
  • 网络MSNBC
  1. 其他一些有名的网络新闻媒体,如微软全国广播公司节目,福克斯新闻频道和雅虎新闻也都报道了当天数以百万计的视频点击量。

    Other big internet news names like MSNBC , Fox News , and Yahoo News all also reported millions of live video streams .

  2. 但是让我来的人是我的好友、波士顿大学杰出毕业生安迪·莱克,现在是美国全国广播公司新闻部和微软全国广播公司的新任总裁。

    But the person asking me was my dear friend and illustrious BU grad Andy Lack , the new chairman of NBC news and MSNBC .

  3. 她还被微软全国广播公司(MSNBC)评为年度最有影响力的猫,并被互联网新闻博客Mashable评为2012年最重要的米姆文化基因。

    She was also named most influential cat of the year by MSNBC and most important meme of the year by Mashable in 2012 .

  4. 共和党纽约州议员彼得·金接受了微软全国广播公司的采访,讲述他所在管区的情况并指责称,共和党内有些人在救助纽约州和新泽西州的问题上采取双重标准。

    Republican New York Congressman , Peter King , accuses some in his party of having a double-standard when it comes to helping New York and New Jersey , telling MSNBC about his district .

  5. 据微软全国广播公司报道,美国一名脑科医生斯蒂夫·卡尔决定在意大利那不勒斯海滩向女友求婚,他将戒指埋在沙子里打算让女友自己把它找出来。

    US brain surgeon Dr. Steve Carr decided he 'd propose to his girlfriend by burying the ring in the sandy beaches off Naples for his girlfriend to find , MSNBC reported . But he forgot where he 'd put the ring .

  6. 研究人员弗兰克纽赛尔在对微软全国广播公司宣告这一发现时说:“通常名字的缩略形式会被用于亲密的场合,如昵称或爱称。”纽赛尔是路易斯维尔大学古代和现代语言学的教授。

    Study researcher Frank Nuessel , a professor of classical and modern languages at the University of Louisville , said of the findings to MSNBC : ' Typically hypocorisms , the shorter form of a given name , are used in intimate situations as a nickname or a term of endearment .

  7. 例如,在2014年,据微软全国有线广播电视公司报道,她说她会考虑采取这样的措施。

    In 2014 , for instance , she said she would consider such a measure , MSNBC reported at the time .

  8. 微软全国有线广播电视公司说明道:这艘载着8名船员以及3000吨岩石的货船在救援部队赶到前翻覆了。

    The ship , carrying eight people and 3,000 tons of limestone , capsized before rescue forces arrived , notes MSNBC .

  9. 环球影视(NBCUniversal)正在与微软公司(Microsoft)进行正式谈判,拟回购微软全国有线广播电视公司(MSNBC.com)。

    Nbcuniversal is in serious negotiations with Microsoft to buy back MSNBC .