
nuǎn sè diào
  • warm-toned
暖色调[nuǎn sè diào]
  1. 这房间是用红和橙这些暖色调装饰的。

    The room was decorated in warm shades of red and orange .

  2. 本季时装主要流行暖色调和柔和线条。

    This season 's fashions focus on warm tones and soft lines .

  3. 这些衣服有各种自然的暖色调可供挑选。

    The clothes are available in warm natural colours .

  4. 通常,绘画中暖色调为近感色,而冷色调为远感色。

    Generally , warm colours advance in painting and cold colours recede .

  5. 珠光金色的双C图案位于星罗棋布鹅卵石般铺开的小圆点中央,而这种暖色调单色被很巧妙地烘托出来。

    Pearl gold double C logo in the spread of small cobblestone-like roll out the central dot , and this warm color is very cleverly set off out .

  6. 十大欧式建筑物外立面照明以暖色调光源为主,重点对建筑物顶部、中部、下部进行照明,突出各种建筑主体及外轮廓;文化娱乐广场照明采用26套6m高庭园灯;

    External facade lighting mainly adopts warm colour source , and focuses on roof , middle and down part of building , and protrudes building main part and external contour , entertainment square adopts 26 sets 6m high courtyard lamp ;

  7. 生涯在很冷地域的人喜欢用暖色调的色彩。

    People living in cold climates prefer to use warm colours .

  8. 这个房间是用红色和棕色装饰的暖色调。

    The room was furnished in warm reds and browns .

  9. 他大胆的绘画和所有的暖色调,表现了他独有的绘画特色。

    Bold outlines and warm colors characterize his dominate style in painting .

  10. 它是一种属于黄里带红的暖色调。

    It is a kind of warm red yellow forth .

  11. 比较苍白的肤色更适合暖色调,例如粉红色。

    Pale complexions look best in warm tones , such as pink .

  12. 你该加一点暖色调。

    You should put some warmth into the place .

  13. 暖色调能吸人眼球,这正是营销人员所期望的。

    Hot colors are eye-catching , which is what marketers are looking for ;

  14. 宜穿暖色调的弱饱和色衣着。

    Wear warm clothes color saturation of weak .

  15. 由暖色调画成的乡村风景;

    A country landscape pictured in soft colors ;

  16. 驾驶员昼间动态环境暖色调障碍物空间距离判识规律

    Cognitive regulation of space distance about drivers to genial tone obstacles in daytime dynamic environment

  17. 走下银幕出现在公众面前的东健是松弛的,整个人呈现出柔和的暖色调。

    Off-screen when he appears in the public , DG looks relaxed , comfortable and warm .

  18. 这种皮肤,最适合暖色调,象牙色也可,再次是白色底色。

    You will look better in warm colors , ivory instead of white , and gold jewelry .

  19. 暖色调很好地表达世俗情感:从忧郁、深沉到欢快。栗色和桃色的组合,橘黄色和珊瑚色加上淡褐色。

    A mix of maroons and peach , tangerine and coral are introduced by a gold-green hazel .

  20. 然后我选择我的色块面板,试着只选择有着良好对比的暖色调。

    Then I chose my color palette and try to put only warm colors , with nice contrast .

  21. 如时尚网站stylemotivation.com所写:活力四射的印花、暖色调、以及浓重的配饰正是现在音乐节的时尚主流。

    It 's taken over festival fashion with vibrant prints , warm tones and rich accessories , notes stylemotivation.com .

  22. 硬质景观采用高档石材,以体现海滨风格的暖色调为主;

    Hard paving is designed with top grand stone timber which gives priority to warm colors like seafront style .

  23. 通过数据统计和回归分析,分析了驾驶员在地面动态环境下,对暖色调障碍物空间距离判识变化的定量规律。

    The quantitative variation laws about cognitive distances to genial color tone obstacles were studied in ground dynamic environment .

  24. 试试这样的彩妆组合:眉骨眼影搭配深可可色眼线,或者浅褐色唇妆配合暖色调的古铜色腮红。

    Try pairing bone eye shadow with a deep cocoa liner or a beige lipstick with warm bronzed cheeks .

  25. 应穿米色或棕色服装,也适合穿粉色、橘色等暖色调服装。

    Should wear cream-colored or brown dress , also suit to wear pink , orange , warm color attune such as clothing .

  26. 主要是温柔的灯光,舒适的温度和湿度,暖色调和舒缓的氛围如音乐或鲜花。

    The keys are soft lighting , comfortable temperature and humidity levels , warm colors and soothing atmospherics such as music or flowers .

  27. 里外面都是磨光的水泥,混凝土和粗糙的石板,与暖色调的板条木质结构和自然的当地石材形成对比。

    The external and internal finishes are polished cement , concrete and rough slate juxtaposed against warm slatted timber and natural local kota stone .

  28. 暖色调的水彩画准确地抓住了大熊试图驱逐黑暗、让小熊得以安全入睡的努力。

    Warm watercolours capture Big Bear 's tender attempts to banish all dark from the cave so Little Bear feels safe enough to sleep .

  29. 如果你在考虑染头发,今秋的选择可以是一些暖色调的颜色,例如浓重明亮的巧克力色或可可色。

    If you are thinking of coloring your hair , the choices for the fall are warm hues such as hot chocolate or cocoa .

  30. 如果你的礼服有一个敞开的领口,在脖子和胸部扫上一层薄薄的古铜色散粉,使它们呈现出暖色调。

    If your dress has an open neckline , be sure to warm up your neck and chest with a dusting of bronzing powder .