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  • 网络Television plays
  1. 无论在中国古代还是当下,微服私访现象都较为常见。

    Weifu Sifang was popular not only in ancient but in modern China .

  2. 当官的应该经常微服私访,了解民情。

    Officials should often wear plain clothes to experience and get to know public life .

  3. 简而言之,他看起来就像一个微服私访的中国皇帝。

    In short , he looked like a travelling official in the service of the Chinese Emperor .

  4. 可怜的孩子,我来拯救你们了。不过听说康熙、乾隆都微服私访,而且效果不错,我也要试试。

    My poor children , I will save you . however , the Empire Kangxi and Qianlong will enjoy the private visit , and as well , I will try it .

  5. 伴随着新闻改革的深化,新闻从业者主体意识的觉醒、民众的需要和社会承受能力的加强,这种颇具中国式微服私访文化色彩的采访方式有了很好的传播效果和市场。

    With the news reform deepening , the conscience of the news involved , public needs and social endurance strengthened , this kind of petty visit has a good spreading effect and market .