
  • 网络nitrogen deficiency;Deficiency of N
  1. 在干旱及缺氮条件下大豆对UV-B辐射的响应

    Responses of Soybean to UV-B Radiation under Soil Drought and Nitrogen Deficiency

  2. 玉米是大多数大田作物中缺氮的最好的指示植物。

    Corn is one of the best indicators for nitrogen deficiency among the field-crop plants .

  3. 而当G/(R+G+B)大于0.422时,冬小麦处于缺氮状态。

    And when G / ( R + G + B ) exceeded 0.422 , winter wheat was in N stress state at shooting stage .

  4. 红古区农业土壤(0~20cm)养分状况为:缺氮、少磷、钾丰富,有机质偏低。

    The soil nutrient status is lack of nitrogen , less phosphorus , rich kalium and low organic matter .

  5. 判断玉米幼苗缺氮程度的叶绿素荧光动力学指标

    The Chlorophyll Fluorescence Indeces to Estimate Nitrogen Deficiency Degree of Maize Seedlings

  6. 玉米缺氮的早期诊断方法研究

    Diagnoses Nitrogen Lack of Corn at Early Stage

  7. 如果土壤缺氮,即使供硫充足,植株也会缺硫。

    However , sulfur deficiency was observed in sulfur sufficient soil owing to nitrogen deficiency .

  8. 河西灌区土壤缺氮,磷不足,但钾丰富。

    The soil in Hexi irrigated region is short in nitrogen and phosphorus but rich in potassium ;

  9. 缺氮对佛手气体交换、叶绿素荧光及叶绿体超微结构的影响

    Effects of nitrogen deficiency on the gas exchange , chlorophyll fluorescence and chloroplast ultrastructure in fingered citron

  10. 2005年,干旱和作物缺氮让500万马拉维人依赖于食品援助。

    In2005 , drought and nitrogen deficiency in crops left five million Malawians reliant on food aid .

  11. 许多植物中,轻度缺氮在其发育的某些阶段可能是适宜的。

    In some plants , a mild nitrogen deficiency at certain stages of development may be desirable .

  12. 生理失调。植株在低氮水平下生长特别容易受到烟熏伤害。在烟熏后缺氮植株叶片叶缘周围黄化。

    Plants grown at a low level of N are particularly susceptible to damage by nicotine fumigation .

  13. 碳源中以乳糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖生长最好。氮源中以氨态氮生长最好,缺氮时生长最差。

    The optimum carbon sources were lactose , sucrose and maltose and the optimum nitrogen source was asparagine .

  14. 缺氮条件下玉米自交系叶绿素含量与光合效率的变化

    The Changes of the Content for Chlorophyll and Photosynthetic Productivity in Maize Inbred Lines under the Low-nitrogen Stress

  15. 生育中、后期缺氮和通气不良会导致根系活力降低;

    The root activity during the mid and late growth stages would be depressed due to nitrogen deficiency and poor aeration .

  16. 至于肥力状况,几乎所有土壤缺氮,约90%土壤低磷或中磷。

    As regards fertility status , almost all soils are deficient in N and about 90 % are low to medium in P.

  17. 缺氮条件下较强的氮素吸收和利用能力是氮高效小麦品种氮胁迫条件下高氮效率的主要原因。

    The high efficiency of nitrogen in wheat under nitrogen stress condition comes from the higher acquisition capacity , assimilation and metabolic capacity .

  18. 其肥力特征是:(1)土壤缺氮少磷钾丰富。

    The character of fertility is as follows : ( 1 ) The soil is abundant in potassium but short of nitrogen and phosphor .

  19. 缺氮、磷、钾、钙、镁对芥蓝硝酸盐积累、硝酸还原酶和过氧化物酶活性的影响

    Effect of n , p , k , ca and Mg deficiency on nitrate accumulation , nitrate reductase and peroxidase activity in Chinese Kale

  20. 紫色岩含钾较高、低磷、缺氮,由其发育的土壤也具有这一性质;

    Purple rock is rich in potassium , poor in phosphorus and deficient in nitrogen , and the soil derived from purple rock also has the same trend .

  21. 整个滞浆期缺氮显著降低籽粒库活性和碳氮代谢水平,蔗糖分解和淀粉合成受阻;

    Nitrogen shortage during grain filling period decreased the sink metabolism and activity , which hindered the sucrose decomposition and starch synthesis , and finally resulted in small KW .

  22. 【方法】以具有典型特征的不同氮效率小麦品种为材料,研究丰、缺氮条件下的籽粒产量、氮效率、氮素吸收特性和氮素吸收同化关键酶活性。

    【 Method 】 Yield , nitrogen efficiency , characterization of nitrogen uptake and key enzyme activity of nitrogen assimilation were studied in wheat varieties with different nitrogen efficiencies .

  23. 结果显示,有一个突变株不能分化异形胞;三个突变株可以形成异形胞,但在缺氮的条件下仍不能维持生长;

    The result showed that one mutant was unable to differentiate heterocyst , three formed heterocysts but still could not maintain normal growth , four growed slowly with heterocyst differentiation .

  24. 植物缺氮时,体内的许多生理生化功能都会受到影响,但是,过多施用氮肥也会对植物正常生长造成不利影响。

    When nitrogen is deficit , many physiological and biochemical in plant would be affected . But , more nitrogen using also has bad effect on plant growth and development .

  25. 缺氮试验的5种处理结果表明:在菊花营养生长期需要充足的氮素供应,进入生殖生长期后,可适当减少营养液中氮元素的含量。

    And the chrysanthemum need sufficient nitrogen in growth period of nutrition , after entering reproduction growth period , it should reduce the content of nitrogen element in the nutrient solution .

  26. 根瘤菌已经帮助了数种重要的豆科植物在缺氮的土壤上生长,这包括花生、豌豆、小扁豆和大豆,以及角豆树与合欢树。

    Rhizobia already assist several important leguminous crops to grow in nitrogen-poor soils , including peanuts , peas , lentils and soybeans , as well as trees such as carob and acacias .

  27. 研究获得了以下主要结果:1.缺氮处理后的根系总长度、根表面积、分根数要比正常处理的数值较大。

    The main results were showed below : 1 . The total root length , root surface area , split root number , the lateral root are larger under nitrogen deficiency than normal treatment .

  28. 而最新研究表明,植物在特定条件下可以直接吸收可溶性有机氮(DON),尤其是氨基酸态氮,这也是生态系统功能和植被更替尤其是缺氮环境下的一个基本特点。

    But , the recent research assumed that plants can uptake dissolved organic nitrogen ( DON ) directly and it also has the potential to be a primary factor in ecosystem functioning and vegetation succession particularly in N-limiting environments .

  29. 小麦缺氮影响到叶片光合效率、叶绿素含量、含氮量,根系活力也较早的进入衰退阶段,且质量水平低下。

    Lacking nitrogenous fertilizer during wheat growth can influence the photosynthetic rate and content of chlorophyll and nitrogen in leaves . It can also lead to early senescence in the root vigor , which then functions at a low level .

  30. 本文经过四年的试验及多次的土壤调查,科学地总结出武威市川区土壤养分存在的问题是缺磷、少氮、有机质较缺。

    A 4-year experimental field study and soil investigations were conducted to determine the problems of lacking in phosphorus , nitrogen and organic matter in flat land , Wuwei County .