
nuǎn dōng
  • green winter;mild winter;A Warm Winter
  1. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)发布的上述令人欣慰的数据表明,美国最近就业增长疲软可能是异常的暖冬、而非经济低迷造成的。数据还显示,更多的人是选择自愿离职的。

    The reassuring numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics , which also show more people choosing to quit their job voluntarily , suggest that weak US jobs growth recently may be owing to the unusually warm winter rather than an economic downturn .

  2. 就近40a的资料而言,东海沿岸的SST总体呈上升趋势,其中冬季上升幅度最大,暖冬是SST总体呈上升趋势的重要因素。

    According to 40 years SST data along the East China Sea , as a whole , the SST is increasing with time , with the winter increasing range most , so the warm winter is the important factor to increasing SST .

  3. 暖冬为蚁群数量激增创造了理想的条件。

    The mild winter has created the ideal conditions for an ant population explosion .

  4. 该公司将11月和12月的不良表现主要归咎于不合时宜的暖冬。

    The   company   blamed   much   of   the   poor   performance   in   November   and   December   on unseasonably   warm   weather .

  5. 然而,梅西显然清楚自己的麻烦远比暂时不合时宜的暖冬要深远得多。

    However ,   it 's   clear   that   Macy 's   believes   its   troubles   run   deeper   than   a   temporary   aberration    off   the   thermometer .

  6. 1957年,BBC电视台的一个节目报道,由于暖冬,瑞士的农民们享受意大利面的丰收。

    In1957 , a BBC television show announced that thanks to a mild winter , Swiss farmers were enjoying a bumper spaghetti crop .

  7. 因此本课题选取棘胸蛙作为研究对象,通过人工模拟细菌入侵及暖冬状态,研究其组织AA水平及其生物合成能力的变化规律。

    So this article chose giant spiny frogs as the research objects to study the changing regularity of AA level in tissues and GLO activity by simulating bacteria invasion and warmer winter state .

  8. 连续18年暖冬终结的原因谈如何进行冬季施工

    Why the " Warm Winter " for 18 Years is Over

  9. 近百年我国的异常暖冬与冷冬

    Abnormal warm and cold winters in China during the past century

  10. 桂林冷冬和暖冬的环流特征分析

    Study on the Circulation Characteristic in Chilly and Warm Winter of Guilin

  11. 暖冬气候对新疆北疆冬小麦的影响

    The Impact of Winter Climate Warming on Winter Wheat in North of Xinjiang

  12. 1956-2005年中国暖冬和冬季温度变化

    Changes of Warmer Winter and Winter Temperature over China in the Past 50 Years

  13. 这看来是地区性暖冬和暖春的趋势引起的。

    The cause seems to be a region-wide trend towards warmer winters and springs .

  14. 因为气体污染,冰山在暖冬的时候融化了不少。

    The iceburgs are melting from the warmer winter because of the air pollution !

  15. 暖冬天气对淮北麦区小麦中后期部分群体质量指标及产量的影响

    Effects of Warm-winter on Some Indexes of Center Later Period Wheat in Huaibei Area

  16. 暖冬:瑞典最大湖泊的浮游藻类种群是否受到影响?

    Warmer winters : are planktonic algal populations in sweden 's largest lakes affected ?

  17. 但是暖冬也起到了同样重要的作用。

    But milder weather has contributed as well .

  18. 冷、暖冬预测与三麦等越冬作物防减灾对策研究

    The forecast of the cold and warm winter and the disaster countermeasure study on some winterized crops

  19. 暖冬的原因使得统计结果与第一季度同期相比有了更多的解释。

    Thanks to a mild winter , there was more construction than usual in the first quarter .

  20. 天山玛纳斯河冬季径流对暖冬和冻土退化的响应

    Hydrological Response of Winter Streamflow to Climate Change and Permafrost Degradation in Manas Watershed , Tianshan Mountains

  21. 京城地区木材市场暖冬更暖

    Beijing Timber Market is Prosperous

  22. 较少动物将在暖冬死亡,但更多数量的动物将在炎热的夏天死亡。

    Fewer animals will die during warmers winters , but greater numbers will die during hotter summers .

  23. 2014年排放量下降的4.1%中,暖冬是最主要的因素。

    In 2014 , when emissions fell by 4.1 % , it was the most important factor .

  24. 在暖冬季节,动物死亡数量会减少,但是在炎热的夏季,动物死亡数量会增加。

    Fewer animals will die during warmer winters , but greater numbers will die during hotter summers .

  25. 暖冬对欧盟国家温室气体排放量的持续下降起到了显著作用。

    Significantly warmer winters have played an important role in the ongoing decline in EU greenhouse gas emissions .

  26. 例如,假设在一个反常的暖冬季节里,飞往热带目的地的航线无人问津。

    For example , suppose it is an unusually warm winter and there is little demand for tropical destinations .

  27. 事实上,除了美国的寒冷冬天,去年冬天是有记录以来第二大暖冬。

    In fact , despite the cool temperatures in the United States , last winter was the second-warmest on record .

  28. 他们的分析结果与此前显示自上个世纪80年代暖冬趋势的研究一致。

    Their results agreed with previous studies showing a warming trend of winters in northern Chinese cities since the mid-1980s .

  29. 本文引入扫描统计量,对暖冬连续出现的概率进行计算,以分析其异常程度。

    This paper , introduces Scan Statistics , calculates the probability of continuous warmer winters to analyze its abnormity degree .

  30. 但其变暖的程度尚未打破50年代前期曾出现过暖冬年的月平均气温距平极值。

    But the extent of becoming warm has not broken the temperature departure value of warm winter appearing in early 50s .