
  • 网络batroxobin
  1. 目的研究东菱克栓酶(Batroxobin)治疗急性进展型脑梗死的临床效果及其安全性。

    Objective To study the efficacy and safety of Batroxobin in the treatment of acute evolving cerebral infarction .

  2. 东菱克栓酶联合抗凝疗法治疗缺血性卒中疗效分析

    Treatment effect analysis of batroxobin combining with anticoagulation therapy to ischemia apoplexy

  3. 以沙鼠左侧前脑缺血再灌注为动物模型,研究早期东菱克栓酶(DF-521)对并发出血及梗塞面积的影响。

    The effect of DF 521 on hemorrage and infarction area in a gerbil ischemic reperfusion model were studied .

  4. 方法将30只兔随机分成2组,即溶栓组和对照组,所有动物室颤10min后行心肺复苏(CPR),溶栓组在开始CPR时静脉注射东菱克栓酶03BU/kg。

    Method 30 rabbits were divided into 2 groups : thrombolytic group and control group , CPR was given to all the rabbits after 10 minutes of ventricular fibrillation .

  5. 治疗组用东菱克栓酶10Bu加入生理盐水100ml静脉滴注1小时以上,每日1次,连用3日。

    The treatment group were also treated by Batroxobin Injection ( 10Bu + 100ml normal saline / d , > 1 hour , 3 days ) .

  6. 目的:观察东菱克栓酶(DF521)联合二磷酸果糖(FDP)治疗急性脑梗死的疗效与安全性。

    Objective : To observe the therapeutic effect and safety rate of DF 521 ( Defibrin ) in combination with fructose diphosphate in the treatment of acute cerebral infarction .

  7. 目的研究应用东菱克栓酶治疗进展型脑梗死的临床疗效。

    Objective To study the effects of botroxobin treating progressive cerebral infarction .

  8. 东菱克栓酶治疗急性进展型脑梗死的临床研究

    Clinical studies of Batroxobin in the treatment of acute evolving cerebral infarction

  9. 东菱克栓酶联合二磷酸果糖治疗急性脑梗死

    Treatment of Acute Cerebral Infarction with DF-521 in Combination with Fructose Diphosphate

  10. 东菱克栓酶治疗糖尿病足前后两项物理指标的变化

    Two Physical Indexs ' Change after Treated Diabetic Foot by Using Batroxobin

  11. 东菱克栓酶治疗脑干梗死的临床研究

    Clinical Research of the Batroxobin Injection on Brain Stem Infarction

  12. 结论:东菱克栓酶是治疗糖尿病足有效药物。

    Conclusion : Batroxobin is an effective medicine for cure diabetic foot .

  13. 东菱克栓酶对全脑缺血再灌流损伤脑保护作用的实验研究

    Protective effect of batroxobin on rat brain after reperfusion following global cerebral ischemia

  14. 依达拉奉联合东菱克栓酶治疗老年急性脑梗死疗效观察

    Therapeutic effects of edaravone combined batroxobin on aged patients with acute cerebral infarction

  15. 东菱克栓酶加低分子肝素治疗急性脑梗死的疗效及安全性研究

    DF-521 and Low Molecular Weight Heparin in Treatment of Acute Cerebral Infarction Effects and Safes

  16. 东菱克栓酶治疗急性脑梗死凝血与纤溶系统的研究

    The Study of Batroxobin in the Treatment of Coagulation and Fibrinolytic System in Acute Cerebral Infarction

  17. 东菱克栓酶对老年缺血性心脑疾患伴高粘血症疗效的观察

    Observation on the efficacy of Batroxobin in the treatment of the aged cerebrovascular ischemic disease with Hyperviscosity

  18. 实验结果提示东菱克栓酶对于防治球囊成形术后血管再狭窄的发生可能具有潜在临床应用前景。

    The results suggest that batroxobin may have clinically prospective significance in prevention and therapy of angioplasty-induced restenosis .

  19. 目的:探讨应用东菱克栓酶治疗血栓性眼底病的溶栓治疗效果。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of thrombolytic therapy for thrombotic ocular fundus disease using defibrin ( DF521 ) .

  20. 目的:观察东菱克栓酶(DF&521)治疗急性期脑梗塞的疗效;

    Objective : To observe the effect of DF 521 in the treatment for cerebral infarction in the acute phase .

  21. 东菱精纯克栓酶(DF-521)治疗急性脑梗塞疗效观察

    The effect of Batroxobin in acute cerebral infarction

  22. 东菱精纯克栓酶治疗TIA临床疗效观察

    Observation of DF-521 clinical effects in treatment for TIA

  23. 东菱精纯克栓酶治疗爆震性耳聋的临床效果

    Clinical effect of batroxobin ( DF-521 ) in the treatment of explosion hearing loss

  24. 结论:东菱精纯克栓酶对糖尿病并脑梗死有良好的疗效。

    Conclusion : Batroxobin showed an good efficacy in the treatment of diabetes complicated with cerebral infarct .

  25. 东菱精纯克栓酶是一种单成分溶血栓促微循环的新型血栓治疗剂。

    Batroxobin is a new thrombolytic drug , which is made up of single composition and can improve the blood microcirculation .

  26. 目的观察并了解东菱精纯克栓酶对荷瘤裸鼠全血流变学参数值的影响。

    Objective To observe the effects of Batroxobin on the hemorheology in the whole blood of Nude mice with gastric and nasopharynegal carcinoma .