
  1. 但是,自从东风村村民开起了卖DIY家具的网店后,该村的社会结构就发生了彻底改变。

    However , since the creation of stores in Dongfeng selling Do-It-Yourself furniture online , the village 's social structure has been transformed .

  2. 有1200户居民的东风村就是一个例子。

    A case in point is Dongfeng , a village of 1,200 households .

  3. 现有员工五十余人,总厂设在虎门东风村。

    Existing staff of50 people , the plant located in the east village Humen .

  4. 就在10年前,东风村的大多数年轻人还在城市务工。

    Just ten years ago , most young people from Dongfeng were working in the cities .

  5. 其中东风村商业文化氛围作为文化嵌入性是该网络的关键行动者。

    And the business air of Dongfeng Village as culture embeddedness is the focal actor of the network .

  6. 以东风村西瓜产业发展为例,介绍了县农技推广中心在推动西瓜产业化发展方面的成功经验。

    Regard the development water-melon industry as the example , this paper has introduced the successful experience in promoting the development of industrialization of water-melon by Jixian County Extension Center of Agricultural Techniques Agricultural .