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  1. 21世纪双江历史文化名镇旅游地形象DI战略

    The tourist image Di strategy of the 21st century about the famous historic and cultural town & shuangjiang

  2. 双江县竹类资源特点及竹产业发展措施

    Resource Characteristics and Development Strategies of Bamboo Industry in Shuangjiang County

  3. 双江县竹类资源具有种质资源丰富;

    The bamboo resources of Shuangjiang county hold the characteristics of rich germplasm resources ;

  4. 双江水电站原位岩体的直剪试验及分析

    Shear Test on Rock At Its Original Place in Shuangjiang Hydropower Station And Tast Analysis

  5. 双江深处的秘密二、末日意识

    The mystery of two great rivers

  6. 双江油田核三段Ⅶ油组沉积微相及其储层研究

    The Sedimentary microfacies and reservoir Study of ⅶ Oil Formation of He-3 member in shuangjiang Oilfield

  7. 双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县

    Lahu-Va-Blang-Dai Autonomous County of Shuangjiang

  8. 双江拱坝传力桩加固坝肩的有限元分析

    An Analysis of the Abutment with Transmission Piles of the Shuangjiang Arch Dam by Means of the FEM

  9. 民间信仰与社会变迁&以双江县一个布朗族村寨的祭竜仪式为例

    Folk Belief and Social Change : A Case Study of the Long-God Ritual in a Bulang Village of Shuangjiang County

  10. 双江口水电站为大渡河干流梯级水电开发的上游控制性工程。

    The Shuangjiangkou hydropower station is an upper control project of cascade hydropower development in the main stream of Dadu River .

  11. 因此,对双江的族际关系整合开展研究,分析面临的挑战,提出相关政策建议很有必要。

    Therefore , the inter-ethnic integration researches of Shuangjiang relationships , analysis the challenges , it is necessary to make relevant policy recommendations .

  12. 滇黔桂大部分地区属中国板块,在哀牢山藤条河缝合带及昌宁双江缝合带以西属青藏板块。

    Most of Dian-Qian-Gui belongs to China Plate except the part to west of Ailaoshan-Tentiaohe Suture and Jingning-Shuangjiang Suture , which belongs to Qingzang Plate .

  13. 能源作物的推广模式和替代效应初探&以云南省双江县膏桐推广种植为例

    Study on the extension pattern and substitution effect of energy crops & A case study on Jatropha curcas planted in Shuangjiang County , Yunnan Province

  14. 薄胜兴,男,三门镇双江村下屋组村民,34岁,2口人。

    Bo Shengxin male , a villager of Shangwu group in Shuangjiang village of Sanmen town , 34 years old , 2 people in his family .

  15. 应用黏-弹性人工边界于双江口土石坝的动力响应分析中,考察了黏-弹性人工边界及地基辐射阻尼效应对土石坝动力响应的影响程度。

    A viscoelastic artificial boundary was constructed to simulate radiation damping in a semi-infinite medium and the elasticity recovery capacity of the medium at the far field .

  16. 石炭纪牛井山蛇绿混杂岩出露于云南省西南部双江县牛井山&耿马县勐永一带,勐永以北与铜厂街地区的蛇绿混杂岩相接。

    Carboniferous Nujinshan ophiolite melange is situated from Nujinshan to Mengyong area , where is dominated by Shuangjiang County and Gengma County respectively , southwestern Yunnan Province .

  17. 目的:对云南省双江县邦丙乡布朗族头面部器官41个测量项目和17个头面部指数进行全面系统的测量。

    OBJECTIVE : To completely and systematically measure the41 items and17 indexes of the craniofacial organs of Bulang minority in Bangbing countryside of Shuangjiang county in Lincang area .

  18. 在人类文明已进入二十一世纪的今天,双江县相当一部分布朗族的生活还处在社会主义初级阶段的最低层次。

    As human society has entered the21st century , many of the Bulang people in Shuangjiang County are still living at the lowest level of the primary stage .

  19. 总体来看,沧源县、双江县、耿马县、云县的物理特性较好,这些区域主要位于临沧中部和东部;凤庆县、永德县相对较差,主要位于临沧北部和西部区域。

    Cangyuan County , Shuangjiang country , Gengma country and Yun County are of better Physical characteristics , these areas are mainly located in central and eastern of Lincang .