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fù yōng
  • vassal;dependency;appendage;small state attached by a big neighbor
附庸 [fù yōng]
  • (1) [vassal;small state attached by a big neighbour]∶古代指附属于大国的小国,今借指为别的国家所操纵的国家

  • (2) [dependency]∶依附于其他事物而存在的事物

附庸[fù yōng]
  1. 道德在沦为经济附庸的同时丧失自己的高贵品位。

    The moral dignity is lost while becoming the economic dependency .

  2. 近代以来的一些哲学体系,已成为某种布置好了的概念游戏,成了某种科学认识论的附庸。

    Modern philosophies have likely become some prearranged games of concept and some dependency of scientific epistemology ever since .

  3. 意大利在20世纪30年代末成了德国的附庸。

    Italy became a satellite state of Germany by the end of the 1930s .

  4. 协定的反对者认为货币联盟会使法国沦为德国的附庸国。

    Opponents of the treaty argue that monetary union will turn France into a vassal of Germany .

  5. 附庸国不会接受单方面的共同防御协定。

    Vassals can no longer accept one-sided defensive pacts ( ! ) .

  6. 那时威尔士是个附庸国。

    Wales was a vassal kingdom at that time .

  7. 更重要的是,Snapchat和它的投资者似乎都深信自己的公司就是下一代社交网络的代表&而不是现在业界大佬的附庸。

    More importantly , snapchat and its investors seem to believe that this company is the next generation of social networking & not an add-on to the dominant incumbent .

  8. 我国现在的生产要素配置主流是政府行政化的单中心配置模式,这既可能使NPO成为政府的附庸而丧失自我,又可能造成NPO弱质和低能及降低对公民服务需求的回应性等弊端。

    The existing mode of production factor is the single center that the government administration turns to adopt . This may make NPO become the appendage of the government , again may result in NPO 's decrease the response to the citizens ' demand .

  9. 不应把人的因素看成是经济体制的附庸

    People should not is regard as subservient to the economic system

  10. 我们不能容许他们的附庸打败我们的老朋友。

    We could not permit their clients to defeat our traditional friend .

  11. 这个国家是个主权国家,而不是其它国家的附庸国。

    The country is a sovereign state , not a dependent state .

  12. 为什么中国会侵略我们?我们已经是他的附庸了。

    Why would China invade us ? They own us !

  13. 讨厌被迫充当一个附庸。

    He hates being made to feel like an appendage .

  14. 中国古史分期论要在我国古代,小说是历史的附庸。

    In ancient China , novel was affiliated to history .

  15. 解释什么是在古老近东的宗主附庸条约。

    Explain what a suzerain-vassal treaty was in the ancient Near East .

  16. 附庸地位附属或服从的地位;奴隶状态。

    A position of subordination or subjection ; servitude .

  17. 这个想法帮助我们塑造在参量之间的预先的附庸。

    This idea helps us to model the prior dependencies between the parameters .

  18. 它还带来了由咨询顾问和半官方机构组成的半公共性质的附庸群体。

    It has led to a huge semi-public client state of consultants and quangos .

  19. 这将让意大利与如今的希腊一样成为德国的经济附庸。

    Italy , like Greece today , would become an economic vassal of Germany .

  20. 地图的内容被文字取代,而成为文字的附庸。

    The contents of maps are replaced by characters which became appendages to characters .

  21. 我不是任何人的什么附庸!

    I ain 't nobody 's well-behaved nothing !

  22. 行业协会是真正的自律性组织,不是政府的附庸。

    Industry association is a real self-disciplinary organization rather than subservient to the government .

  23. 作为金的附庸,伪齐在政治上不具独立性。

    As gold vassal , politics up off guard independence fake Qi is living simultaneously .

  24. 抗战时期我国沦陷区经济地位附庸问题再探讨

    Further discussion on enemy-occupied areas ' economic " appendage status " in anti-Japanese war period

  25. 所有附庸国都陷入困境,但多数适应了变化。

    All suffered , but most adapted .

  26. 这个民族已经沦为附庸。

    The nation was kept in subjection .

  27. 艺术真实与历史真实珠联璧合,使咏史诗由史的附庸恢复诗道之尊。

    The combination of art verity and history verity , recover its poetic status from history .

  28. 我们很高兴得地看到外交操作的扩充:包括了附庸关系。

    We 're pleased to see the diplomatic options broadened with the inclusion of vassal relationships .

  29. 他们的目的是要建立一个完全西方附庸化的资产阶级共和国。

    Their goal was to establish a bourgeois republic , an out-and-out vassal of the West .

  30. 然而,伊朗政府却依然坚定地维护其在大马士革的附庸。

    Tehran , however , remains firmly committed to the survival of its client-employee in Damascus .