
  1. 的确,WWW肯定是人类有史以来最大的公共文档库,它的非正规组织结构使其非常需要有好的搜索引擎。

    Indeed , the WWW is certainly the largest communal document store in human history , and its informal organization probably makes it the set of documents most in need of good search engine .

  2. 该模型提出适用于正规组织用户的协同反馈的概念,并应用到信息检索领域。

    In this paper , a new method to classify web users is stated and the concept of collaborative user feedback is discussed in detail .

  3. 石家庄市校园足球活动一半以上的布点学校没有组织过任何形式的校园足球比赛,因此也很少有学生参加过正规组织的各级别校园足球比赛。

    More than half of the plan distributed schools have not organized any form of campus football match . Therefore few of the students had participated standard organized campus football match . 6 .

  4. DB小组甚至比最不正规的组织还要松散,他们以非常粗糙的方式开发了自己的规范。

    The XML : DB group is even less formal than most , and has developed its specifications in very sketchy fashion .

  5. 积极规范和引导非正规金融组织服务农村金融市场。

    Positive standard and guide of non-formal finance organization services of rural financial market .

  6. 群体惩罚是非正规金融组织有效运作的关键。

    The collective punishment is the key in the effective operation of the organizations of the informal finance .

  7. 进一步的,在非正规金融组织的有效性的基础上,讨论了这种有效性背后的信息机制。我们认为,这是非正规金融组织最重要的一个特点。

    Bases on the effectiveness of the informal finance organization , we study the information mechanism of the informal finance .

  8. 但是,世界各地广泛存在的非正规金融组织,提供了一种有趣的机制,使低收入人群获得信贷支持,使他们的福利水平得到改善。

    However , the world wide informal financial sectors provide interesting mechanisms to provide the access of credit for low - income people and increase their welfare .

  9. 除银行等正规金融组织外,许多农村非正规金融组织对农村经济的调节也发挥着不可替代的作用。

    Except the banks and other formal financial institutions , many informal financial institutions in rural area have also played an irreplaceable role in rural economy adjustment .

  10. 尽管农村合作基金会作为一种非正规金融组织从形式上已经消失,但随着时间的推移,由此而引发的地方政府或有隐性负债及财政风险问题却愈加突出。

    Although the Rural Cooperative Fund Associations have disappeared as an abnormal kind of financial organizations , problems of contingent implicit liabilities and finance risks in China 's local governments have become more serious .

  11. 随着国有商业银行逐步上收农村地区的机构网点,农村信用社事实上已成为中国农村地区最庞大和最完备的正规金融组织体系。

    As the state-owned commercial bank has been proceeding the nets in the rural areas gradually , the rural credit cooperative has became the standard finance organization with the most complete and large-scaled system .

  12. 从农村金融组织体系角度,又可以把农村金融组织分为正规金融组织和非正规金融组织,由于不同性质的金融组织获取的信息来源渠道不同,从而其融资的效率是有差别的。

    On the other hand , from the rural financial system , different types of financial institutions , including the formal and informal finance , obtain information from different sources , thus affecting the efficiency of the financing .

  13. 为了说明农村金融市场长期失衡状态,本文在分析农村金融供给时,既考虑了正规金融组织的供给,也考虑了非正规金融组织的供给,得出了相对准确的需求缺口。

    In order to illustrate the long-term imbalance of the rural financial markets , this paper takes into account both the supply of the formal financial institutions and the supply of the informal ones when it analyzes the rural financial supply .

  14. 第二、在今后的农村金融制度创新过程中,中央政府直接介入时,应该更多地尊重农民、农村正规金融组织的需要和利益要求;

    Second , when the Central Government directly intervene in the course of innovation to the rural finance system from now on , the peasant , the needs and the interest requirement of rural regular finance organization should be more respected .

  15. 作为孩子们自发组织的“入门”活动,球场上既没有大人指导,也不设裁判。当然也有一些正规的组织,比如“少棒联盟”和校队,但这不是我要说的。

    These were " pick-up " games , spontaneously organized by kids , without adult supervision , referees , etc. There were also formal programs like Little League baseball and school-organized sports teams , but that 's not what I am talking about here .

