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shǎng cì
  • grant a reward;award;reward
赏赐 [shǎng cì]
  • (1) [award]∶赏给;赐予

  • 策勋十二卷,赏赐百千强。--《乐府诗集.木兰诗》

  • (2) [reward]∶赏与的钱物

  • 光是储秀宫、 翊坤宫两处的装修和对臣仆的赏赐,就花了一百多万两银子。--《故宫博物院》

赏赐[shǎng cì]
  1. 人类最早的科技奖励活动,是从对政治、军事方面有功的赏赐发展而来的。

    The earliest activities of STA was derived from the award to political and military achievements .

  2. 具体而言,论文分为四个部分:第一部分,首先根据铜器铭文中描述的主要内容对铭文划分为祭祀典礼类、册命赏赐类、颂扬先祖类、征伐记功类和约记律令类五大类别。

    Specifically , this thesis includes four parts : In light of content , in the first part , the bronze vessel inscriptions are divided into five kinds involving Sacrificial ceremony , appointment and award , Extolling patriarch , recording merits of warriors and law and rules .

  3. 满全我们众弟兄亲属对救恩的期求,并赏赐他们永恒的生命。

    Grant our brothers and relatives their saving petitions and eternal life .

  4. 楚王得知这件事后,也被臣民的一片忠心所感动,于是召见了要献凤凰的人,给了他买凤凰十倍的赏赐。

    Hearing of this , the king of the state of Chu was moved by the loyalty3 of his subjects . The king then called in the man who had wanted to present the phoenix , and gave him awards that were worth ten times the money he had paid for the pheasant .

  5. 农民为自己的这一新发现激动不已,兴奋地对妻子说:“晒太阳是如此令人愉快,而人们却还不知道。我要把这一秘密献给国王,国王为了表彰我的忠诚,一定会给我很多赏赐物品。”

    He was very excited at his discovery , and he said to his wife , " Sun bath is so pleasant , but people do not know it . I will present this secret to the king , and he is sure to bestow5 many presents to me to reward my loyalty6 . "

  6. TrickorTreat是现代万圣节的风俗。孩子们穿着特殊的衣服走街串巷,讨取糖果和玩具之类的赏赐。

    5 . Trick or Treat is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume , asking for treats like candy or toys .

  7. 这次实验带来的道德问题暂且不谈,它更揭示了Facebook商业模式的深层次变化:即便它屈尊赏赐用户一点隐私权,依然能确保滚滚财源。

    Troubling ethics notwithstanding , the experiment has revealed a deeper shift in Facebook 's business model : the company can make money even when it deigns to allow its users a modicum of privacy .

  8. 忠心与高品质的工作要得主的赏赐。

    V.Faithfulness and high quality works will be rewarded by Christ .

  9. 为一个把她所有赏赐都丢到她脸上的人。

    For someone who threw all she offered in her face .

  10. 君主赏赐牲畜,一定要养着它。

    When bestowed livestock by the lord , always rear it .

  11. 我实在告诉你们,他们已经得了他们的赏赐。

    Verily I say unto you , They have their reward .

  12. 其次阐述了明代皇帝赏赐的内容。

    Then expounds the content of the Ming dynasty emperor reward .

  13. 甲骨文中有有关贝的获取及赏赐情况的记载。

    The oracle-bone inscriptions record the acquisition and bestowal of shells .

  14. 与陛下一同用膳就是赏赐了。

    To dine with Your Majesty would be reward in itself .

  15. 我是你的盾牌,必大大的赏赐你。

    I am your shield , your very great reward .

  16. 西周金文赏赐物品及其相关问题研究

    A Study on Bestowals and Some Issues Related in West Zhou Dynasty

  17. 离我赏赐忏悔已经有一周了。

    It has been one week since my last confession .

  18. 赏赐与索取的荣誉难长久。

    Short is the glory that is given and taken by man .

  19. 另一幅则是教皇赏赐给卡西莫尔先祖的塑像。

    Another is Pope grants for Cassie the Mole ancestor 's statue .

  20. 因为祂乃是那位赏赐生命气息的真神。

    Because he is the true God who gives life and breath .

  21. 生命的赏赐往往超乎你的想象。

    The life grants often the ultra your imagination .

  22. 王在查问之下,才发现他还没有赏赐末底改。

    Upon inquiry , the king discovered that Mordecai had never been rewarded .

  23. 5所以不可丢弃你们的胆量;这胆量是会得大赏赐的。

    5do not cast away therefore your boldness , which has great reward .

  24. 你们要这样任职,我将祭司的职任给你们当作赏赐侍奉我。

    I am giving you the service of the priesthood as a gift .

  25. 更美好的是,神应允要在永恒的国度里赏赐你的忠心。

    Even better , God has promised to reward your faithfulness in eternity .

  26. 子的有份者(伴侣,伙伴)永恒的命定与赏赐。

    The destiny and reward of the Son 's metochoi ( partakers ) .

  27. 每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。

    Behind every painstaking effort will be double reward .

  28. 但是入口后,热腾腾的“黄油”慢慢流下我下巴,简直像是给我“黏糊糊”的赏赐。

    But the hot butter drizzling down my chin was my sticky reward .

  29. 神应许我们他将赏赐为神坚立的人!

    God promises also that we will be rewarded for standing for Him !

  30. 风险是上帝决定不赏赐的。

    Risks that God chose not to reward .