
  • 网络Standardization;behavior regulation;Normative Behavior
  1. 各级地方政府应对这些问题给予高度重视,通过规范行为,确保中央扩大内需方针落到实处。

    Local government should pay enough attention to the standardization of their behavior so as to ensure that the policy of expanding internal demand be carried through .

  2. 校园文化具有认知导向、规范行为、感染熏陶、凝聚激励以及文化融合与创新功能,是农业高校思想政治教育以及创新发展的有效载体。

    Campus culture known as an efficient supporter to agriculture universities ideological and political education and innovation , it has many important functions , such as cognitive guidance , behavior regulation , edification , inspiration , culture fusion and creation .

  3. 政府在发展旅游业方面存在不规范行为。

    The government 's irregularities in the development of tourism .

  4. 规范行为,塑造灵魂;

    Discipline the behavior and shape the soul .

  5. 图书馆不同岗位的工作人员,应研究本职工作的体语应用,规范行为方式。

    Librarians in different departments should study their usage of body language to standardize their behaviors .

  6. 证券市场存在着大量的不规范行为,但受查处的却很少。

    There are many irregular acts in the securities business , but few of them are punished .

  7. 该研究应用同行评审法不仅能判定不规范行为是否存在、存在的严重程度,还能够发现不规范行为发生的环节。

    For this aspect , peer review is used in the former for judging whether the nonstandard behavior is existing or not , its seriousness and specific knot happened .

  8. [目的]分析不规范行为的分布,为加强新农合定点医疗机构监管提供决策依据与参考。

    [ Objective ] To analyze the distribution of the unregulated actions , and offer some evidences to strengthen the supervision to appointed medical institutions of new rural CMS .

  9. 再次,第三章是本文的重点。我在这一章里,从规范行为模式、程序控制以及责任救济三个方面论述了行政指导与法治行政的谋合。

    The third , from the law basis , behavior pattern , procedure control and the duty relief four aspect point out the administration guide to match with administration to law .

  10. 维氏反对私人语言,认为私自遵守规则是不可能的,只有在社会的与境中,在集体实践时才能产生语言的规则与制度,进而规范行为。

    Wittgenstein opposes private language and thinks that privately following rule is impossible . Only in social context and collective practice can be produced lingual rules and institutions , and then they instruct the behaviors .

  11. 由于生态林项目投资中存在各种不规范行为,使得资金管理和使用的效率低下,严重影响生态林工程的质量和各种效益的发挥。

    Because of a variety of investment irregularities existed in ecological forest projects , they make the fund management and use low efficiency and seriously affect the quality of ecological forest projects and effectiveness of play .

  12. 结论预防眼外伤的重点是:加强法制宣传,规范行为方式,增强安全生产意识,改善工作和劳动环境,加强劳动保护,穿戴劳保用品。

    Conclusion Main preventive measures against eye injuries are concluded to be giving wide publicity to the workers , regulating working behavior , intensifying safety consciousness , improving working environment and emphasizing labor protection and wearing suitable appliance .

  13. 因此,对市场营销活动中不规范行为进行分析,并以此为基础进行市场营销的政府监管研究,既是政府管理职能实践的要求,也是促进社会与经济发展的重要内容。

    Therefore , analysis the abnormal marketing activity , and by the foundation of these to make the supervise regulate management research is the request of the government economy management practice , and is also an important contents to promote the society development with economy .

  14. 但随经历的增加,命令性主观规范对行为意向的预测能力越来越小,预测作用变得不显著(p<0.1)。

    With the increasing of experience , the predicting ability of the injunctive norms on intention is reducing .

  15. WTO协议主要是约束和规范政府行为的。

    The agreements of world trade organisation ( WTO ) restrict mainly the governmental conducts of the members of WTO .

  16. 对艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者采取保密入户-访谈交友-争取信任-告知结果-宣教关怀的管理方式实施管理,对规范其行为,控制艾滋病向周围人群传播有较好的效果。

    Secret visit-friendly talking-trust winning-results revealing-education and considerate caring is an effective management of the HIV affected to regulate their behavior and control transmission .

  17. 如果我们希望mba学员改变他们的思维及行为方式,就必须证明,更长远的规划、一套全新的价值观以及符合道德规范的行为,将有助于他们实现目标。

    If we want MBA students to change their thinking and behaviour , we have to make the case that longer-term thinking , a different set of values and ethical behaviour will help them to realise their goals .

  18. 规范政府行为,改革天然气工业的管理体制;

    Standardizing government activities and reforming the gas industry management system ;

  19. 规范行政行为与规范行政救济行为;

    To regulate administrative acts and to regulate administrative remedy acts ;

  20. 规范会计行为改善审计环境

    On the Regulation of Accounting Behaviors and the Betterment of Auditing Environment

  21. 新《会计法》的颁布实施为规范会计行为,净化经济环境,保证会计信息的真实性提供了有力的法律保证。

    New Accounting Law provides a law assurance for it .

  22. 你应该做的是约束和规范她的行为。

    What you can do something about is her behavior .

  23. 医院可持续发展应重视规范医学行为

    To attach importance to standardized medical behavior in hospital 's sustainable development

  24. 规范监理行为确保工程质量

    Standardizing the Supervision Action , Assuring the Engineering Quality

  25. 规范会计行为促进经济发展

    Standardizing the Financial Action for Promoting the Economic Development

  26. 加强体育法制建设,规范市场行为。

    Strengthening sports law construction to standardize market behaviors .

  27. 规范会计行为,提高了会计信息量。

    It normalized the action and improved the amount of information of accounting .

  28. 规范网络行为,重建网络伦理;

    Regulate Net behavior , rebuild Net ethics ;

  29. 规范医疗行为预防医疗纠纷

    To standardize medical behaviors to prevent medical disputes

  30. 我们需要用法律来规范市场行为。

    We need laws to regulate market behaviour .