
quē xí
  • absent;miss;in absentia;absent from;non-attendance
缺席 [quē xí]
  • [miss;absent] 未出席;该到未到

  • 被告缺席,依法判决

缺席[quē xí]
  1. 根据我们的记录,你已经缺席六次了。

    You 've been absent six times according to our records .

  2. 她一连缺席了九天。

    She was absent for nine consecutive days .

  3. 两名外籍嫌疑犯将被缺席审判。

    Two foreign suspects will be tried in absentia .

  4. 安排他人顶替缺席的员工是经理的工作。

    It 's the manager 's job to organize cover for staff who are absent .

  5. 昨天有十个孩子缺席。

    There were ten children away yesterday .

  6. 会议一开始就宣布了请假缺席者的名单。

    The meeting started with apologies .

  7. 一所军事法庭在他缺席的情况下判处他死刑。

    A military court sentenced him to death in his absence

  8. 缺席的父亲将会被强制要求支付孩子的抚养费。

    Absentee fathers will be forced to pay child maintenance .

  9. 关于他缺席的原因有很多传言。

    There has been much gossip about the possible reasons for his absence

  10. 我猜想他对我的缺席并没有感到很不高兴。

    I suspect he isn 't altogether unhappy about my absence

  11. 他被缺席判处七年监禁。

    He was tried in absentia and sentenced to seven years in prison .

  12. 缺席投票的最后期限是星期六。

    The deadline for absentee voting in was Saturday .

  13. 高级外交官的角色将是他缺席的上佳托词。

    A role as senior diplomat would be a good alibi for his absence .

  14. 他因缺席而被该委员会免除了资格。

    He was disqualified from the council for non-attendance

  15. 他已进行了缺席投票。

    He has already voted by absentee ballot

  16. 他们的缺席已经充分说明了问题。

    Their absence spoke volumes .

  17. 议会点名时有17名议员缺席。

    Seventeen congressmen were absent at the Congressional roll call .

  18. 你昨天为何缺席未到校?

    Why did you absent yourself from school yesterday ?

  19. 他的缺席使这支球队的实力削弱。

    The team was crippled by his absence .

  20. 双方的谈判因为他们的缺席而迟缓下来。

    The progress of negotiation between the two sides has slowed down owing to their absence .

  21. 由于疾病的蔓延,缺席人数增加了。

    Absence increased as a result of the spread of the disease .

  22. 艾丽斯从不缺席的记录真是值得称赞的。

    Alice 's record of perfect attendance is very creditable to her .

  23. 他这学期从没缺席过。

    He has never been absent from class this term .

  24. 你的缺席有正当理由吗?

    Do you have valid reasons for your absence ?

  25. 由于执行了新规章,缺席情况减少了。

    Absence diminished as the new regulations are enforced .

  26. 班上今天有三人缺席。

    Three members of the class are absent today .

  27. 唯有他缺席会议。

    Only he didn 't attend the meeting .

  28. 这学生擅自缺席。

    The student absented himself without notice .

  29. 他今年缺席三次。

    He missed three attendances this year .

  30. 他为无故缺席编了一个理由。

    He didn 't have a good excuse for his absence so he made up one .