
  • 网络exposure time;time;exposure;time of exposure
  1. 目的检测诊断X射线机的管电压和曝光时间。

    Objective To measure the take voltage and exposure time of diagnostic X-ray machine .

  2. 使用CT的激发扫描功能控制曝光时间能得到更准确的肝动脉期时间。

    Using CT arouse scanning function control exposure time can get more accurate liver artery issue time .

  3. 我这张照片用的曝光时间长。

    I used a long exposure for this one .

  4. 葆拉伸手拿过照相机,估算了一下距离和曝光时间,然后拍了两张照片。

    Paula reached for her camera , guessed distance and exposure , and shot two frames

  5. 猫头鹰夜间捕食小鸟。B门适应于夜景拍摄或其它需较长曝光时间景物的拍摄。

    Bulb photography is used for shooting night scenes , or other images with long exposure times .

  6. 全帧型CCD数码相机曝光时间的精确控制

    Precision Control Technology of Exposure Time for Full-Frame CCD Digital Camera

  7. CCD两种曝光时间对视宁度测量的影响

    The Influence of Two Kinds of CCD Exposure Time on Seeing Test

  8. 论在X射线探伤中曝光时间与管电压的关系

    Research on the relationship of exposition time and tube voltage in using X-ray to probe internal flaw of workpieces

  9. 结果显示3例成功消融,曝光时间(18±9)min。

    All 3 cases were successfully ablated with 18 ± 9 min of fluoroscopic exposure time .

  10. 结论320排CT的容积式扫描速度快、曝光时间短,能有效减少辐射剂量;

    Conclusion Featured with volume scanning , fast scan speed and short exposure time , 320-row dynamic volume CT results in lower radiation dose .

  11. B门适应于夜景拍摄或其它需较长曝光时间景物的拍摄。但你不会有时间用随身带的照相机拍摄风景照。

    Bulb photography is used for shooting night scenes , or other images with long exposure times . But you won 't have time for scenic snapshots .

  12. 曝光时间和CR摄影得分为目标的0-1整数规划模型,用分组过滤方法简化解空间,最后用遗传算法求解。

    Grouped filtering method was used to simplify the solution space , then the optimized model is solved by genetic algorithm .

  13. X射线实时成像检测中,若曝光时间内工件和X射线图像采集设备有相对线性运动,会造成图像运动模糊降质。

    In X-ray digital imaging testing , the image will be degraded by motion blur caused by the relative linear movement between object and image acquisition equipment .

  14. 建立了一种利用曝光时间测量CCD彩色数码相机光强响应特性的方法,通过调整快门速度获得不同的光强。

    Then a convenient method was put forward to determine the intensity response curves of digital color camera by only adjusting the exposure duration .

  15. 标测和消融的操作时间(46±20)min,X线曝光时间(24±12)min。

    The mean procedure time of mapping and ablation was ( 46 ± 20 ) min and the mean fluoroscopy time was ( 24 ± 12 ) min.

  16. CTF法平均总曝光时间(15±4)s;

    The average exposure time was ( 15 ± 4 ) s.

  17. 随后利用MATLAB软件对动态分形数字掩模技术的理论进行了仿真实验,实验结果证明该技术的动态分形量化法和确定曝光时间的理论是完全可行的。

    Then use of MATLAB software on dynamic fractal digital masking technology the theory of simulation experiment , the experimental results show that the technology theory is completely feasible . 4 .

  18. 3在射频消融治疗AVNR中,参考程序刺激时慢径传导的AH间期对消融靶点进行定位,其临床应用是安全有效的,与以往消融方法相比可减少放电次数,并缩短曝光时间。

    According to the slow pathway conduction interval , we can predetermine the ablation target in AVNRT . Compared with standard method , it can shorten expose time and RF application .

  19. 该方法用银盐干版记录主全息图H1,节省了大量的曝光时间。

    Due to H 1 can be recorded with silver halide plate in this method , a great deal explosure time is saved .

