
  • 网络microneedle;microneedles;MTS;DM-KIT
  1. 基于MEMS技术的异平面空心金属微针

    Out-of-Plane Hollow Metallic Microneedle Based on MEMS Technology

  2. 有关可降解微针帖片的详情以及小鼠实验中所观察到的帖片免疫接种的优势已于7月18日发表于NatureMedicine。(《自然医学杂志》)在线预览版。

    Details of the dissolving microneedle patches and immunization benefits observed in experimental mice were reported July18th in the advance online publication of the journal Nature Medicine .

  3. 实验结果表明,微针免疫DNA疫苗可以诱导小鼠产生体液免疫和细胞免疫。

    As a result , the functions of humoral immunity and cellular immunity were obviously increased .

  4. 基于MEMS的微针技术研究是当前药物传输领域中的热点。

    Research of MEMS-based microneedles is a very important project in drug and gene delivery .

  5. MEMS微针阵列及其在生物医学上的应用

    Application of MEMS Microneedles Array in Biomedicine

  6. MEMS微针研究

    Research on MEMS microneedle

  7. 基于移动LIGA工艺的微针阵列的设计与制作

    Design and Fabrication of Microneedle Array Based on Moving LIGA Technology

  8. 以乙肝DNA疫苗为模型药物,考察了阳离子聚合物/DNA疫苗复合物微针透皮给药后的小鼠体内免疫效果。

    Using the hepatitis DNA vaccine as model drug , to investigate the immunity effect of mouse in vivo after giving the compound of cationic polymer and DNA vaccine by transdermal application of microneedle .

  9. 本课题选用的制备水凝胶微针的材料为PVA和Dextran,两者都是生物相容性很好的材料。

    The polymer materials used for fabrication of microneedle are the mixtures of PVA and Dextran , which are safe and biocompatible .

  10. 基于SU-8胶的微针执行器的研制

    Research of Microneedle Actuator Based on SU-8 Photoresist

  11. SU-8微针执行器的研究

    Research on a SU-8 Microneedle Actuator

  12. 本章主要从MEMS及MEMS加工技术的发展、微针在生化医疗领域的研究进展和应用前景两方面介绍介绍了课题的研究背景和研究意义,并提出了课题研究的内容和目标。

    It introduces the research background and research meaning of the subject from the Development of MEMS technology and the research development of the micro-needle in the bio-medical field .

  13. 将带通道的微针阵列与PDMS腔室封装在一起形成了经皮给药前端装置。

    Microneedle arrays and PDMS with channel-chamber package together to form the front of the transdermal drug delivery device to drug delivery .

  14. 作者利用MEMS技术,以SU&8胶为材料制作了微针结构,利用电镀工艺制作永磁阵列,并研制出雏形器件。

    The microneedle is fabricated by MEMS technology with SU-8 , and the permanent magnet array is fabricated by electroplating technology . Processes of these two technologies are introduced in detail .

  15. 提出了一种基于MEMS技术在柔性基底上制造微针的工艺技术,这是一种高效、安全和无痛的全新给药方式――微针阵列。

    Based on the MEMS technology , a microneedle manufacturing proccess on the flexible substrate is presented . This is a modern biotechnology drug delivery system with high efficiency , safety and painless ―― microneedle array .

  16. 初步判断,DTX弹性脂质体微针给药系统具有一定程度的局部抗肿瘤作用。

    These results demonstrated that DTX elastic liposomes-microneedle system could improve the local antitumor activity to some extent .

  17. 初步研究了DTX弹性脂质体微针给药系统在小鼠体内药动学行为及抗肿瘤活性。

    The pharmacokinetic behavior and antitumor effect of DTX elastic liposomes - microneedle combination system in mice were preliminarily studied .

  18. 微针作用可促进载有DTX的弹性脂质体的经皮传递,从而进一步改善DTX的经皮渗透。

    Microneedle pretreatment can improve the permeation of DTX loaded elastic liposomes , so as to further improve skin delivery of DTX .

  19. DTX弹性脂质体微针经皮给药治疗人乳腺癌裸鼠移植瘤的肿瘤体积和重量的增长均明显受到抑制。

    Both the tumor volume and tumor weight of the human breast carcinoma xenografts in nude mice were remarkably inhibited by treatment of DTX elastic liposomes-microneedle system .

  20. 上述研究结果表明DTX弹性脂质体微针给药系统在改善DTX经皮渗透性上具有显著优势,具有潜在应用价值。

    The results above showed that combining DTX elastic liposomes with microneedle pretreatment significantly improved the skin delivery of DTX , and showed great potential application value .

  21. 与微针技术结合时,DTX弹性脂质体的稳态渗透速率是对照溶液的1.7倍,且时滞仅为常规脂质体的1/4。

    Combining with microneedle pretreatment , steady-state flux of DTX from elastic liposomes is 1.7-fold higher than that from control solution . Furthermore , the lag time of DTX from elastic liposomes is only a quarter of that from conventional liposomes by microneedle pretreatment .

  22. 微针的材料可以是硅、金属和聚合物。

    Microneedles have been made by silicon , metal and polymer .

  23. 样机经实验后,可以制作出微米级的玻璃微针、微管道等器件。

    The device could produces micro-needles , microchannels and so on .

  24. 细胞注射微针的流动特性研究

    Study on the Flowing Characteristics of Micropipette in Cell Injection

  25. 流体横掠圆形微针肋热沉流动与传热特性

    Flow and heat transfer characteristics across circular-shaped micro pin fin heat sinks

  26. 经皮给药用微针阵列的设计与加工

    Design and Manufacture of Microneedles Array for Transdermal Drug Delivery

  27. 流体横掠微针肋阵列热沉的阻力特性

    Pressure drop characteristics of flow across a bank of micro pin fins

  28. 结论颊针疗法是一种新的微针诊疗体系和方法。

    Conclusion Buccal acupuncture is a new method of tiny needle acupuncture .

  29. 微针系统诊疗法在日本的临床运用

    Clinical Application of the Micro-Acupuncture System Diagnosis-Treatment Method in Japan

  30. 细胞注射玻璃微针拉针器的研制

    Development of cell injection pipette puller Research on MEMS microneedle