
  • 网络microgravity environment;micro-gravity environment
  1. 对理想磁场作用下封闭腔内的自然对流换热进行了分析,指出在一定磁加速度大小和方向下,可实现微重力环境,磁致纯导热过程,磁致Benard对流以及其它自然对流流动形态的改变。

    The natural convection in enclosure under ideal magnetic field is analyzed , the results support that the micro-gravity environment , magnetically induced conduction and magnetically induced Benard convection can be achieved by using a certain magnetic acceleration .

  2. 通过理论分析,得到了实现微重力环境所要求的磁场强度分布。

    The magnetic field used to generate micro-gravity environment was theoretically analyzed .

  3. 一转眼,三位航天员的太空出差之旅已经过半,他们的日常生活是什么样的呢?航天员们一直在锻炼身体,保持健康饮食,并定期进行身体检查,以减少微重力环境下生活产生的影响。

    The astronauts have been exercising , maintaining healthy diets and undergoing regular check-ups to reduce the effects of living in a microgravity environment .

  4. 而在空间微重力环境下则没有重力可以利用,PEMFC性能一般情况下会有所降低。

    In space , as no gravity can be utilized , the PEMFC performance will slightly decline .

  5. 本文主要开展梯度强磁模拟微重力环境下SHS过程的传热传质等基础性研究。

    The paper studies the heat , mass transfer and some basic problems of SHS under gradient strong magnetic field simulated microgravity .

  6. 在机械仿真软件ADAMS基础上,用计算机建立了月球微重力环境并进行了数字仿真。

    Based on ADAMS mechanical simulation software , a microgravity environment was established by computer and some simulation study had been carried out about the lunar lander .

  7. 本文作者所在课题组近年来提出梯度强磁场模拟微重力环境下的SHS技术,适合微重力环境自蔓延的研究和小批量生产,克服以往的微重力手段要么时间短,要么成本高等不便。

    The research team of the author proposed the SHS under gradient strong magnetic field simulated microgravity , which overcomes the shortages of short duration or great cost of traditional means of microgravity .

  8. 目的使用旋转细胞培养系统(rotatingcellculturesystem,RCCS)模拟微重力环境,建立胰腺癌肝转移的体外模型。

    Objective To establish a novel experimental liver metastasis model of human pancreatic cancer in vitro using the rotating cell culture system ( RCCS ) to simulate micro-gravity culture .

  9. 结论模拟微重力环境能促进hMSCs的体外增殖速度,利于体外规模化扩增组织工程的种子细胞。

    Conclusion The mimic microgravity condition and microcarrier benefit the proliferation of hMSCs in vitro , and also fit to produce a large quantity of seeding cells for tissue engineering .

  10. 目的研究空间微重力环境对电泳分离的影响,证实自主研制的A3-2型电泳仪的设计和工艺,为我国空间电泳研究的发展和生物材料加工及空间制药奠定基础。

    Objective To study the influence of space microgravity environment on the electrophoresis separation process and to qualify the design and technologies of A3-2 device .

  11. 利用所建立的模型仿真人体在1G环境下心血管系统主要生理参数,与实验资料对比,以验证其有效性,然后仿真0G与微重力环境下动脉血压与静脉血压的变化。

    To test the validation of the model , the data of cardiovascular system simulated by the model on 1G were compared with the data of experiment . The changes of arterial blood pressure and venous pressure on the weightlessness and microgravity were simulated by the model .

  12. 差分干涉法测量微重力环境蜡烛火焰的温度

    SPLIT-PHASE METHOD Candle Flame Temperature Measurement in Microgravity by Differential Interferometry

  13. 微振动对空间实验室微重力环境的影响研究

    Research on the effects of microgravity vibration environment in the Spacelab

  14. 微重力环境下慢自旋充液容器内的液体晃动

    Slosh of liquid in slowly spinning containers under low gravity environment

  15. 其中,对动物细胞影响最大的是空间辐射和微重力环境。

    Major factors affecting animal cells are space radiation and microgravity .

  16. 微重力环境下半球形贮箱液体重定位试验研究

    Experimental investigation of liquid reorientation in semispheres under microgravity conditions

  17. 微重力环境中重力梯度加速度引起的流体晃动运动

    Gravity Gradient Acceleration Induced Fluid Sloshing Motion in Microgravity Environment

  18. 用高空气球实现的微重力环境模拟实验系统

    Experimental system of microgravity environment simulation using high altitude balloons

  19. 微重力环境下,液滴脱落直径将增大。

    In micro gravity condition , the water droplets departure diameter increased .

  20. 模拟微重力环境促进人间充质干细胞体外高效增殖

    High-performance proliferation of hMSCs in the mimic microgravity environment

  21. 气液两相流空隙率测量方法微重力环境应用研究重力大地测量基本方程

    Study on methods for void fraction measurement of gas-liquid two-phase flow in microgravity

  22. 模拟微重力环境下细菌生物学效应的初步研究

    Study on Biological Effects of Simulated Microgravity on Bacteria

  23. 本论文介绍了目前各种空间微重力环境模拟系统,分析比较了各种模拟系统的优缺点。

    The existing microgravity simulation systems are introduced and compared in this paper .

  24. 空间微重力环境下铅锑合金的研制

    Processing of plumbum-stibum alloy under microgravity environment in space

  25. 微重力环境下的表面张力及无接触测量

    Comprehension and Non-contact Measurement of Surface Tension Under Microgravity

  26. 回顾了国外开展微重力环境中燃烧研究的发展。

    A historical evaluation of microgravity combustion research development in the world were reviewed .

  27. 模拟微重力环境因子对人参细胞生长和人参皂苷含量的影响

    Influence of Simulated Microgravity Environmental Factor on Ginseng Cell Growth and Ginseng Saponin Content

  28. 微重力环境轮下月壤运动状态细观分析

    Microscopic study on dynamic behavior of lunar regolith under driving wheel in microgravity circumstance

  29. 地面模拟静止微重力环境中导线先期着火特性研究

    Functional Simulations of the Fire Precursor of the Wire Insulation in Quiescent Microgravity Enviroment

  30. 卫星相机中侧视反射镜振动及微重力环境下的影响分析

    Analysis for Vibration of Side Viewing Mirror in Satellite Camera and Its Effect in Microgravity