
  • 网络eastern province;Orientale;Eastern Region
  1. 奇帕塔是东部省的省会,差不多位于从首都卢萨卡出发的大东路的终点,因此几乎每个来或离开隆达济的人都要使用这条通往奇帕塔的道路。

    Chipata is the capital of the eastern province , and pretty much the end-point of the Great East Road from the capital , Lusaka , so virtually everyone going to or from Lundazi uses the road from Chipata .

  2. 班达先生叹惜说,尽管东部省是这个地区领先的烟草生产省,但它仍然没有烟叶加工厂,这实在是“让人感到丢脸”。

    Mr Banda lamented that it was " disgraceful " that despite the province being one of the leading producers of tobacco in the region , it still had no processing plant .

  3. 东部省、市、县级医院的总成本明显高于中部和西部同级医院,但中、西部医院总成本差别不大。

    The total cost of provincial , municipal , county level hospitals in the east is significantly higher than that in the middle and the West at the same level , but there is little difference between the total cost of hospitals in the east and the west . 2 .

  4. 中国东部浙江省初三和高三将于4月13日开学,其他年级陆续开学。

    Students in Grades 4-8 and Grades 1-3 will return to school after April 20 , and after April 26 respectively , while kindergartens will reopen after May 6 .

  5. 中国东部六省的修订m(Lg)标度

    The revised MLG scale in the six eastern provinces of China

  6. 今年,土耳其以善意的姿态修复了东部范省(Van)极为珍贵的亚美尼亚教堂。

    In a gesture of goodwill , Turkey this year restored a much-prized Armenian church in the eastern province of Van .

  7. Sunshine,一个由五名来自中国东部安徽省的年轻女孩组成的女子组合,在过去几个月突然走红。

    Sunshine , a girl band formed by five teen girls from Anhui Province in East China , reached sudden stardom over the past month .

  8. 《癌症预防研究》(CancerPreventionResearch)期刊本周发布的一项研究称,在中国东部江苏省进行的一项试验发现,让村民饮用西兰花芽调制的饮料好处多多,其中包括帮助身体更迅速地排除吸入的空气污染物。

    According to a study published this week by the journal Cancer Prevention Research , an experiment conducted in eastern China 's Jiangsu province found that feeding villagers beverages concocted from broccoli sprouts had various salutary effects , including helping the body to more speedily eliminate ingested air pollutants .

  9. 近日,中国官方媒体新华社在中国东部浙江省乌镇举行的第五届世界互联网大会上,首次启用了人工智能(AI)新闻主播。

    China 's state-run news agency Xinhua debuted its first artificial intelligence ( AI ) news anchors at the ongoing fifth World Internet Conference that kicked off in Wuzhen , east China 's Zhejiang Province .

  10. 中国东部江西省卫生部门通报,江西省确诊首例人感染H7N9禽流感病例。

    Health authorities in east China 's Jiangxi Province have now confirmed the province 's first human case of H7N9 avian influenza .

  11. 使得中国东部浙江省首府杭州机场空中交通中断一小时的不明飞行物(UFO)仍是一个不解之谜。

    The unidentified flying object ( UFO ), which disrupted the air traffic in Hangzhou , capital of east China 's Zhejiang province , for an hour , is still a mystery .

  12. 目前共计发现21例H7N9禽流感病例,分别出现于上海,中国东部浙江省、江苏省和安徽省。

    Twenty-one cases of H7N9 avian influenza have been detected thus far , appearing in Shanghai and the east China provinces of Zhejiang , Jiangsu and Anhui .

  13. 不过,据知情人士称,高盛还计划牵头一个国际基金集团,在首次公开发行(IPO)前投资近3亿美元入股熔盛重工集团(RongshengHeavyIndustrial),这是中国东部江苏省的一家大型造船企业。

    However , Goldman was also planning to lead a group of international funds investing nearly $ 300m in a pre - initial public offering stake in Rongsheng Heavy Industrial , a large shipbuilder in eastern China 's Jiangsu province , according to people close to the deal .

  14. 作为今年G20峰会的主办城市,中国东部浙江省省会杭州市计划在峰会期间为外宾提供带有双语标识的公共自行车租赁服务。

    Hangzhou , the host city of this year 's G20 summit , is preparing to offer bilingual bicycle rental services for foreigners visiting the provincial capital of eastern China 's Zhejiang province . The rentals will be facilitated through specially-made bilingual cards , to be delivered to foreign guests attending the summit in September .

  15. 伦敦大学学院的全球健康学教授ThereseHesketh通过一份来自中国东部浙江省的电邮告诉外交政策:普通中国民众相信因为不想生女儿而堕胎是一对夫妇个人的决定,而且他们有权利这样做。

    Therese Hesketh , a professor of global health at University College London , told Foreign Policy via email from eastern China 's Zhejiang province that many ordinary Chinese believe that aborting a girl is simply a choice made by a couple & and they are entitled to this .

  16. 东部诸省遭洪水破坏严重。

    The eastern provinceshave been badly damaged by the flood .

  17. 吉林铁路枢纽位于我国东北东部吉林省吉林市。

    Jilin railway hub is located in northeast China .

  18. 中国东部浙江省温度将达到41摄氏度。

    In east Chinas Zhejiang Province , the thermometer may hit 41 degrees Celsius .

  19. 中国东部11省(市)栗疫病的发生条件

    The conditions governing the occurrence of chestnut blight in eleven provinces of East China

  20. 2009年春节期间华中东部四省电压运行情况分析

    The Analysis on Voltage for East Central China Power Grid during 2009 Spring Festival

  21. 中国东部江西省发生交通事故,造成11名儿童死亡。

    Eleven children have died in a traffic accident in east China 's Jiangxi Province .

  22. 仅东部喀布尔省的一个地区就有40余人遇难。

    More than 40 people have been killed just in one district of eastern Kabul province .

  23. 在中国东部山东省的一个渔村因海藻房而闻名。

    A fishing village in East China 's Shandong province is renowned for its seaweed houses .

  24. 出租人名叫小樱,是中国东部浙江省的一名90后女孩。

    The lessor is Xiao Ying , a post-90s girl from East China 's Zhejiang province .

  25. 中国东部安徽省的刘敏多年来一直从事离婚律师职业。

    Liu Min in East China 's Anhui province has been a divorce attorney for years .

  26. 因热带风暴西马仑登录,中国东部福建省遭遇暴雨侵袭。

    Rainstorms have swept east China 's Fujian Province after the landfall of tropical storm Cimaron .

  27. 中国东部安徽省合肥市璋塘路(音译)有自助蔬菜选购服务。

    Self-service vegetables are displayed on Zhangtang Road in Hefei , East China 's Anhui province .

  28. 两人均为中国东部浙江省江山中学的女学生。

    Both were female high school students from JiangShan city in eastern China 's Zhejiang province .

  29. 2006年8月1日闪电划过中国东部江苏省南京市的高层建筑。

    Lighting strikes over buildings in Nanjing , in China 's eastern Jiangsu province , on Aug.1,2006 .

  30. 中国东部安徽省发生煤矿爆炸,至今仍有27人被困。

    Twenty-seven people remain trapped after an explosion in a coal mine in east China 's Anhui Province .