
  1. 这里谁有优先通行权?

    Whose right of way is it ?

  2. 在这个路口,公共汽车有优先通行权。

    Buses have priority at this junction .

  3. 第十四条在自然灾害和突发事件中,执行救助任务并标有红十字标志的人员、物资和交通工具有优先通行的权利。

    Article 14 In conducting relief operations during natural calamities and emergencies , personnel , goods and materials , and transportation vehicles marked with the sign of the Red Cross shall enjoy the priority of passage .

  4. 但是对与BRT优先通行交叉口信号控制方面的技术研究,还存在很多不足之处。

    However , there are some shortcomings at study on BRT priority technologies at signal intersection .

  5. 救火车及救护车比其他交通工具在次序上有优先通行之权。

    Fire engines and ambulances have priority over the other traffic .

  6. 公交优先通行措施规划方案优化决策方法

    Study on Decision-making Method for Optimization of Bus Priority Plan Scheme

  7. 公共汽车优先通行道路上汽车挤得水泄不通。

    Bus priority lane The road is jammed up with motorcars .

  8. 巴士快速公交系统专用道设置与路口优先通行技术研究

    Study on Busway and Intersection Priority Technologies of Bus Rapid Transit System

  9. 从右边驶来的车辆有优先通行权。

    E.g.8 : Vehicles coming from the right have priority .

  10. 基于公交优先通行的交叉口预信号设置方法研究

    Study on Design Methods of Pre-signals Based on Bus Priority of Intersections

  11. 城市交通优先通行管理技术研究

    Research on Traffic Priority Pass Management Technology in the City

  12. 公共汽车优先通行道行车隧道〔地下铁路〕

    Bus priority lane running tunnel [ Mass Transit Railway ]

  13. 环形交通枢纽上的车辆优先通行。

    Priority is given to traffic already on the roundabout .

  14. 环型交叉口公交优先通行措施及其影响研究

    Analysis of Bus Priority Measures and Impact on Circular Intersection

  15. 我在这交叉路口有优先通行权。

    I had right of way at the junction .

  16. 论我国道路交通的行人优先通行权

    " Pedestrian Priority " in Road Traffic of China

  17. 谁有这里的优先通行权?

    Who has right of way here ?

  18. 规划城市公交专用道是实施公交优先通行的重要技术措施之一。

    The planning of urban bus lane is a main measure of executing bus priority .

  19. 路上,仍然可以看见让放养的动物们优先通行的标示牌。

    One can still see the signs giving wandering animals the right-of-way on the lanes .

  20. 消防车享有优先通行权。

    Fire engines enjoys priority in traffic .

  21. 应急车辆将免收跨省高速公路通行费,并享有优先通行权。

    The emergency vehicles will be exempt from tolls on trans-provincial highways and given traffic priority .

  22. 我有优先通行权,你本应当停车让我先过。

    It 's my right of way , so you should have stopped and let me go .

  23. 公交优先通行系统研究

    Study on Bus Priority System

  24. 公交专用车道是公交优先通行的重要手段,设置公交专用车道的道路和交通条件是必须明确的问题。

    And how to plan bus lanes in these roads is an important guarantee of transit priority stratagem .

  25. 我有优先通行权,所以那卡车必须停止或减慢车速直到我走过为止。

    It 's my right of way , so that lorry must stop or slow down until I 've passed it .

  26. 具体讨论不同信号判断时刻下的不同感应切换方式,为车辆提供优先通行权。

    The decision-making approaches with different switch points and patterns are discussed in detail , providing priority for the emergency vehicle .

  27. 在同高度、同方向的情况下,靠右边的一方有优先通行权。

    The pilot on right has priority to go first when two pilots are on the same height and in the same direction .

  28. 建设公交专用道可以保证公交车辆优先通行,从而有效提高道路的人流量。

    The construction of the bus lane in a city may guarantee the priority of public traffic and efficiently promote the volume of passengers .

  29. 根据发布的关于人体捐献器官转运绿色通道的通知,卫生部门接收人体捐献器官时,公安部门将协助保障救护车优先通行。

    According to a circular on the mechanism , police will help ensure ambulance right of way when health authorities receive donated human organs .

  30. 在进行热气流翱翔时.高度低的飞行员拥有优先通行权(因为他一般难以观察上方情况)。

    When soaring in thermal currents , the lower pilot has a priority on right-of-way ( it is difficult for him to observe the situation in general ) .