  • excellent;fine;good;outstanding
  • give preferential treatment
  • actor or actress
  • 美好的,出众的:~良。~等。

  • 古代指演剧的人:~伶。俳~(滑稽杂耍艺人)。

  • 充足,富裕:~裕(富裕,充足)。~厚。~惠。~遇。养尊处~(处于尊贵的地位,过着优裕的生活,用于贬义)。


(优良;美好) excellent; fine; good; outstanding:

  • 品学兼优

    be a good student of good character


(充足; 富裕)ample; liberal:

  • 养尊处优

    enjoy high position and live in ease and comfort; live in clover


(优待) give preferential treatment:

  • 拥军优属

    support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of the armymen


(旧时称演戏的人) actor or actress:

  • 名优

    a famous actor or actress


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 优连仲

    You Lianzhong

  1. 含40%TiO2的Al2O3-TiO2陶瓷具有较优的防垢性能和摩擦性能。

    The Al_2O_3-TiO_2 ceramic coating containing 40 % TiO_2 had relatively excellent anti-scaling and friction properties .

  2. 手功能恢复按TAM标准:优22例,良4例,可4例,优良率86.7%。

    According to TAM standard , excellent and good rate were 86.7 per cent .

  3. 了解自己的优缺点很重要。

    It 's important to know your own strengths and weaknesses .

  4. 这些系统各有其优缺点。

    Each of these systems has its advantages and disadvantages .

  5. 我们多数学生的考试成绩是五个优。

    Most of our students attained five ' A ' grades in their exams .

  6. 70分或以上就可以得“优”。

    A score of 70 or above will get you an ' A ' .

  7. 关于这个计划的优缺点,大家意见分歧。

    There is a difference of opinion as to the merits of the plan .

  8. 她给这份作业打了个优。

    She had given the assignment an A.

  9. 考虑一下你自己的优缺点。

    Take into account your own strengths and weaknesses

  10. 委员会正在评判该提议的优缺点。

    The committee are looking at the merits and demerits of the proposal .

  11. 本着诚信、质优、互惠互利的原则,公司将不断扩展与国内外更多生产、配套、经销企业的携手合作和共同发展!

    In good faith , high quality , mutual benefit , the company will continue to expand with more domestic production , support , distribution , enterprise cooperation and common development hand in hand !

  12. 但现在他们有了更优的价位和更新鲜的产品,能继续做生意了。

    But now , with the combination of a better price point and a generally fresher product , they can stay in business .

  13. 首先,你需要评估你自己的价值观、优缺点、成就、愿望等等。

    First , you need to evaluate yourself , your values your strengths , your weaknesses , your achievements , your desires , etc .

  14. 洪水吞没了多米尼加中部巴杰优那社区的一处在建的住房工程项目。

    Floodwaters engulf a housing project in the Bajo Yuna community in central Dominican Republic .

  15. 这个方案的优缺点

    the merits and demerits of the scheme

  16. 发展特色产业是地方做实做强做优实体经济的一大实招,要结合自身条件和优势,推动高质量发展。

    The development of local signature industries is a major practical move to make the local real economy stronger .

  17. “优步化”指的是现有工作和服务转化为分散的任务,可以随需应变。

    Uberization refers to the conversion1 of existing jobs and services into discrete2 tasks that can be requested on-demand ;

  18. 本公司除供应质优产品外,另外还经营各种印刷器材如丝网印刷机,网纱,网框,菲林,胶刮,调墨刀等

    Other than the above , we also supply Silk Screen Printing Machine , Mesh , Film , Squeegee , Spatulas etc.

  19. 据澎湃新闻报道:国内优步用户叫车时遭遇刷单行为,这些刷单司机被称为“幽灵司机”。

    Chinese customers of ride-hailing app Uber have been getting their ride requests answered by scammers who have come to be known as " ghost drivers , " The Paper reported Sunday .

  20. 在下次可能得到提升之前,是否存在任何需要改正的缺点?这些问题将有助于你审视自己身上存在的优缺点。

    the strengths for the next promotion ? Are there any weaknesses that you really need to correct before the next promotion ? These questions will help you to check your strengths and weaknesses .

  21. 他的教授看到了这句话,就把试卷发回给他,并附上一个欣然的回答:“上帝得了个‘优’,你得了个‘差’。新年快乐。”

    When his professor found the message , he returned the paper to the student with a cheerful note as a response . It read : " God gets an A ; you get an F. Happy New Year . "

  22. 飞行器轨道交会的H∞次优控制问题

    H_ ∞ Hypo-Optimal Control for Spacecraft Orbital Rendezvous

  23. 参数寻优智能PID控制

    Intelligent PID Control of Seeking Optimal Parameters

  24. 关于k紧优双环网络

    On k-tight Optimal Double-Loop Networks

  25. 可控整流系统PI调节器参数寻优仿真

    Simulation of Regulator Parameters Optimization of Silicon Controlled Rectification System

  26. 目的探讨螺旋CT充气结肠造影及后处理对肠腔良性狭窄的诊断价值,比较16层螺旋CT与结肠镜的优缺点,为临床选择诊断手段提供参考。

    Objective To evaluate the value of 16 Sensation Spiral CT Pneumocolon and its postprocessing in diagnosing benign stricture in intestinal tract .

  27. 目的运用螺旋CT对眼部异物进行定性和定位检查,以期了解螺旋CT在眼部异物诊断中的优缺点。

    Objective Helical CT was used to examine the nature and location of ocular foreign bodies , and its advantages and shortcomings was assessed .

  28. 又介绍了目前应用最为广泛的固体成像器件CMOS图像传感器与CCD,以及他们之间的优缺点。

    Have recommended the most extensive device CMOS picture sensor and CCD , the pluses and minuses between them .

  29. 目的:研究中低档CT机对耳部CT扫描后,骨滤波重建前后耳部图像的优缺点。

    Objective : To study the advantage and disadvantage of ear CT images using or not using bone filter reconstruction with a mid low functioning CT unit .

  30. 使用Matlab通过对4个测试函数的仿真验证,这种新型的遗传算法的寻优性能较之SGA(基本遗传算法)有了很大的提高。

    After authentication of four test functions by using Matlab , this new GA is better than SGA .