
  • 网络Spring;warm spring
  1. 随着一个暖春的来临,今年京都市迎来了1200年来最早的花期。

    Following a warm spring , this year , the blossom has emerged in the city of Kyoto at its earliest date for 1200 years .

  2. 山西电影步入暖春

    Shanxi 's Film Industry Enters " Warm Spring "

  3. 这看来是地区性暖冬和暖春的趋势引起的。

    The cause seems to be a region-wide trend towards warmer winters and springs .

  4. 全国范围(云南省除外)呈现了温度的正异常分布。出现暖春现象。

    Across the country ( except Yunnan Province ) shows the distribution of temperature is abnormal in phenomena occur .

  5. 不敢恭维的气象术语也遭滥用:两国关系步入“持久的暖春”,逆转了十年来的寒冷。

    Implausible meteorological phenomena were also invoked : the countries ' relations had become an " everlasting warm spring " .

  6. 暖春是怎样变成严冬的:从知识分子问题会议到反右派运动

    How can warm spring change into cold winter : from the conference on the question of intellectual to Anti-Right Party Movement

  7. 比如,他在暖春医院进行物理治疗的那段时间里经常作弄医生掉进水里。

    For instance , during his physical therapy in Warm Springs , he would trick his therapist into falling backward into the water .

  8. 房间里光线暗淡,但是让人感到很舒服,窗户开着,使屋里也能感受到外面暖春黄昏的新鲜气息。

    A pleasing soft dimness filled the room . The window was open , letting in the freshness of the warm spring evening .

  9. 科学家将这一现象与上一年度的暖春联系了起来,因为植物生长得越早,牛就有获得更多的营养,从而怀上牛犊也就越早。

    Which the researchers correlated to warmer springs the previous year : plants grow earlier , the cattle have more access to nutrition and they conceive earlier .

  10. 2002年小麦生育期间,气候反常,出现了多年罕见的暖冬暖春现象,致使小麦生育期提前;

    During the period of winter wheat growth , climate was unusual , warm winter and warm spring phenomenon which is rare many years appeared , winter wheat grew ahead of schedule .

  11. 分季节来看,西安市春季和冬季气温升高明显,暖春、暖冬化现象显著,并且这一特点在城市表现得尤为明显。

    Fen season , Xi ' an , spring and winter temperatures increased significantly , warm spring , warm winter phenomenon is significant , and this characteristic is particularly evident in urban performance .

  12. 爸爸也总是安慰我:“寒冬总会转变成暖春,一个人是没有永远的失败的。”我将坚持我的决定。

    Then father consoled me that : " The cold winter is doomed to turn into warm spring and no one will be the loser all his life . " I shall stick to my decision .