  16. 由于农户和农村企业信贷难的问题一直存在,且农村的非正规金融组织和民间金融市场在农村金融市场中占有较大的比例,给农村金融市场监管带来了巨大的难题。

    There has been due to the difficult problem of farmers and rural enterprises credit and rural informal financial organizations and the private financial markets account for a large proportion of the rural financial market , brought great difficulties to the rural financial market supervision .

  17. 本文结论如下:1.南京市业余足球联赛虽然开展较早,足球爱好者数量也众多,但是由于缺乏正规的组织管理,业余足球发展遇到瓶颈,联赛运作仍然处于探究阶段。

    Although Nanjing Amateur Football League carried out earlier , the number of football fans are numerous , but due to the lack of formal organization and management , amateur football development bottleneck , the league is still in the exploration stage of the operation . 2 .

  18. 我国农村金融组织体系包括正规性金融组织与非正规性金融组织两大类。

    The rural finance organization system of our country includes regularized financial organization and non-regularized organization .

  19. 从现行的法律法规来看,非正规的金融组织未经政府批准或未被纳入金融监管进行规制,因此被贬称为“地下金融”或“草根金融”而蒙上了非法的阴影。

    From the present law we can see that the non-regular financial organization is not granted by the government and is not controlled by the financial supervision .

  20. 即使在一个地方政府框架之内,涉及到公共事务的管理,除了正规的政府组织之外,还存在着众多的、形式多样的非政府组织参与其中。

    Even in the framework of single local government , involving the management of public affairs , there are many non-governmental organizations in addition to the formal governmental organizations .

  21. 发展和规范农村劳动力转移中介和迁移网络,正规的中介组织有利于提高农村劳动力转移成功的概率。

    We must develop and standardize the transfer of rural labor intermediation and migration networks , formal intermediary organizations help to improve the probability of successful transfer of rural labor .

  22. 非政府组织(Non-GovernmentalOrganization)是一种非赢利性、非政府、自愿自治的正规化民间公益组织,在现代社会具有广阔发展前景。

    NGO , a non-profit , non-governmental , self-governed , unofficial organization for public interests , has a bright prospect in the modern society .

  23. 但是,如缺乏正规金融工具来组织和有重点地使用此类投资,他们的努力仍将是微不足道,只能对发展产生间接影响。

    But without formal financial instruments to organize and focus that investment , it will remain a piecemeal endeavor that can only affect development indirectly .

  24. 一方面具有正规金融机构的组织性和规范性;一方面又具有非正规金融的信息对称性、灵活性和交易成本低等优势。

    On the one hand have formal financial institutions organized and normative ; On the other hand , which has advantage of information symmetry , flexibility and low transaction cost informal finance .

  25. 从对目前世界各地非正规学前教育的组织形式、教育对象、课程实施、家长参与等方面的分析中可以得到启示,从而进一步促进我国这项事业的发展。

    Inspirations can be drawn from the non-regular education forms around the world , education objects , the curriculum implements and parents ' participation to further promote the development of the cause .

  26. 之后文章介绍了我国农村非正规金融的主要组织形式:民间借贷、社会集资、合会、银背和私人钱庄,以及典当行业。

    In the following , the paper introduces the major organizational forms of informal finance , private lending , community funds , RCAs , silver back , and private banks , and the pawn industry .

  27. 普惠制农村金融组织,既包括正规农村金融机构,也包括非正规农村金融组织。

    Inclusive rural financial organization , including formal rural financial institutions and non-formal rural financial organizations .

  28. 民间借贷行为是正规金融借贷行为所不能替代的,其形成与繁荣是正规金融组织弱化农村信贷服务功能的一种结果。

    The appearance and prosperity of nongovernmental borrowings and lendings are the results of official financial institutes having paid little attention to credit service to peasants .

  29. 而在正规金融市场蓬勃发展的同时,非正规金融市场也迅速的活跃起来,表现为非正规金融组织的广泛存在、非正规金融市场的规模巨大。

    Meanwhile , with the vigorous development of formal financial market , the informal one has fast become active , reflected as the wide existence of informal financial organizations , and the large loan scale of informal finance .