- arrogant and wilful;proud and ungovernable

[arrongant and wilful] 骄傲自大,放纵专横的
Was it the sin of pride to have believed too much in themselves ?
The kids have to be peeled away from their iPads and their pops , prompting marathon tantrums from pampered participants .
Thankfulness is to reject arrogance and choose gentleness and humbleness .
But the Rose began very quickly to torment him with her vanity .
A long time ago and far away , there lived a merchant and his three daughters .
Although he had everything in his heart desired , the prince was spoiled , selfish and unkind .
The Lady tag has become shorthand for viral videos that highlight the misbehavior of Mexico 's coddled elites .
Nowadays , the mind of local young people is so empty and lifeless as if they were over-exploited .
The Lady tag has become shorthand for viral videos that highlight the misbehavior of Mexico 's coddled elites . \#
They are never told " no " by their parents so they expect always to get what they want .
Think of any spoilt , indulged or unruly children you know . Aren 't they usually the product of a mother unsure of her role in the home ?
Whoever slanders his neighbor in secret , him will I put to silence ; whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart , him will I not endure .
So thoroughly has he been pampered by his optimistic views that he no longer wants to have anything whole , with all of nature 's cruelty attaching to it ..
Employers call them different names Generation Y or the millennials but agree about one thing : they are the most pampered employees ever , with an overwhelming sense of entitlement .
The country is now raising its second generation of " little emperors " - only children , often born to parents who are themselves only children - and everybody wants to know if they are going to end up even more spoiled , immature and selfish than their overindulged parents .