
  • 网络Lack of electricity;shortage of power;Shortage of Power supply
  1. 经济性指投资费用,可靠性采用需求方的缺电成本衡量,灵活性首次引用可用输电能力(ATC)来量化。

    The investment cost is introduced to indicate economy , the outage cost of customers is adopted to evaluate the reliability , and available transfer capability ( ATC ) is proposed to quantify the flexibility of the network for the first time .

  2. 缺电成本及其调查估算方法的探讨

    Study on the Power Outage Cost and Its Survey Estimation Methods

  3. 做好有序用电工作积极应对缺电影响

    Work for power utilization orderly to deal with power shortage influence

  4. 缺电损失最小化减负荷算法的研究

    Research of load shedding algorithm based on minimizing power outage cost

  5. 缺电无电地区的未来照明&太阳能电灯

    Lighting for Unelectrified Areas in Future ── solar Power Lamp

  6. 发展电力保护环境应对严重缺电局面

    Protect Environment While Develop Electricity As the Response to Severe Power Shortage

  7. 电网规划中的最小模糊缺电成本计算研究

    Approach of Minimizing Fuzzy Unserved Energy Cost in Electric Power Network Planning

  8. 负载缺电率用于独立光伏系统的最优化设计

    Loss of load probability for optimum sizing of stand alone photovoltaic system

  9. 宁波市中心城区缺电状况及对策

    Present situation of power shortage and countermeasures in Central Ningbo

  10. 缺电形势下不同行业电力需求侧管理措施的选择

    Selection of power DSM measures by different industries under power shortage condition

  11. 浅析当前缺电原因及缓解措施

    Causes and alleviation measures for present electric power shortage

  12. 从缺电谈电力企业的可持续发展

    Sustainable Development of the Electricity Enterprise on Electricity Shortage

  13. 从宏观角度解读宁夏2003年缺电现象

    From Macroscopic Views to Analyze the Phenomenon of Ningxia Power Shortage in 2003

  14. 缺电问题将于三、四月份达到顶峰。

    The problem will peak in March and April .

  15. 四川缺电与发展水电

    Power Shortage and Water Power Development in Sichuan

  16. 缺电成本及其估计方法

    Signal processing power outage cost and its estimation

  17. 缺电成本与可靠性规划的研究

    Research on outage cost and reliability planning

  18. 缺电制约了各地经济的发展,同时造成了巨大的经济损失,同时由于系统充裕度水平下降,影响了电网的安全稳定运行。

    On the other hand , network stable operation is influenced without sufficient adequate reserve capacity .

  19. 杭州市缺电指数预报系统的研究

    Research of Lack-of-power Index Forecasting System

  20. 探讨了四川省的缺电和电力建设问题,提出了具体的意见和建议。

    Power shortage and water power development in Sichuan is discussed and some comments and advices are proposed .

  21. 将疫苗送到需要的人群手上,就意味着要跋山涉水,前往缺电少水,不能制冷的地方。

    Reaching the relevant populations often means traveling to areas where electricity and refrigeration are spotty at best .

  22. 世界能源理事会说,缺电是非洲大陆仍旧在贫困和发展不足中挣扎的原因之一。

    The World Energy Council says the power shortage has contributed to continued poverty and underdevelopment across the continent .

  23. 浅论中国能源产业结构优化问题&由缺电引发的思考

    Primary analysis on Optimization of the structure of energy industry in china & thought on the phenomenon of electricity deficiency

  24. 分级电价考虑了用户的用电特性和缺电成本,通过弹性化的电价方案来达到负荷管理的目的。

    Taking user 's utility attribute and outage cost into accounts , the priority service rate aims at managing load .

  25. 印度相当大一部分人口依然缺电,因此需要帮助来拓展其现代能源服务。

    India needs help expanding modern energy services in a land where a sizeable fraction of the population lacks electricity .

  26. 超过100万位风暴受害者仍然没有供电,之前多达800万用户缺电。

    More than 1 million storm victims still don 't have electricity , down from over 8 million at the peak .

  27. 缺电情况下能开放电力市场吗?&兼论当量电价的应用

    COULD OPEN ELECTRICITY MARKET WITH CAPACITY INADEQUACY & Remarks on the Application of the Electricity Value Equivalent ( EVE ) Pricing Method

  28. 四川省严重缺电的局面已连续十余年之久,如何解决是大家至为关心的问题。

    Lack of electricity in Sichuan has continued for over tsn years , there-fore , it is very important to solve this problem .

  29. 国家电网官员胡兆光昨天说,缺电将是“局部短期现象”。

    Hu Zhaoguang , an official at State Grid , said yesterday that the power cuts would be " a short-term , temporary issue " .

  30. 文中提出了一种激励相容的可中断负荷管理合同模型,可引导用户自愿披露真实缺电成本信息。

    An incentive compatible contract model is developed for interruptible load management , which can lead customers to voluntarily reveal their true outage costs information .