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nuǎn huo
  • warm;warm up;nice and warm
暖和 [nuǎn huo]
  • [warm up] 温暖;和暖

暖和[nuǎn huo]
  1. 这一天即使算不上热,也是一个暖和的日子。

    It was a warm day , if not exactly hot .

  2. 尽管太阳高照,却不很暖和。

    Although the sun was shining it wasn 't very warm .

  3. 我睡了一下午,又暖和又舒服。

    I spent the afternoon snug and warm in bed .

  4. 坐在炉火旁,我感到暖和舒服极了。

    I felt warm and cosy sitting by the fire .

  5. 我们不能指望这暖和的天气会持久。

    We can 't count on this warm weather lasting .

  6. 在一年的这个时节这天气算是暖和的了。

    The weather was warm for the time of year .

  7. 今年秋天一直很暖和。

    It 's been a very mild autumn this year .

  8. 我觉得耳朵和脚趾暖和过来了。

    I could feel my ears and toes start to thaw out .

  9. 我们在睡袋里睡觉,暖和又安全。

    We were warm and safe , cocooned in our sleeping bags .

  10. 我跺了一阵脚想暖和暖和。

    I tried stamping my feet to keep warm .

  11. 她来回走动,挥动着双臂使身体暖和起来。

    She walked up and down , flapping her arms to keep warm .

  12. 天气暖和了,可以在露天吃饭了。

    It 's warm enough to eat outside .

  13. 现在天气相当暖和。

    It 's quite warm at the moment .

  14. 穿得暖和些再出去!

    Wrap up warm before you go outside !

  15. 第二天更暖和了。

    The next day was warmer still .

  16. 这条睡袋很暖和。

    This sleeping bag is very warm .

  17. 进来暖和暖和。

    Come inside into the warm .

  18. 你够暖和吗?

    Are you warm enough ?

  19. 因为天气暖和,戴维只穿了一件白色的棉衬衣。

    Because it was warm , David wore only a white cotton shirt

  20. 你宝宝的肚子摸起来应是暖和的,而不是发烫的。

    Your baby 's tummy should feel warm , but not hot .

  21. 他摇动双手让它们暖和起来。

    He shook his hands to warm them up .

  22. 天气很暖和,整个下午都可以呆在户外。

    It was warm enough to be outdoors all afternoon

  23. 幸好那个冬天还算暖和。

    Fortunately , the weather that winter was reasonably mild

  24. 床上是干净的被单和暖和的毯子。

    The bed had clean sheets and warm blankets .

  25. 马库斯戴着一顶羊毛帽子,非常暖和。

    Markus has wrapped up warmly in a woolly hat

  26. 埃米的双脚慢慢暖和了起来。

    Amy 's feet were beginning to thaw out

  27. 一月下旬天气就这么暖和有点反常。

    It was unseasonably mild for late January .

  28. 彼得给我们冲了咖啡喝,让我们都暖和了过来。

    Peter thawed us all out with coffee

  29. 农民和花匠都知道,冬天越暖和,作物的生长季节便越长。

    Any farmer or gardener knows that a milder winter means a longer growing season .

  30. 厨房里真暖和。

    It was warm in the kitchen .