
  • 网络Switch cabinet;mns;switch gear
  1. 并使带电导体间或导体与大地之间有足够的距离绝缘,用于中置式开关柜及其它开关柜内。

    And to make electric conductor or conductor and the distance between the earth have enough insulation , used for type switch gear and other switchgear inside .

  2. 测试并设置开关柜及断路器继电器的配位是否正确。

    Test and set switch gear and circuit breaker relays for proper coordination .

  3. 基于CO2传感器的高压开关柜触点超温监测仪的研制

    Development of over-temperature detection apparatus for high voltage switchgear based on CO_2 sensor

  4. 基于高速16位CPU芯片的开关柜风扇智能化控制装置

    Intelligent Fan Control Device Based on High-speed 16-bit CPU Chip Switchgear

  5. 采用PLC元件控制的智能化高压开关柜

    PLC Element - controlling Intelligent HV Cubicle

  6. 采用无线RF技术的高压开关柜实时测温系统

    Real-time Temperature Measurement System of High Voltage Switchgear by RF Wireless Technical

  7. PDM环境下的计算机辅助开关柜快速排布设计

    Computer Aided Rapid Design for Switch Ark Layout in the PDM

  8. UPS在高压开关柜操作电源中的应用

    The application of UPS in operation power supply of high voltage switchboard

  9. 中压开关柜智能控制与GPRS监测系统的设计

    Design of middle-voltage switchgear intelligence control and GPRS monitoring system

  10. 在上述研究的基础上,提出电气开关柜三维CAD系统的总体设计方案;

    Base on the above researches , the author brought forward the master design of electric switch cabinet CAD system ;

  11. FA(38)型材在高压开关柜中的应用

    FA_ ( 38 ) Shaped Material Used for HV Switchgear Cubicle

  12. OPC在MNSiS智能型低压开关柜系统的应用

    Application of OPC in MNS iS Intelligent Low Voltage Switchgear System

  13. 高压开关柜局部放电UHF在线监测系统的研究

    Research on On-line Partial Discharge UHF Monitoring System for High Voltage Switchboard

  14. GCS型交流低压抽出式开关柜的几点改进

    Some Improvements on Type GCS AC Low-voltage Drawer Type Switchgear Cabinet

  15. GG1B(F)(Z)型开关柜的机械联锁

    Mechanical interlock of type gg1b ( f )( z ) switchgear cabinet

  16. 浅议中压开关柜内真空和SF6断路器的应用

    A brief introduction to the application of vacuum and SF6 circuit breakers in mv switchgear cubicle

  17. GIS是城轨交通供电系统35kV开关柜的更好选择

    GIS is an Optimized Option for 35 kV Switch Cubicle of Power Supply System in Urban Mass Transit

  18. 控制器具有RS-485,MODBUS标准现场总线通讯接口,方便接入只能开关柜系统。

    Controller has RS-485 , MODBUS standard field bus-bar communication interface and facilitate connect to switch board system .

  19. 介绍了GG-1A(F)型开关柜的几种改进方式。

    This paper introduces some improved modes for type GG-1A ( F ) switchgear cabinet .

  20. MNS开关柜MCC垂直母线与水平母线的连接

    Connection of MNS Switchgear Cabinet MCC Vertical Bus - bars and Horizontal Bus - bars

  21. 为了实现在远方主站端对分布在不同变电站的低压开关柜进行远程控制,利用电力通信通道,扩展用于电力系统远程通信的CDT规约,使远程控制问题变成计算机串行通信问题。

    In order to control of intelligent low-voltage switch cabinet by use of PLC in different remote transformer substations .

  22. 本文介绍采用PLC元件控制的高压开关柜,实现了配电控制的完全自动化以及其模块组成及功能,模拟量模块输入、开关量模块输入输出的线路。

    This paper introduced the PLC element-controlling hv cubicle realizing the complete automation of distributing control , modular combination and its function , analogue modular input , circuit for switching value modular input and output .

  23. 10kV开关柜常见故障综述

    Analysis of Common Faults for 10 kV Switchgear

  24. 浅谈10kV高压开关柜设计的几点体会

    Talking about a Few Words about Design of 10 kV High Voltage Switch Cubicle

  25. 10kV高压开关柜的故障在线检测方法

    On line fault detection for 10 kV switchgear

  26. 在研究过程中,选择了多种AutoCAD的二次开发技术,结合相应的数据库技术,实现了《开关柜辅助设计集成系统》。

    During the research , used some secondary development method in AutoCAD and Database application technology , the switch tank computer-aided system , an integrate CAD subsystem is designed base-on AutoCAD .

  27. 10kV和20kV开关柜技术与经济分析

    10 kV and 20 kV Switchboards Technology and Economic Analysis

  28. 35kV开关柜弧光爆炸判析

    Analysis of an Accident of 35 kV Switchgear Explosion

  29. 本系列电流互感器为全封闭环氧树脂浇注结构,其一次绕组的P2端直接作为开关柜中的静触头,并带有触头盒。

    The terminal P2 of the primary winding is used as the static contact in the switch cabinet and it is with contact box .

  30. 地铁直流1500V开关柜框架泄漏保护探讨

    Leakage protection for switch cubicles of subway train DC supply