
jiāo yáng sì huǒ
  • the sun blazing like a ball of fire;scorching sun;The sun is a ball of fire in the clear sky;The sun is shining fiercely
骄阳似火[jiāo yáng sì huǒ]
  1. 骄阳似火,寒霜如铁,狂风似啸,暴雨如瀑。

    Scorching sun , freezing frost , howling winds , and raging storms .

  2. 夏日骄阳似火,小河的水却依然清澈明静,冰凉彻骨。

    Summer day scorching sun , creek water actually still limpid Bright Static , is icy cold biting cold .

  3. 骄阳似火。

    The sun was scorching hot .

  4. 该队的名字道出了凤凰城骄阳似火的天气。

    The team 's name recognizes Phoenix 's hot , sunny climate .

  5. 这几个周的洛杉矶骄阳似火,于是我决定“轻装上阵”。

    It 's crazy hot these weeks in LA so I decided to dress accordingly .

  6. 出发前要听天气预报,有些地方可能骄阳似火,比如大峡谷公园,那的温度极易达到110℉(约43℃)以上。

    Check the weather forecast before heading out ; it may be scorching hot in some places , like the Grand Canyon , with temps easily climb over 110 degrees Fahrenheit .