- tangent;tan

[tangent] 当某角的顶点与平面直角坐标系的原点重合,而该角的始边又与X轴的正向重合时,角终边上任意点的纵坐标除以该点的非零横坐标所得的商
The dough with GOD increased the storage modulus and reduced the loss modulus and the loss tangent .
With doping Fe , the permittivity and its loss tangent clearly decrease , but the permeability and its loss tangent increase evidently .
Hardware Implementation for Algorithm of Constant Modulus Based on Error Function of Hyperbolic Tangent
Image Compression of BP Neural Network with Hyperbolic Tangent Non-linear Function and Adding Mean Quantization Algorithm
Angle . Dielectric 's effects for the PCB 'S characteristic impedance
The microwave permittivity of the mixture of the SiC ( N ) nano powder with paraffin wax was measured .
The dielectric properties of the sample so obtained were investigated with a DP - I dielectric spectra detector .
This paper analyzes the characteristics and the control capability of the PID controller based on generalized fuzzy hyperbolic model ( GFHM-PID ) deeply .
A Nonlinear PI Speed Controller Based on Hyperbolic Function and Its Application in the Vector Control of an Induction Motor
On the Measurement of Tangent of Dielectric Loss Angle in XLPE Cables
Characteristic on the tangent of dielectric loss angle for coal has been researched by using fractal geometry theory .
Method : Based on dynamic error correction BP artificial neural network with Hyperbolic Tangent function as activation function and the number of hidden node six .
Power series expression of tangent and some identities of Bernoulli ′ s Numbers
By means of this system , dielectric parameters n and tg δ of medium and low loss dielectric sample can be measured rapidly , accurately and automatically .
Dielectric loss tangent and magnetic loss tangent of the nickel ferrite / polyaniline composites are higher than those of the polyaniline .
The error of Richardson ' extrapolation method is less than that of secant method ;
This paper proposes a new kind of solitary wave solution to Fisher Equation through a function ′ s tangent function variation .
The results show that the mechanical properties of composites are affected by wood flour loading , coupling agent and rotation speed of the double screws of extruder .
An image compression and transmission system of BP neural network with hyperbolic tangent non-linear function and adding mean quantization algorithm is presented to improve the information processing ability of neural network .
Accordingly , test technology on the characterization of their dielectric property parameters such as dielectric constant , dissipation factor has also been paid increasing attention .
The testing of medium wear-angle tangent tg δ is an important measure to monitor insulation of electrical machines , and also benefits the safe operation of electrical equipments .
At last , by utilizing the property of hyperbolic tangent saturation function and MRP , the attitude regulation and tracking control algorithms are designed .
Furthermore , BP neural network technology was used to identify freshness of peaches when relative dielectric constant and loss tangent were selected as input characteristic parameters . Results showed the average distinguishing rate was 82 % .
Then , we define a class of tangent cone F convexity in terms of the tangent cone directional derivative , and prove the sufficient optimality conditions for ( VP ) .
By using improved variational method , the internal energy per plaquette and the specific heat curves of the Tangent action in SU ( 2 ) lattice gauge theory arc worked out .
The dual tan δ loss peaks in dynamic mechanical thermal analysis ( DMTA ) curves also confirmed the existence of the dual amorphous regions .
According to the frequency and the quality factor of the cylindrical cavity unloaded and loaded , the system can calculate the permittivity ε′ _r and the loss angle tangent tan δ of the materials being tested .
Frequency Domain Validation of Structured Uncertain Models - A Structured Tangential Nevanlinna-Pick Interpolation Approach
The measurement principle for the capacitance and loss angle tangent of dielectric ( Tan δ) of power capacitor used by a high-voltage SCHERING bridge and a high-voltage standard capacitor are introduced in detail .
In the range of low temperature ( - 10 ~ 40 ℃), the values of tan δ obviously decrease and the peaks of β relaxation become more clear with increase of aging time .