
  • 网络Across the ocean;Oceans away
  1. Iris爱上了一个即将结婚的男人,而大洋彼岸的另一头,Amanda则发现了男友的不忠。

    Iris is in love with a man who is about to marry another woman . Across the globe , Amanda realizes the man she lives with has been unfaithful .

  2. 大洋彼岸的位于海洋那一边或越过海洋的。

    Situated beyond or on the other side of the ocean .

  3. 我们的部队登上舰艇,乘船回到大洋彼岸。

    Our troops boarded ships and steamed back across the ocean .

  4. 大洋彼岸的环境艺术

    The Environmental Art on the Other Side of the Ocean

  5. 远道来访/来自大洋彼岸的朋友

    Friends come from a distant land / the other side of the Pacific

  6. 大洋彼岸的绿灯信号从此岸到彼岸&桥梁史话

    Green Light on the Other Side of Pacific Ocean The History Of Bridge

  7. 在大洋彼岸,你会处理货物。

    You will handle the shipment across the ocean .

  8. 大洋彼岸的绿灯信号

    Green Light on the Other Side of Pacific Ocean

  9. 这种做法甚至已经传到了大洋彼岸。

    The practice has even migrated across the ocean .

  10. 我祝愿大家能在大洋彼岸有个美好的生活。

    I wish everyone a good life on the other side of the ocean .

  11. 我们在大洋彼岸时刻关注着你的成长。

    We are watching your growth across the ocean all the time of day .

  12. 欧洲警告各自公民不要赴大洋彼岸旅游,这惹恼了美国。

    Europe has offended the U.S.by warning its citizens not to travel across the Atlantic .

  13. 在遥远的大洋彼岸,碰到乡党是一件让人兴奋的事。

    It is an exciting thing to encounter one 's countrymen in a foreign land .

  14. 当极端分子在一片绵延的山区活动,那么大洋彼岸的人也会陷入危险之中。

    When violent extremists operate in one stretch of mountains , people are endangered across an ocean .

  15. 我想去桂林,更想去大洋彼岸一览风景。

    I want to go to Guilin , but also want to glance across the ocean scenery .

  16. 大洋彼岸的美国家居设计理念,精工配套的全球梦想生活家园。

    The U.S.home design idea from the other shore , The dream of global living home with excellent matching .

  17. 来自大洋彼岸欧美的坏消息让亚洲振奋不已。

    The sequence of bad news from America and Europe has provoked its share of triumphalist commentary in Asia .

  18. 一开始,剑桥这边还不知道大洋彼岸发生了什么。5月4日,艾伦写信给母亲说:

    At first , this was not known at Cambridge , and Alan wrote to his mother on 4 May :

  19. 我非常高兴能在此会见来自大洋彼岸的加拿大商业界的朋友。

    I am very pleased to meet my friends from the canadian business community on the other side of the pacific .

  20. 周哲此刻正在大洋彼岸的史丹福大学攻读研究课程。他对如何运用科学理论来解决实际的工程难题兴趣盎然。

    Now a postgraduate at Stanford University , Jeremy enjoys discovering how scientific theories can be applied to solving engineering problems .

  21. 对于最坚决的欧洲怀疑论者(希望英国退出欧盟的人)而言,美国是大洋彼岸的乐土。

    For the fiercest Eurosceptics who want Britain to leave the EU the US is the promised land across the ocean .

  22. 随着时代的变迁,英语在祖国发生了变化,但大洋彼岸因种种因素没有发生同样的变化。

    When the language changed with the time in its motherland , it remained unchanged across the ocean due to various reasons .

  23. 听众不仅能与国内的专家互动,同时还能大洋彼岸的学者进行交流。

    Through this method , audiences not only interacted with experts on site , but also discussed with experts across the Atlantic .

  24. 就算发布会在东海岸的林肯中心或是在大洋彼岸的欧洲时尚之都举行也一样。

    Even if it is taking place on the opposite coast from Lincoln Center and an ocean away from the European style capitals .

  25. 抵达大洋彼岸或另一片大陆的人会发现他们所到的那个社会与自己家乡一样都是按照同一时间运行的。

    Individuals landing on another coast or another continent would find the society they reached geared to the same time of day as at home .

  26. 卡梅伦更愿意借服装区别于他主要的竞争对手,并将自己与大洋彼岸的政治童话世界联系在一起。

    Rather , Cameron uses his clothes to distinguish himself from his main rival , and link himself to the political fairytale across the pond .

  27. 在金融规则上,由于美国同意扩大规章范围,将如对冲基金等项目包涵在内,这使得大洋彼岸的分歧缓解了不少。

    On financial regulation , transatlantic differences have narrowed , with America agreeing to broaden the scope of regulation to encompass institutions such as hedge funds .

  28. 朝鲜半岛独特的地理位置,无论对周边的中国、俄罗斯、日本三国,还是对大洋彼岸的美国来说都具有十分重要的地缘战略意义。

    The unique geographic location has quite important strategic significance not only for its periphery countries : China , Russia and Japan , but also for America .

  29. 在美国,我们的鸡蛋一般都是要冷藏的,但是我们大洋彼岸的邻居--英国(当然还有很多其他国家)则不冷藏。

    Here in the U.S. , we refrigerate - always - while our neighbors across the ocean in the U.K. ( and many other countries ) don 't.

  30. 旅行者通过游历不仅给古老中国带来了西方文明的一些新气息,同时也把中国文化尤其是旅游主体所负载的旅游文化传播到大洋彼岸的西方文化中心。

    The modern travelers had introduced the western culture into China , at the same time , they had propagated Chinese tourist culture to the western culture center .