
shuānɡ suō niào
  • biuret
  1. 用双缩脲法测定总蛋白(TP);

    Using Biuret method to mensurate total protein ;

  2. 方法:分别采用乳酸法和双缩脲比色法检测73例患者不同性质胸腹水中的LDH和与血清LDH比值及TP的浓度,并对检测数据进行统计分析。

    Methods : Lactic acid and biuret were used to determine the concentrations of LDH , proportion of LDH and TP in different samples of hydrothorax and hydroperitoneum from 73 patients , respectively . The results were statistically analyzed .

  3. 方法采用双缩脲法和溴甲酚绿法检测66例抑郁症和36名健康对照的血清总蛋白(TP)和白蛋白(Alb)水平。

    Methods Serum TP and albumin ( Alb ) concentrations were measured in 66 patients with depression and 36 healthy controls using biuret reactive and bromocresol green method .

  4. 本文首次利用双缩脲法建立了快速测定奶粉中肽含量的方法,标样回收率99.5±0.75%~93.8±1.3%,精密度0.0479,标准偏差1.2%,适用范围0.2~1.8mg/ml。

    Recoveries of the standard sample ranged from 99.5 ± 0.75 % to 93.8 ± 1.3 % , method precision was 0.0479 , standard deviation was 1.2 % , test scope ranged from 0.2 to 1.8 mg / ml.

  5. F3水液丙酮沉淀纯化后,C18反相柱纯化,双缩脲显色跟踪,分为5个部分,其中20%甲醇洗脱部分中的F3-22号量多且呈白色固形物。

    F3 water purification liquid acetone precipitation , the RP-C18 column color , and is divided into five parts , and 20 % methanol elution part of the F3-22 , and the amount was white solids .

  6. 双缩脲双波长自动分析法测定脑脊液总蛋白含量的临床应用

    Dual-wavelength automatic analysis of cerebrospinal fluid protein with biuret method

  7. 本文报道了14个新的1-酰基-5-芳基双缩脲类化合物的电子轰击质谱。

    The EI mass spectra of the new 14 1-acyl-5-aryl-biurets were reported .

  8. 双缩脲法测定乳中酪蛋白含量

    Determination of casein content in milk by biuret 's method

  9. 双剂型双缩脲法测定血清总蛋白

    The Biuret Method for Total Protein of Serum Assay with Double Reagents

  10. 结果茚三酮反应和双缩脲反应呈阳性,海生素注射液中氮含量不低于0.4mg。

    Results The results of the biuret reaction and ninhydrin reaction were positive .

  11. 三氯乙酸沉淀法结合双缩脲比色法测定水蛭提取液中总蛋白含量

    Trichloroacetic acid precipitation plus biuret colorimetry to determine total protein in hirudo extract

  12. 血浆蛋白浓度的测定采用双缩脲法。

    The concentration of total plasma protein was determined by Bio Rad method .

  13. 双试剂双缩脲法对脂浊标本血清总蛋白的测定

    Determination of total serum from fat blood specimens by using biurea and double reagents

  14. 采用比浊法测定兔血小板聚集率,双缩脲法测定血浆纤维蛋白原浓度。

    Platelet aggregation was measured turbimetrically and plasma fibrinogen level was determined by biuret method .

  15. 方法①对不同组成成分的双缩脲试剂与蛋白质反应的动力学研究。

    Methods ( 1 ) Study of reaction dynamics of different TP reagent and protein .

  16. 氨基酸、蛋白质可采用茚三酮试法、双缩脲反应法、溴百里蓝钠盐法分析;

    Ninhydrin method , Biuret Reation method etc. for the analysis of amino acid and protein ;

  17. 改良双缩脲双试剂二点终点法测定血清总蛋白的研究与应用

    Investigation and application of measuring serum total protein by improving biuret double reagent through two point terminal method

  18. 其中全血粘度和血浆粘度采用毛细血管粘度计测定,红细胞压积采用离心沉淀法测定,纤维蛋白原采用双缩脲法,用721分光光度计测定。

    The hematocrit was determined by centrifugal sedimentation . The fibrinogen were determined by biuret method , using speotrophotometer .

