
  1. 目前,一般按照对以上因素的反应将晚花突变体归于四条开花调控途径:光周期途径、春化途径、自主途径和GA途径。

    At present , the late-flowering mutants are fallen into four pathways : photoperiod pathway , vernalization pathway , autonomous pathway and GA pathway according to factors described above .

  2. 本文主要对照BR突变体与野生型,分析了BR对开花调控的一些机理,结果如下:1拟南芥内源BR含量影响开花时间。

    This paper analysis BR action on the flowering time regulation make use of BR mutant and wild-type , the results as follows : 1 Endogenous BR content of Arabidopsis affect flowering time .

  3. 就马蹄莲(Zantedeschia)的植物学特性和生态习性作了简要综述,介绍了目前马蹄莲繁殖、栽培、育种、病害与防治、种球贮藏及开花调控等方面的研究进展;

    The research advance on botanical characteristics , classification , micropropagation , planting , breeding , disease control and tuber storage , as well as regulation of flower of Zantedeschia were reviewed in the paper .

  4. 研究表明,其它一些因子也参与了开花调控,比如蔗糖和非生物胁迫因子。

    Studies have shown that other factors are also involved in flowering regulation , such as sucrose and abiotic stress factors .

  5. J属于MADS-box基因家族,该基因家族成员参与植物花器官发育,开花时间调控等多个生长发育过程。

    J belongs to the plant specific transcription factor MADS-box gene family which involved in many plant growth processes .

  6. 植物开花时间调控的信号途径

    Signal Pathways of Flower in g Time Regulation in Plant

  7. 尽管目前对拟南芥开花时间调控的分子机理进行了大量的研究,我们所掌握的信息仍然有限。

    Although extensive works have been done , the knowledge of flowering time control is also limited .

  8. 研究植物开花时间调控的分子机制对于调节植物繁殖和发育、提高作物产量和品质具有重大的意义。

    The investigation to the molecular mechanism regulated by flowering time in plants would make a significant contribution to regulating plant reproduction and growing , raising crop production and quality .

  9. 植物开花机理及调控研究进展

    An Overview on the Study of the Mechanism and Regulation of Florescence

  10. 冬小麦开花后水分调控对光合特性及产量性状的影响

    Effect of Water Control After Anthesis on Yield Properties and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Winter Wheat

  11. 植物开花时间的调控一直是植物发育生物学的研究重点。

    Regulation of flowering time has been a focus of plant developmental biology and biology .

  12. 通常情况下,高盐胁迫会抑制拟南芥开花,其调控机制已有-些研究。

    Typically , high salinity stress will inhibit flowering , and the related mechanism has been reported .

  13. 另外,一些环境信号如温度、湿度、光质、光量、内源脱落酸和乙烯等被逐步发现参与开花时间的调控。

    Additionally , some environmental factors , such as ambient temperature , light quality , light quantity , endogenous ascorbic acid and ethylene have also been found to be critical to mediate flowering .

  14. 杭白菊开花习性及花期调控研究

    Flowering Habit and Regulator Factors of Chrysanthemum

  15. 是植物开花时间光周期调控途径中的一个重要基因。

    CO ( constans ) was an important gene involved in the photoperiod pathway controlling plant flowering time .

  16. 因此,研究大白菜开花相关基因及调控的分子机制将为培育抗抽薹新品种提供理论基础。

    The research on the genes related to flowering and their expression regulation will provide a theoretical basis for resisting bolting .