
yōu yuè ɡǎn
  • feeling of superiority;sense of superiority;superiority complex
  • egotism
优越感 [yōu yuè gǎn]
  • (1) [superiority complex]∶显示蔑视或自负的性质或状态

  • 毫无外国人的恩赐态度,也无白种人的优越感

  • (2) [egotism]∶自以为高明而蔑视别人的优越感

  • 这种优越感,这种狂妄,这种对世界上其他的人对他有何看法的完全无动于衷

  • (3) [sense of superiority]∶自以为比别人优越的意识

  1. 但他们毕竟是踏着马刺和太阳的尸体晋级总决赛的,他们有权在NBA最艰难的西部保持优越感。

    But they had advanced to the Finals by defeating the Spurs and Suns , and they rightfully had a feeling of superiority in the toughest conference in the NBA .

  2. 康拉德在作品中对原始非洲大陆及土著黑人的描写中指出了白人的种族优越感。

    In the novella , Conrad points out the feeling of superiority of the white race when he describes the primitive African continent and the native blacks .

  3. 他的个人优越感十足。

    He had a well-developed sense of his own superiority .

  4. 民主也许能提升普通人的政治地位,让他们产生优越感。

    Democracy might elevate the common man to a position of political superiority

  5. 这种优越感往往会被外部世界强化。

    This sense of privilege tends to be reinforced by the outside world .

  6. 换句话说,流言蜚语之所以让人感到很满足,是因为它给人一种归属感甚至优越感。

    In other words , gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging or even superiority .

  7. 他不动声色的优越感让她极其烦恼。

    His air of calm superiority annoyed her intensely .

  8. 他询问的语气仿佛都透着股优越感和居高临下的感觉,这个我早有心理准备,因为当时我还只是个新生而已。

    His enquiry wore a ghastly cloak of supposed superiority and rank , which I kind of expected , as I was a mere5 first year student at that particular time .

  9. 我们这里说的忙并不是那些挣扎在贫困线上忙着谋生的人,而是与具有物质优越感的人有关。

    We 're not speaking here about the kind of busyness associated with scraping by near the poverty line , of course , but rather the kind associated with lives of material privilege .

  10. 他说,苹果之所以保持领先,是因为其购买者希望自己能比使用谷歌安卓(GoogleAndroid)的下层民众更有优越感。

    Apple leads because people buy its products to feel superior to the unwashed masses who use Android ( GOOG ) , he says .

  11. 我的朋友蔡松(ChienSong)是遗传学专家,他评论说:汉族人总是带有优越感。而我们工业社会也认为自己更进步。

    The Han have always considered themselves superior , comments my geneticist friend Chien Song . And we industrial societies think ourselves advanced .

  12. 国际足联(Fifa)长期以来都在拥有“免责权”的优越感中运行,能够轻而易举地摆脱对其主要高管反复出现的、涉嫌收受贿赂和回扣的指控。

    Fifa has long operated with a sense of impunity , airily dismissing the persistent allegations of bribes and kickbacks that have dogged its leading executives .

  13. 专业人士编造出一个短语“stuck-up”,意指拥有朝天鼻的人更具有优越感这种信念,“high-brow”意指贵族的高额头,“low-brow”意指下层阶级并不精致的额头。

    Professionals coined the phrase " stuck-up " to refer from the belief that those with upturned noses had an air of superiority , " high-brow " to refer to the high foreheads of aristocrats and " low-brow " to the less refined foreheads of the lower classes .

  14. 他带着一种优越感和羞涩掺合在一起的奇怪神情笑了起来。

    He laughed with his odd mixture of superiority and shyness .

  15. 他总是带着这种优越感对待他的同事。

    He has this general attitude of superiority toward his colleagues .

  16. 我在各种事情上总抱有优越感。

    I 'm always feeling superior about all sorts of things .

  17. 民族优越感在国家商务中会导致失败。

    It 's ethnocentrism that leads to failure in international business .

  18. 瑞士人很封闭,而且很有优越感。

    Swiss people are very insular and , ah , superior-minded .

  19. 在工厂里,她在自己的雇员面前表现出极强的优越感。

    She 's very condescending toward her employees in the factory .

  20. 最近,我又一次想到了民族优越感这个问题。

    Recently , I was reminded of this problem of ethnocentrism .

  21. 但是大多数书评都觉得这本书充斥着有钱人的优越感,而且不接地气。

    But most reviewers slammed the read as patronizing and unrealistic .

  22. 中华优越感是中华民族的一种民族特质。

    The superiority complex is one of the Chinese characteristics .

  23. 我永远都不可能给他这种优越感。

    I would never willingly give him that much power over me .

  24. 他的优越感使他嘲笑她的意见。

    His sense of superiority makes him deride her opinions .

  25. 我还以为至少你会为了优越感而可怜我

    I thought at least you 'd enjoy taking pity on me .

  26. 毕竟每个人都会偶尔想要体会对他人的优越感。

    After all , everyone occasionally likes to feel superior to others .

  27. 与此同时,电视媒体的自我优越感尚未摆脱。

    Meanwhile , the TV media have not yet out of self-superiority .

  28. 但在文化上,我们有种律师才最高等的优越感。

      but culturally we have a snobbery about lawyers being superior .

  29. 事实上,我们支持他们的这种优越感。

    In fact , we support them in their sense of superiority .

  30. 你能不能讲话不这么秀优越感?

    Well , what if you said it without sounding so condescending ?