
yōu shì bàn qiú
  • dominant hemisphere
  1. 左侧大脑优势半球的痫样放电分析

    Analysis of epileptiform discharge on left cerebral dominant hemisphere

  2. 结论左侧大脑半球是汉字词语处理的优势半球;

    Conclusion Left hemisphere is the dominant hemisphere in processing the Chinese character .

  3. 工作记忆中汉字与空间的分离及动态优势半球的ERP效应

    ERP effects of dissociation and dynamic hemispheric dominance of Chinese characters and spatial information in working memory

  4. 治疗前后脑电非线性分析在任务脑电的关联维数和近似熵两项指标均有总体升高趋势,在左侧优势半球尤其是颞叶的导联差异显著(P0.05)。

    EEG before and after treatment in the mission nonlinear EEG analysis of the correlation dimension and approximate entropy two indicators have increased the overall trend , particularly in the left hemisphere superiority temporal lobe is the derivative of the difference was significant ( P0.05 ) . 3 .

  5. 右侧大脑半球为嗅觉优势半球。

    The dominant hemisphere of olfaction is the right hemisphere .

  6. 结论:颅内肿瘤患者术前存在智力和记忆损害,优势半球肿瘤患者损害更加严重。

    Conclusions : Patients with intracranial tumors always have intelligence and memory deficits .

  7. 语言优势半球及语言相关皮层区的功能性磁共振定位

    Localizing the Dominant Language Hemisphere and the Correlational Language Cortex by Functional MRI

  8. 纯音听觉优势半球&fMRI和脑磁图联合研究

    Predominant Hemisphere at Pure Tone Stimulus : A Study of fMRI Combined with MEG

  9. 主要观察指标:脑卒中患者利手与语言优势半球的关系。

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : Relationship of handedness with language-dominant hemisphere of patients with cerebral infarction .

  10. 癫痫病人语言优势半球6例位于左侧,1例位于右侧。

    Among the 7 patients with temporal epilepsy , 6 patients had left dominance , and one right dominance .

  11. 非优势半球卒中致语言中枢严重受损可能只引起轻微交流障碍。

    The patient may have subtle communication problems due to higher level language impairment associated with non-dominant hemisphere stroke .

  12. 结论纯音刺激激活听觉中枢和周围脑区,右侧半球为纯音刺激时听觉的优势半球。

    Conclusion The auditory cortex and the surrounding areas evoked by pure auditory stimuli , right hemisphere is predominance in healthy subjects .

  13. 语言功能的后期恢复可能与功能重组有关,优势半球具有更大的作用。

    The recovery of language function depends on the functional reorganization with more important effect of the dominant hemisphere at chronic stage .

  14. 故认为在汉字认知中,右半球主要参与汉字的图形处理,尽管左半球为其语言优势半球,但要保持汉字认知的完整,则需要两半球的协同活动。

    Although the left-hemisphere is language dominant , co-ordinated functioning of both hemispheres is essential for the intact cognizance of Chinese characters .

  15. 目的:分析母语为汉语的脑卒中患者利手与语言优势半球的关系。

    OBJECTIVE : To analyze the relationship of handedness with language-dominant hemisphere of patients with cerebral infarction whose native language is Chinese .

  16. 结论Gerstmann综合征具有很高的定位价值,主要涉及优势半球角回。

    Conclusion GS has the high value in localization and the lesion is mainly localized to angular gyrus of the dominant hemisphere .

  17. 研究结果提供了汉英双语者对英汉情感词加工的情绪效应及其优势半球的电生理学证据。

    This research provides electrophysiological evidences for the emotion effect and dynamic hemispheric asymmetries of Chinese-English bilinguals ' processing of English and Chinese affective words .

  18. 实验一和二中,病人在没有优势半球的条件下,刺激呈现视野的同侧和对侧反应用手之间没有显著差异。

    In both experiments , under no visual field advantage condition , the patients don 't show any significant difference between cross and uncross hand-field combinations .

  19. 如何定位语言区皮质,是优势半球,尤其是接近语言区病变手术的关键。

    How to map cortical areas for language is critical to the surgery of lesions located in the dominant hemisphere , particularly in areas close to language-related cortices .

  20. 儿童计算过程的优势半球有别于成人,大脑的右侧半球在儿童的计算中可能发挥着主要作用。

    Dominant hemisphere of children for calculation is different from that of adult , the right cerebral hemisphere may play a major role in mental calculation for children .

  21. 脑优势半球方面异常可能与患者觉察和评估情绪刺激时,在不同阶段选择性抑制前额叶左、右半球不同区域的功能整合有关。

    The disorder of hemisphere lateralization might be related with selective inhibition of functional integration in different prefrontal lobes area and stages , during appreciation and perception of emotional stimulus .

  22. 本研究进一步验证了海马回钩、丘脑内侧背核和眶额回为嗅觉中枢及其重要通路,并且右侧大脑半球为嗅觉优势半球;

    The uncus of hippocampus , lateral medial nucleus of thalamus and orbitofrontal gyrus are further proved the olfactory centers and important pathways , and presented dominant in the right hemisphere .

  23. 方法:对唤醒麻醉下手术切除优势半球语言区胶质瘤患者26例以及邻近或累及脑运动功能区胶质瘤患者26例,在术中直接行皮层刺激,判断功能区的位置和肿瘤的关系。

    To resect gliomas in 26 patients involving language functional area and 26 patients involving motor function area , the intraoperative electrical stimulations were performed for judgment of eloquent brain area .

  24. 结论比较左、右两侧半球磁反应晚成分(潜伏期300~600ms的反应波),优势半球波幅明显高于非优势半球。

    Conclusion Comparing the later components of the bilateral hemispheres , the amplitude of wave in the language dominant hemisphere is much higher than that of the non language dominant hemisphere .

  25. 资料综合:异戊巴比妥实验曾被视为确定语言优势半球的金标准,测定过程为有创操作,有并发症的可能,同时获得信息少;

    DATA SYNTHESIS : Wada test was once taken as the golden standard to identify dominant hemisphere of language , the process was an invasive operation , and there was possibility of complications and fewer information .

  26. 这种病人自己不会说话,也不理解别人说话的意思,它是病变损及优势半球的额叶、颞叶所致。

    This kind of him patient won 't talk , also do not understand the meaning that people says , it is be caused by of the frontal leaf of pathological changes caustic and advantage hemisphere , Nie leaf .

  27. 结果46例患者中,以口咽自动症多见(35/46例),其中以颞叶癫痫居多,言语自动症癫痫活动多起源于非优势半球,过度运动仅见于额叶癫痫;

    Results : Automatism seizure of oral and pharynx took precedence over all the patients ( 35 / 46 ), most of them were temporal lobe epilepsy . Abnormal electric action in verbal automatism epilepsy derived from non-predominant hemisphere .

  28. 研究的结果表明:(1)手语与有声语言的绝大多数功能区是叠合的,与正常人和美国手语的研究结果相似,聋人的视觉性语言优势半球也是在左半球。

    At the same time , the cross-modal plasticity theory was examined . The main results and conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) The left cerebral hemisphere is dominant for processing visible sign language and vocal language as well Boca 's area ( Rodman 44 , 45 ) .

  29. 目前,有关声调加工的优势脑半球存在着两种假说。

    Currently , there are two competing hypotheses about hemisphere dominance for processing lexical tones in tonal languages .

  30. 而对汉字加工的研究却有左半球优势、右半球优势和两半球均势等多种实验结果。

    However , the researches using Chinese stimuli obtained several kinds of results , which indicated the advantage of left hemisphere , right hemisphere or the balance of two hemispheres .