
  • 网络President of East Timor
  1. 东帝汶总统若泽.拉莫斯-奥尔塔被送往澳大利亚北部城市达尔文接受医治。

    President Jose Ramos Horta has been flown to Darwin in northern Australia for treatment .

  2. 东帝汶总统竞选活动结束

    East Timor Presidential Campaign ends

  3. 东帝汶总统霍尔塔2月在东帝汶受到反叛分子袭击时几乎丧生。

    Jose Ramos-Horta almost died when he was shot by rebel soldiers in East Timor last month .

  4. 东帝汶总统说,当时他躺在住宅外的街道上流血,救援人员迟迟没有赶到。

    The president says help was slow to arrive as he bled in the street outside his home .

  5. 东帝汶总统拉莫斯.霍尔塔第一次描述了他如何走进埋伏圈,看到伏击者举枪向他射击的情景。

    For the first time , Jose Ramos-Horta has described how he walked into an ambush and watched as a gunman lifted his rifle to shoot him .

  6. 在长达两个月的治疗之后,东帝汶总统拉莫斯.奥尔塔由澳大利亚回到家中。他之前由于在一起暗杀行动中受伤。

    East Timor 's president , Jose Ramos-Horta , has arrived home after more than two months of treatment in Australia for injuries he sustained in an assassination attempt .

  7. 但斯里兰卡和东帝汶两国总统打来的紧急电话打断了他的工作&这是这位微观管理大师在国际上地位上升的信号。

    But he was interrupted by urgent phone calls from the presidents of Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste – a sign that this master of micromanagement is moving up in the world .

  8. 东帝汶的总统批评澳大利亚领导的国际部队没能抓获2月在首都帝力他的住宅外向他开枪射击的反叛分子。

    East Timor President Slams International Troops Over Assassination Attempt East Timor 's president has criticized Australian-led forces for failing to capture the rebels who shot him outside his home in Dili last month .

  9. 在东帝汶发生企图刺杀总统和总理的事件之后,澳大利亚正在派遣更多的警察和军人前往东帝汶。

    Australia is sending additional police officers and soldiers to East Timor following an assassination attempt on the country 's president and prime minister .