
zhèng yì gǎn
  • sense of justice;sense of what is right;honour;sense of honour;sense of integrity
正义感[zhèng yì gǎn]
  1. 他们需要激发他的正义感。

    They needed to appeal to his sense of justice .

  2. 我的正义感被激了起来。

    My sense of justice was offended

  3. 他极富正义感和公平意识。

    He has a good overall sense of justice and fairness

  4. 每一个有正义感的美国人都会为他们感到自豪。

    Every right-thinking American would be proud of them .

  5. 他具有正义感,一向嫉恶如仇

    He is a very upright man , abhorring evil as a deadly foe .

  6. 这时,墨丘利出现了,用棍棒痛打了他一顿,而且还重复那人所说的话:“你这个恶棍,现在你的正义感又去哪里了呢?”

    Suddenly Mercury appeared , and belaboured him with his staff , saying as he did so , " You villain6 , where 's your nice sense of justice now ? "

  7. 但这恰恰是过去一周内发生的情形,中国人在各种动机(包括正义感、无助感,或只是想幽默一下)的驱使下,蜂拥访问白宫我们人民(WethePeople)网站。

    But that is exactly what has happened over the past week as Chinese people , motivated variously by a sense of justice , powerlessness or just plain humour , have flooded the White House We the People website .

  8. 但这恰恰是过去一周内发生的情形,中国人在各种动机(包括正义感、无助感,或只是想幽默一下)的驱使下,蜂拥访问白宫“我们人民”(WethePeople)网站。

    But that is exactly what has happened over the past week as Chinese people , motivated variously by a sense of justice , powerlessness or just plain humour , have flooded the White House " We the People " website .

  9. 一个有普遍的正义感支撑的社会是一种良序社会(well-orderedsociety),用洪堡的话来说,是社会联合的联合。

    A society getting the strong support of the general sense of justice , is a well-ordered society , in the words of Humboldt , it is a union of social unions .

  10. 他颇有正义感,憎恶不公正现象。

    He had a real sense of fairness and hated injustice .

  11. 这位政治家具有深切的正义感。

    This politician is equipped with a deep sense of justice .

  12. 这种行为是我的正义感所不能容忍的。

    Such an act is abhorrent to my sense of right .

  13. 乐观会增强你的信心和弹性,而仇根会使你失去宽容和正义感。

    Hatred will undermine your tolerance and keen sense of justice .

  14. 我可否冒昧地请你拿出点正义感来?

    May I venture to trespass upon your sense of justice ?

  15. 做事要有是非观念和正义感。

    Be guided by your sense of what is right and just .

  16. 司法审判好法官应有正义感。

    A good judge should have a sense of justice .

  17. 他深信他的同胞都有正义感。

    He has full confidence in the right-mindedness of his fellow men .

  18. 一个没有正义感的人是靠不住的。

    A man who is dead to the justice is not reliable .

  19. 他得到了国内大多数有正义感的人们的支持。

    He has the support of most right-thinking people in this country .

  20. 我们曾经向他们天生的正义感和雅量呼吁。

    We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity .

  21. 你不会就为一些放错地方的正义感而干掉我

    You won 't kill me out of some misplaced sense of righteouness

  22. 他具有深切的正义感。

    He is equipped with a deep sense of justice .

  23. 他们需要激发他的正义感。

    They needed to appeal to hid sense of justice .

  24. 具有正义感,敢管事、敢出头;

    With a justice , daring charge and free oneself ;

  25. 所有有正义感的人都会反对这些提议。

    All right-minded people will object to these proposals .

  26. 傅莹一开始提到英国人有强烈的正义感。

    Earlier Fu Ying had referred to Britain 's strong sense of justice .

  27. 棒球培养责任感、团队精神、正义感和自信。

    Baseball builds character through personal responsibility , teamwork , truthfulness and honor !

  28. 他是位有正义感的男人。

    We all should have the sense of justice .

  29. 如果大家都有正义感,社会将是美好的!

    If everyone has a sense of justice , society will be perfect .

  30. 我对社会正义感和社会责任感充满热情,可与此形成鲜明对照的是,

    My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility has always contrasted ,