
yōu yuè
  • superior;advantageous
优越 [yōu yuè]
  • [superior;advantageous] 优胜;优良

  • 处于优越的地位

优越[yōu yuè]
  1. 敌军被优越之兵击溃。

    The enemy were overwhelmed by superior forces .

  2. 直觉上的回答是,有些艺术作品就是伟大的:它们具有内在的优越品质。

    The intuitive answer is that some works of art are just great : of intrinsically superior quality .

  3. 他的个人优越感十足。

    He had a well-developed sense of his own superiority .

  4. 她大学一毕业就干上了一份优越的工作。

    She went straight from college to a top job .

  5. 新店所处的位置优越,更能吸引客源。

    The new store is better situated to attract customers .

  6. 民主也许能提升普通人的政治地位,让他们产生优越感。

    Democracy might elevate the common man to a position of political superiority

  7. 他那优越的资产阶级家庭坚持让他接受良好的教育。

    His privileged bourgeois family insisted on a good education .

  8. 这种优越感往往会被外部世界强化。

    This sense of privilege tends to be reinforced by the outside world .

  9. 苏联的最新产品要远比这些飞机性能优越。

    These planes are outclassed by the most recent designs from the former Soviet Union

  10. 这座城市地理位置优越,到伦敦和希思罗机场都很方便。

    The town is well placed for easy access to London and convenient for Heathrow Airport

  11. 在洗发香波中有优越的去屑止痒作用。

    Function as excellent antidandruff and antipruritic agent in shampoo system .

  12. 如果能用仪器设备直接测量结构应变和相对位移将具有更大的优越性。

    It would be highly advantageous to have instrumentation to directly measure structural strains and relative displacements .

  13. 即使最不谙世故的美国妇女也对用好衣着来表示社会地位之优越抱着虔诚的崇敬态度,这使他又一次大为震惊了。

    He was struck again by the religious reverence of even the most unworldly American women for the social advantages of dress .

  14. 国会需要找到勇气去允许医疗保险优先支付被证明是优越的治疗。

    Congress needs to find the courage to allow Medicare to pay preferentially for treatments proven to be superior .

  15. 提前录取的学生往往是那些接受过高质量大学指导的学生,通常是因为他们有更为优越的背景。

    The students who use early decision tend to be those who have received higher-quality college guidance , usually a result of coming from a more privileged background .

  16. 在卢浮宫里排队参观保护在防弹箱里《蒙娜丽莎》之后,他困惑地走了出来:为什么人们认为它比前一个房间里无人问津的其他三个列奥纳多优越呢?

    After queuing to see the " Mona Lisa " in its climate - controlled bulletproof box at the Louvre , he came away puzzled : why was it considered so superior to the three other Leonardos in the previous chamber , to which nobody seemed to be paying the slightest attention ?

  17. 换句话说,流言蜚语之所以让人感到很满足,是因为它给人一种归属感甚至优越感。

    In other words , gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging or even superiority .

  18. 他不动声色的优越感让她极其烦恼。

    His air of calm superiority annoyed her intensely .

  19. 纳米医学不只是为了摆脱医学弊病,还在于提高它的优越之处

    Nanomedicine isn 't just about getting fid of the bad -- it 's about enhancing the good .

  20. 他询问的语气仿佛都透着股优越感和居高临下的感觉,这个我早有心理准备,因为当时我还只是个新生而已。

    His enquiry wore a ghastly cloak of supposed superiority and rank , which I kind of expected , as I was a mere5 first year student at that particular time .

  21. 我们这里说的忙并不是那些挣扎在贫困线上忙着谋生的人,而是与具有物质优越感的人有关。

    We 're not speaking here about the kind of busyness associated with scraping by near the poverty line , of course , but rather the kind associated with lives of material privilege .

  22. 目的探讨May钢板治疗胫骨远端骨折的优越性及治疗要点。

    Objective To investigate the treatment of distal tibial fracture with May plate .

  23. 然后介绍了Ansys关于屈曲问题的计算方法及其优越性。

    Then introduce the computing method of Ansys about buckling problem .

  24. 目的:总结CT在小肝癌术前定位中的优越性,提高原发性小肝癌的手术切除率。

    On Zero Sum Small Projects Objective : To sum the advantages of CT in preoperative localization of small HCC .

  25. GPS技术虽然已广泛应用于隧道平面控制测量,并显示出极大的优越性。

    GPS technology has been widely used in the plane control survey of tunnels and has exhibited great advantages .

  26. 分析了CORBA技术的强大通信功能和结构上优越性。

    On the superiority of the powerful communications capabilities and structure of the CORBA technology .

  27. 仿真结果了控制策略的可行性及其在改善PWM变换效率方面的优越性。

    The validity of the scheme and the improvements to the PWM rectifier are verified by simulation results .

  28. 总结了用Excel表进行单一导线简易平差的优越性及其特点;

    The superiority and its characteristic of facility adjustment for singleness traverse by using Excel is summed up ;

  29. 结果表明,GIS与水岩相互作用CA模型结合具有明显的优越性。

    It can be concluded that the combination of GIS and the CA model of the interaction of water and rock can be used effectively .

  30. 利用优越的全光1550nm+1310nmWDM技术建设中国大中城市HFC网络方案建议

    A Suggestion to the Construction of City HFC Network Based on 1550nm + 1310nm WDM Technology