
  1. 但即使拥有了DB2的优化能力,编写有效的SQL语句仍可能是一件复杂的事情。

    But even with the optimization abilities of DB2 , writing efficient SQL statements can be a tricky proposition .

  2. 在遗传算法改进BP神经网络的基础上,利用遗传算法的全局优化能力和BP神经网络的较强的高次非线性能力和自学习能力,建立预测单桩竖向承载力的遗传&BP神经网络模型。

    Based on the back propagation neural networks improved by genetic algorithm , a new prediction model is founded for prediction of the vertical bearing capacity of single pile .

  3. B细胞的克隆选择机制是免疫系统搜索抗体的重要手段,也是产生抗体多样性的重要原因,具有较强的优化能力。

    Clone and selection mechanism of B cells is one of the important approaches to search antibodies , as well as one of important factors to generate antibodies diversity . It has strong optimization ability .

  4. 对二进制编码加速遗传算法的杂交算子、变异算子进行改进,建立了改进的加速遗传算法,提高了GA的全局优化能力。

    Crossover operator and mutation operator are modified for binary accelerating genetic algorithm . Improved accelerating genetic algorithm is presented . The total optimization ability is improved .

  5. 然而由于J2EE应用服务器自身缺乏资源优化能力,必须通过人工进行资源配置来获得好的性能。

    However , due to a lack of resources self-tuning capability in J2EE application servers , J2EE application servers have to be configured manually to achieve good performance .

  6. 进而提出了融合CBR学习机制和遗传免疫系统(GAs/IAs)优化能力的CBR-GAs/IAs方法。

    CBR mechanisms and the classical genetic algorithms / immune algorithms ( GAs / IAs ) are then fused to form certain genetic learning methods .

  7. 为了实现Fuzzy规则自动获取,进而构造高性能智能系统和解决智能系统的瓶颈问题,研究了利用遗传算法自动获取规则的方法以及遗传算法的组合优化能力。

    In order to realize fuzzy rule acquisition automatically , and to construct high performance intelligent system and solve the bottle neck problem in the intelligent system , the method of automatic rule acquisition using genetic algorithms and the combination optimization ability of genetic algorithms have been studied .

  8. 为这两个问题设计有效的解决算法,提高算法的优化能力,是本文研究的重点。首先,论文给出了聚合树优化问题(ATOP,AggregatedTreeOptimizationProblem)的最小分组描述和最小分组模型。

    Designing some efficient algorithms for them and improving the optimization performance of the algorithms are the main focuses of this dissert . Firstly , the aggregated tree optimization problem ( ATOP ) is described and defined based on the minimum grouping model .

  9. 分布估计算法(EstimationofDistributionAlgorithms,EDAs)是一类以概率模型为基础的进化算法,由于其突出的问题优化能力与模型的解释能力,近年来这类算法也受到了广泛的关注。

    Estimation of distribution algorithms ( EDAs ) are a type of evolutionary algorithms based on probability models . Because of the excellent performance of EDAs on optimization problems and the model interpretation , EDAs are receiving more interest in recent years .

  10. 为了有效地解决QoS受限路由问题,本文提出了一种新颖的具有全局优化能力的蚂蚁算法,它是基于蚂蚁具有找到蚁巢与食物之间的最短路径原理工作的。

    A globally-optimizing " ant algorithm " is developed to solve the QoS constrained routing problem . The principle is based on the ability of ants to find the shortest path between their nest and the food source in the process of looking for food .

  11. 把具有全局优化能力的遗传算法应用于神经网络的学习,提出了一种控制混沌系统的新方法,即GANN控制方法;

    Applying GA , which has general-purpose optimization trait , to the neural networks ' learning , a new method for controlling chaotic system called GANN controlling method is proposed .

  12. 在AIBA中,通过注入抗体和动态计算负载均衡阈值的方法,将LPT算法的实时性与人工免疫系统的组合优化能力有机地结合了起来。

    In the AIBA , real-time performance of LPT algorithm and optimization qualities of AIS is assimilated by injection of antibody and dynamic computation of scheduling threshold ( Th ) .

  13. 离散神经网络的优化能力研究

    The Performance of Discrete Neural Network on Combinatorial Optimization Problem

  14. 本文还通过实验数据分析了类模板的优化能力。

    Furthermore , the performance of semi-templates is analyzed by experimental results .

  15. 能力要素包括管理能力、创新能力和整合能力,管理能力包括组织优化能力、营销能力和资源管理能力。

    Management capabilities include organization optimization , marketing ability and resources management .

  16. 通过算例并与基本蚁群算法进行比较,验证了该算法的逃脱局部极值的全局优化能力。

    Numerical simulations demonstrate that the new algorithm possesses more strong global optimization capability .

  17. 利用遗传算法的全局优化能力得到最优的矢量量化码书;

    The global optimal searching ability of genetic algorithm is used to compute the codebook .

  18. 实验表明,类模板的优化能力高于当前的模板优化技术。

    The experimental results show that semi-template is more efficient than the present template technique .

  19. 对遗传节约算法比较分析表明:与相关算法相比较,它的优化能力、运行效率、可靠性均有一定提高。

    Exemplifications prove that this algorithm enhance capability of optimization , solving efficiency and reliability of running .

  20. 由于算法自动删除冗余节点的功能,突出了优化能力。

    Because of its function to automatically delete redundant nodes , the optimization ability of this algorithm is prominent .

  21. 为此,我们从实际出发,提出优化能力结构的政策建议,以促区域经济协调发展。

    Therefore , this study provides suggestions on optimization competence structure in order to promote the regional harmonious development .

  22. 必须转变工作职能,优化能力结构,全面加强教师队伍建设;

    Secondly , they should transform the working function , optimize ability structure and strengthen the construction of teachers staff .

  23. 静态调度模型下的测试结果表明该算法的全局优化能力和计算速度均优于全局混合优化算法。

    The tests on static co-scheduling show that the RHP method has better global optimization capacity than above hybrid algorithm .

  24. 实例表明该系统有较强的优化能力。

    Some practical circuits are optimized by this system and the results show that the system has powerful optimization capability .

  25. 该方法首先基于多散射中心理论建立待识别目标的模型、利用遗传算法的全局优化能力进行目标识别。

    The model based on target scattering center distribute is built , and the target recognition is carried out by using GA.

  26. 人力资源管理能力、风险控制能力和组织优化能力是核心能力的支撑和保障;

    Capabilities in human resources management , risk management and organizational structure optimization are all important guarantees of commercial bank core competence .

  27. 该方法提高了径流中长期预测模型的优化能力,有效地克服了人工神经网络学习速度慢、存在局部极小点的固有缺陷。

    The intrinsic defects of back-propagation artificial neural , such as its slow learning speed and local minimum points , are overcome .

  28. 并在设备研究条件不中分的情况下了解较多的催化器结构与性能之间的关系,从而有利的提高催化器设计优化能力。

    And Learning more catalytic converters relationship between structure and performance , can enable design optimization and improve capacity of catalytic converters .

  29. 将分布式请求发送到数据源进行处理,利用数据源的处理能力和特有的优化能力。

    Take advantage of the data source processing strengths and unique optimizations , by sending distributed requests to the data sources for processing .

  30. 另外,还针对常见的提前收敛或局部最小现象提出几种算子,实例表明本算法具有较强的全局优化能力。

    At the same time , several operators are set up to deal with the usual phenomenon of premature convergence and local optimum .