
  • 网络solid state circuit breaker;Solid-State Transfer Switch SSTS
  1. 固态断路器的应用与仿真研究

    Study of Simulation and Application of Solid State Circuit Breaker

  2. 介绍了固态断路器的基本结构和工作原理;

    The basic structure and principle of solid state circuit breaker ( SSCB ) are introduced .

  3. 基于DSP的IGBT固态断路器设计与优化

    Design and optimization of IGBT static switch control using DSP

  4. 分析和比较了各种固态断路器的优、缺点,提出了适用于直流电力系统的基于IGBT的混合型固态断路器。

    A novel DC hybrid solid state based circuit breaker on IGBT was presented by analyzing and comparing advantages and disadvantages of solid state circuit breakers .

  5. 介绍了在固态断路器中采用改进半波傅氏算法实现对交流量采样及计算,以实现对IGBT固态断路器监测的原理,还给出了对IGBT控制的信号逻辑关系并对其进行了仿真。

    An improved half-wave Fourier algorithm is adopted in AC sampling to monitor IGBT static switch . The logic relations of the signals , which control IGBT , are given and simulated .

  6. 混合式断路器(HCB)结合了机械式断路器和固态断路器的优点,是国际上断路器研究的新方向。

    Hybrid circuit breaker ( HCB ) combines the advantages of mechanical CB and solid state CB . It is a novel direction of circuit breaker reserch .

  7. 本文提出的短路故障检测和控制电路能满足固态断路器准确性和快速性的要求。

    The application of fault current detection circuit and control circuit will meet the accurate and fast requirement of the ssb .