
fù huì
  • draw wrong conclusions by false analogy;strain one's interpretation;draw a farfetched analogy;make a strained interpretation
附会 [fù huì]
  • [strain ones interpretation;draw wrong conclusions by false analogy] 把不相关的事说成有关;把没有某种意义的事说成有某种意义

附会[fù huì]
  1. 下面三足是异型怪兽,有镇宅辟邪之附会。

    The following three feet is alien monster , have the lines .

  2. 识破诡辩的“附会”把戏

    See through the trick of pettifogging " fu hui "

  3. 在学理层面上分析有些论述过于抽象;在技术层面上又流于附会。

    Some are too abstract on theoretical level and farfetched on technique level .

  4. 八条禁法不太可能是从古代中国输入的舶来品,它很可能是汉朝人根据自己的法律现实和法律观念附会韩国上古社会的固有习惯法而作的一种歪曲记录。

    It is not likely that " eight prohibition law " came from China .

  5. 此外,该书还有贴阶级标签,附会政治内容的倾向。

    Besides , this book tends to interpreter poems from class viewpoint strain interpretations to politics .

  6. 从孟子思想中推导出的环保主义思想,是对孟子思想的附会。

    So it isn 't very reasonable that some scholars deduce environmentalism from Mencius ' thoughts .

  7. 有一个我母亲也附会的谣言,声称福特车永远会倾覆。

    There was a rumor , echoed by my mother , that Fords were forever turning turtle .

  8. 人类诞生以来,人们总是对于他们不理解的事情提供附会的解释。

    Since the beginning of humanity , people have invented explanations for things they don 't understand .

  9. 但由于它对小说的曲意附会,其评点文字并未像删改过的文本那样流播后世。

    But its comments don 't spread so widely as the amended text because it distorts meaning of the novel .

  10. 清以前,少数民族语名称的汉语音译多有不准确、不稳定、带附会歧视色彩等缺失。

    Before the Qing dynasty , there was so much disadvantages as inaccurate , instable and discrimination in the transliterated course of names from minorities'language .

  11. 但也经过史诗化处理,附会了许多他本身所不具备的武术传奇英雄的风采和儒家孔孟之道的思想。

    But , never before has the legendary hero of martial artistry and Confucian ideals , been given a more epic treatment than he was here .

  12. 当代中国传统美学研究中存在着对儒家美学人为附会和评价过高现象。

    In the study of the Chinese contemporary traditional aesthetics , there exists the tendency of drawing wrong conclusions by false analogy and over-evaluation to the Confucian aesthetics .

  13. 如果当时他说话更谨慎一些,这些逢迎附会、自以为是的同情心就不会有机会,但他的话的确揭露了一个投资的真相。

    And while he should have known better than provide an opportunity for obsequious and self-righteous compassion , his remark did point to a fundamental truth of investing .

  14. 从周代开始,玉被士人阶层附会了种种道德传统,比如认为玉具有仁、义、礼、智、信、勇等六种风格。

    In the Zhou Dynasty , jade was imbued by the ruling class with the concepts of benevolence , righteousness , etiquette , faithfulness , wisdom and courage .

  15. 其文又继承与发扬了中国古典的美学精神,呈现出章法的附会美、内在的韵律美、语言的精炼美。

    His prose inherits and develops the classical Chinese aesthetic , brings the delicacy of construction , the beauty of rhyme and the brevity of language into full play .

  16. 时人认为,君王“不明”、德行不盛都会引发疾疫,由此逐渐衍化为一种神秘的以灾异附会社会人事的灾异说。

    People then thought it came from " obscurity " and little virtue from king , and was gradually turning into a mysterious thing connected with people and society .

  17. 《文心雕龙》中《附会》篇旨,不应作为构思文章、谋篇布局的写作命题来理解。

    The purpose of Fu Hui in Wen Xin Diao Long should not be understood as a question of composition , such as working out the plot , the paragraphing and structure of an article .

  18. 常州派词学在一百多年的发展中,形成了一个从附会求意到审美把握的自我完善的理论系统。张惠言提出意内言外的词学本体论及其比兴寄托的阐释方法;

    The Changzhou School ′ s theory of ci poems , in its over one hundred years ′ development from strained interpretation and analogies to an aesthetic hold in grasp , had formed a self perfected theoretical system .

  19. 文学作品的阅读是语文教学的重要内容,我国语文课程中的文学阅读教学从取向到方法上受我国传统文学解读理论的影响非常深远,表现为:既崇尚作者原意而又乐于附会政治。

    Literature work 's reading is important in the course of Chinese teaching . In our country , The Chinese traditional literature reading theory influenced on the teaching of literary reading very profound , from orientation to the method .

  20. 但是后来史学家们用这些既成事实强牵附会地证明两个统帅的预见和天才。其实,这些统帅不过是历史的工具,且是所有不由自主的历史工具中最不自由、最不由自主的活动家。

    After the accomplished fact historians have brought forward cunningly devised evidences of the foresight and genius of the generals , who of all the involuntary instruments of the world 's history were the most slavish and least independent agents .

  21. 孔子是我国历史上著名的思想家和教育家,他的思想、人格精神、教育方法和手段对后世影响非常深远,孔子也因此成为后世许多传说乃至神话的附会对象,导致孔子形象发生变形。

    Confucius is a famouse thinker and educator in our country history , his thoughts , personality spirits , education methods and means affect to the future generations profoundly , Confucius also therefore become assumption object of many legends , So Confucius image changes .