
  • 网络High quality soybeans;the giant beanstalk
  1. 除草剂对优质大豆品质的影响研究

    Study on effect of herbicides to soybean quality

  2. 超早熟高产优质大豆新品种黑河41的选育

    Breeding of New Soybean Species Heihe 41 with Characters of Ultra-early Mature , High Yield and Quality

  3. 本文以优质大豆为原料,研究了大豆发芽工艺及原味豆芽乳饮料的生产工艺。

    The technical parameters of germination of soybean and soybean beverage from sprouted soybean were researched in this paper .

  4. 生产多样化优质大豆粉为改善学生和居民营养服务

    Production of Soybean Meals in Diversified Forms and Good Quality for Improving Nutritional Status of School Children and Residents

  5. 提出了适时早播和鼓粒期灌水等栽培措施,可获蛋白质性状稳定的优质大豆籽粒产品。

    Stable high protein soybean grain product can be obtained by proper early sowing and irrigation during pod filling stage .

  6. 各指标的最优处理组合各不相同,在优质大豆生产时,应根据不同的目标确立合理的施肥措施。

    When the production of good-quality soybean conducted , the reasonable measures of fertilizations should be established according to different target .

  7. 随着分子生物学及基因工程技术的发展,利用转基因技术将抗逆基因转入优质大豆基因组是提高其抗逆性的有效途径。

    With the development of molecular biology and genetic engineering technology , transferring salt tolerance genes into high-quality soybean genomes is become an effective way to improve soybean salt tolerance .

  8. 以优质大豆为主要原料,经干法生产(大豆筛选、脱皮、高温灭酶、粗磨、超细研磨、浆渣分离)制得豆奶;

    The soybean as main material was used to manufacture soybean milk by dry method ( choice , peeling , enzyme deactivation , simple grinding , fine grinding , and separation ) .

  9. 优质高效大豆生产配套技术探讨

    Discussion on Cultivation Technology of High Quality and High Effective Soybean

  10. 激光诱导优质高产大豆育种

    The Breeding of High Yield Soybean with Laser Irradiation

  11. 利用野生大豆资源创新优质抗病大豆新种质

    Using Wild Soybean Resources to Develop the New Soybean Germplasm of High Quality and Diseases Resistance

  12. 优质高产大豆品种中微量元素合理用量的研究

    Study on rational dosage of medium trace element to soybean cultivars with good quality and high yield

  13. 培育抗病、高产、优质的大豆新品种迫在眉睫。常规育种选育周期长、优质资源匮乏,而且基因之间存在连锁和交换现象,使得优良品种的培育进展缓慢。

    New soybean varieties with disease resistance , high yield , good quality are extremely urgent . Conventional breeding due to long breeding cycle , lack of quality resources , and gene linkage and exchange among geges , made a slow progress in the breeding of improved varieties .

  14. 高产优质菜用大豆品种的筛选

    Selection on the High Yield and Quality Variety in Vegetable Soybean

  15. 优质、高产大豆育种的研究

    Study in soybean breeding of high quality and high yield

  16. 高产和优质及抗病大豆品种的筛选与应用

    Evaluation and Application of Soybean Varieties with High Yield , Good Quality and Disease Resistance

  17. 早熟高产优质高油大豆新品种平豆1号的选育

    Selection and breeding of a new soybean variety " Ping Dou No.1 " with early maturity , high yield and high oil

  18. 为了适应现代农业发展的要求,培育优质抗逆大豆是大豆育种的发展方向之一。

    In order to meet the development requirements of modern agriculture , soybean resistance enhancement is one of the development direction of soybean breeding .

  19. 利用优质蛋白源大豆饼粕强化谷物,通过粮豆蛋白质互补、生物强化和生物技术等方法,将营养价值较低的原料转化为营养丰富的组合食品氨维营养强化剂。

    Using superior protein resource & soybean cake meal ( after extracting of oil ) to complement protein of grain and bean and through biological enrichment and bioengineering , etc.

  20. 本文就优质小杂粮大豆机械化种植、加工的工艺流程以及创新项目实施机制,拓宽农机化服务领域,尝试推广、经营、服务一体化农机推广工作新思路。

    According technological process of planting and pro-cess with machine for soybean-a high grade small mixed grain and innovation item actualizing means , the author puts forward a new consideration for popularization , administration and service to open up the service field of agricultural mechanization .

  21. 是制作各种豆制品、提取大豆蛋白及大豆酿造食品的上等原料,现在面向整个欧洲出口优质安徽高蛋白大豆。

    Is to produce a variety of products , soy protein extract of soybean production and food quality raw materials , now Europe as a whole export-oriented high-quality soy protein in Anhui .