  19. 邻苯三酚红钼络合法与双缩脲比色法测定嘌呤霉素肾病大鼠尿中总蛋白浓度的比较

    Comparison between pyrogallol red-molybdate method and biuret colorimetric assay for determining the total urine protein in puromycin aminonucleoside-treated rats

  20. 茚三酮反应呈阴性,用酸水解后茚三酮反应和双缩脲反应呈阳性。

    Its ninhydrin reaction was negative , but after acid hydrolysis , its ninhydrin reaction and biuret reaction were positive .

  21. 目的在全自动分析仪上建立一种快速简便的脑脊液蛋白双缩脲测定法。

    Objective To establish a kind of rapid and simple biuret method for measuring cerebrospinal fluid protein of automatic analyser .

  22. 方法第一试剂为不含硫酸铜的双缩脲空白试剂,第二试剂系将原双缩脲试剂中的硫酸铜增加一倍,二者等量混合即成原法试剂。

    Methods The first reagent was blank biuret reagent without cupric sulfate and cupric sulfate of second reagent was double than original reagent .

  23. 目的探讨双试剂双缩脲法在全自动生化仪中直接测定脂肪乳浊标本血清总蛋白。

    Objective To discuss the biurea method for determination of total protein in serum of fat emulsion specimens with double reagents on the automated biochemical analyzer .

  24. 目的为克服乳浊、黄疸、溶血对血清总蛋白测定的影响,将双缩脲法改为双剂型方法。

    Objective For conquering the interference of lipid turbidity , jaundice and hemolysis , changed simple reagent of biuret to double reagent ( the method ) .

  25. 用双缩脲反应法可以测出发酵鱼粉中水溶性总肽的含量,用凯氏定氮法可以测出被沉淀的多肽的含量,从而可以计算出发酵鱼粉中寡肽的含量。

    Total solvable peptide content in the fermented fishmeal was determined by using the biuret method , and polypeptide in the precipitate by using Kjeldahl method .

  26. 方法将单试剂双缩脲法改成双试剂,在全自动生化仪上采用二点终点法直接测定。

    Methods The single reagent biurea reaction was altered to the double reagent and direct determination was performed by using the two-end-point method on the automated biochemical analyzer .

  27. 用乙醇作为沉淀剂,先将大分子蛋白除去,再用双缩脲法可快速直接地测出产品中肽含量。

    First , the big molecule protein is precipitated to clear off by Alcohol , then the soy peptide can be set out rapidly and directly by lowry .

  28. 方法:用B型超声检查,电子扫描观察胆囊结石的细微结构,采用双缩脲法和溴甲酚绿方法定量测定血浆白蛋白的含量,对298例肝硬化合并胆囊结石病人资料进行临床分析。

    Methods : The microstructure of cystic concretion was observe using B-ultrasonography and the serum albumin concentration was determined using biuret reagent colorimetric method and bromcresol green colorimetric method .

  29. 在雷竹竹鞭笋芽分化期(8月至翌年4月)用恒重法、伯川法和双缩脲法对雷竹竹鞭的含水量、糖类和蛋白质含量进行测定。

    The moisture content , carbohydrates and protein contents of Lei bamboo rhizome during the period of the mixed bud differentiation were measured by use of constant weight , colorimetric method and biuret method .

  30. 对7个人血清样品蛋白总量平行测定6次,相对标准偏差0.83%~3.02%,回收率90.90%~109.80%,且与医院双缩脲法结果基本一致。

    The relatively standard deviation and the recovery for the determination of total proteins in 7 human serum samples were 0.83 % ~ 3.02 % and 90.90 % ~ 109.80 % , respectively . The results of the determination were in agreement with that by Biuret method .