
shī fàn
  • anomie;loss of standards;disorderly practice ;disobedience of the established rules
  1. 大学学术道德失范的制度分析

    The Institutional Analysis on the Anomie of Academic Morality in University

  2. 关于经济秩序失范原因的伦理解析

    On Moral Interpretation of Reason of Anomie About the Economic Order

  3. 当前网络环境下Internet出现越来越严重的网络失范,使得基于网络技术的环境评价信息系统(EENIS)局部安全性与机密性受到威胁和破坏。

    Because of more and more serious net faults occur in the current Internet environment , the safety and secret of Environment Estimation Network Information System ( EENIS ), which are based on network technique , are undergoing menace and destroying .

  4. 行政伦理失范,是行政权力的一种异化现象。

    Abnormal administrative ethics is a dissimilation phenomenon of administrative power .

  5. 高校师道失范现象产生的原因及对策

    Analysis and strategy for loss of teacher moral phenomenon ins universities

  6. 目前大学校园道德失范现象令人忧心、使人深思。

    The loss of Ethics is a worrying phenomenon on campus .

  7. 医生医疗行为失范的成因与对策

    Reasons and Solutions for Paradigm Lost of the Doctor 's Behavior

  8. 高校学生失范行为及其处罚措施研究

    Research on Deviated Behaviors of College Students and Its Punitive Measures

  9. 论大学学术道德失范的主要危害

    The Main Harm of the Anomie of Academic Morality in Universities

  10. 市场经济条件下的道德失范与对策

    Moral Anomy in Market Economy and the Solution to It

  11. 国有企业企业家失范行为矫正研究&政府主导下的制度变迁

    Study on Rectifying the Inappropriate Behavior of Entrepreneurs of SOEs

  12. 对网络主体道德行为失范的成因分析

    Analyzing the Causes of Netizens ' Deviated Behavior and Ethics

  13. 科学道德失范的原因分析及对策研究

    The Reasons and Countermeasures of the Misconduct of Science Morality

  14. 文明失范、道德腐败与常德缺位

    On the Civilization Abnormality , Moral Corruption and Absence of Constant Virtue

  15. 失语、失范:媒体广告的现实困境

    On the Dilemma of the Mass Media for Poor-quality Advertisements

  16. 浅谈网络言语行为的道德失范问题

    A Tentative Study of Moral Incorrectness of Network Speech Acts

  17. 要解决我国行政伦理失范问题就必须探究行政伦理失范的原因。

    To solve the administrative ethics anomie we must explore the reasons .

  18. 行政伦理失范的问题目前较为普遍。

    Administrative ethics lose Fan problem at present relatively universal .

  19. 环境危机是由人的失范行为导致的。

    Environmental crisis is caused by the improper behaviors of human beings .

  20. 鉴定发证过程中失范现象较为严重;

    Serious de-criterion phenomenon in identifying process and awarding certificate ;

  21. 公务员行政伦理失范问题日趋呈现,伴随着隐蔽化和复杂化趋势,凸显弊端。

    The problems on administrative ethics anomie of Civil Servants increasingly presented .

  22. 社会失范现象日趋突出;

    The phenomenon of losing social criterion becomes increasingly extrusive ;

  23. 我国社会转型时期道德失范的原因及其对策

    The Cause Of Demoralization during The Social Conversion Period and The Countermeasures

  24. 医务人员道德失范原因分析及道德重建

    Cause analysis of medical personnels moral degradation and moral reconstruction

  25. 高校网络道德失范及其规正新探

    Deficiency of online moral norms and its normalization at colleges and universities

  26. 大学生网络道德失范及对策

    The Graduates ' Moral Decline of Network and the Countermeasures

  27. 行政伦理失范的克服途径:行政伦理制度化

    Systemization of Administrative Ethics : the Approach of Overcoming Abnormal Administrative Ethics

  28. 腐败是一种社会失范行为。

    Corruption is a kind of misconduct of the society .

  29. 食品安全报道中的道德失范与对策研究

    A Study on Moral Anomie in Food Safety Report and the Countermeasures

  30. 学术期刊的编辑失范与价值回归

    Missing Standard in Editing Academic Periodicals and the Regaining of the Values