  20. 方法利用仿真人模体,在保证影像负片质量的前提下,改变X射线管压和曝光时间,测量器官剂量和有效剂量。

    Methods Under the condition of keeping the image films with the same quality and , with the help of a human phantom , change the X-ray tube potential and exposure time , and measure entrance skin dose and organ doses .

  21. 比较两组介入治疗时平均X线曝光时间、造影剂用量、术后TIMI血流分级和心电图ST段变化。

    The time of X-ray exposure , the amount of contrast media consumed , the TIMI grading after stenting and ST-segment changes of electrocardiogram were compared between two groups .

  22. 获得了实验系统的两个重要系数N和R,其中N可以指导实验或者商用产品选取合理的视场范围,R可以指导实验或者工业应用的合理曝光时间。

    Coefficient N and R can be obtained , which are very important to the measurement system . Factor N can be used to guide the experiment or commercial products selecting appropriate field of view , while factor R for reasonable exposure time .

  23. 本文针对X射线探伤中曝光时间与管电压的关系以及曝光时间在探伤中的实际意义做了详尽分析,并提出了对于不同厚度的零件如何选择曝光时间的原则。

    This paper illustrates the relationship of exposition time and tube voltage in the process of using X-ray to probe the internal flaw of the workpiece and proposes an general method for choosing the exposition time by different thickness of the workpiece .

  24. 应用Logistic模型拟合彩色遥感图像的D-t曲线,是定量分析Y(黄),M(品红),C(青)分解密度与曝光时间关系的一种新方法。

    A novel method by using Logistic model to fit D-t curves of the color remote sensing image is proposed to analyse the relation between Y , M , C analytical density and the exposure time .

  25. CCD曝光时间必须与被测屏的图形信号同步,为全屏快速测量,至少需要九个CCD,它们之间亦需要同步。

    Secondly , the time of exposure of CCD must be synchronized with the image signal from the screen , which makes the system need nine CCDs altogether to measure the whole screen quickly and the CCDs must synchronize each other .

  26. 由于列车行使过程中外界景物照度会随着环境的不同而变化,改变光阑的大小和调节电子快门曝光时间可以获得CCD最佳的曝光量,从而达到良好的观察效果。

    Because of the illuminance of external world change with train working , we can change the iris diaphragm size and adjust shutter exposure time access to the best of the CCD exposure , So as to achieve good results observed .

  27. 设置CCD摄像机曝光时间,设计了短路过渡信号的获取及CCD摄像机外触发电路,准确地将CCD摄像机的曝光时刻定位于短路过渡阶段,从而克服了不同时刻采集亮度不同、飞溅等干扰较多的问题。

    A short-circuit detection and CCD camera ex-trigger circuit is developed based on the welding voltage waveform . The exposure time is fixed at the moment of short circuit , which solves the problems caused by the surrounding luminance and spatter interference .

  28. 介绍了采用曝光时间小于10的高速CCD以及相应的图像卡成功实现白天强背景光下实时显示激光束的方法,该方法可以有效提高卫星激光测距的白天测距能力。

    This paper presents a method for monitoring laser beam under the condition of intense lights by developing a CCD with a high speed , ultrashort exposure time . This method can improve the capability of Satellite Laser Ranging for Shanghai station in daylight .

  29. 通过使用Monte-Carlo数值模拟方法,我们从时域的角度研究了不同的实验条件下,采集系统曝光时间的有限长度(或带宽不足)给位置测量和使用热运动分析法进行刚度标定带来的影响。

    By using Monte-Carlo numerical modeling method , the influence of the insufficient bandwidth of the acquisition system on the displacement measurement and the stiffness calibration using the thermal motion analysis method is studied in the time domain .

  30. 当时我将相机安置在三脚架上,曝光时间是5秒,f10。照片拍摄出来后,我只是调整了一下水平度做了一下剪切。

    The camera was mounted on a tripod , exposures made with a cable release for5 seconds at f10 .