentials - the status quo .

  24. 其中操作系统(FREEBSD),流媒体服务器(HELIX),数据库(MYSQL)均为开源版,支持跨平台,系统可移植性强、使用双重用户认证且功能强大。

    The operating system ( FREEBSD ), the stream media server ( HELIX ) and the database ( MYSQL ) are all using the edition of which source code is on-limits .

  25. 本文分析了单一认证的弱安全性,结合PKCS11标准和J2EE平台的EJB组件技术,设计并实现了基于用户口令(PIN)认证和硬件USBKey数字证书身份认证的双重因素认证系统。

    In this paper , the insecurity of single PIN was analyzed . Then , a dual factor authentication system was designed . It combined Public Key Cryptography Standards 11 ( PKCS 11 ) with EJB component technology on the basis of PIN and UsbKey digital certificate .

  26. 双重身份认证方法的设计与实现一是科学取向。

    Design and Realization of Dual Authentication " Science " approach .

  27. 采用双重身份认证可以降低个体风险。

    Adopting two-factor authentication features reduces individual risk .

  28. 左翼文学时期文学家和革命者的双重身份认证,他们也同样受制于文学市场;

    In left-wing literature period , double identity of writer and revolutionary made them restricted by literature market .

  29. 该机制采用了双重身份认证方案和水印内容认证方案,使得非法接触以及修改电子支票,伪造其内容都是不可能的。

    The double entity authentication and watermarking content authentication made it impossible to gain illegal access to E-cheque , to edit or to forge it .

  30. 协议基于数字证书与共享动态保护密钥进行双重身份认证,利用公钥与新旧保护密钥来保证主站与终端参数交换的安全。

    To protect the exchange of important parameters , the protocol uses public key as well as new and old protection keys to ensure dual identity authentication through digital certificate and sharing dynamic protection keys .